9.5 Green volunteering, production and consumption
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Green volunteering
There is no top-level public programme or action aimed specifically at helping young people to engage in green volunteering activities.
The following civil society/youth organizations sork specifically at helping young people to engage in green volunteering activities:
Natur og Ungdom (NU) [Nature and Youth – Young Friends of the Earth Norway] Nature and Youth is the largest environmentalist youth organisation in Norway, working actively for protection of the environment. The organization has 7 600 members distributed through 80 local groups. Members need to be under the age of 25.
Greenpeace Norway Greenpeace Norway has a large young membership base, and works in particular towards the closure of the Norwegian oil production, to protect the particularly vulnerable environment in the Arctic, and to stop Arctic pollution and waste dispersion. A major membership group of Greenpeace Norway is under the age of 30.
Framtiden i våre hender [The Future in Our Hands] The organization is committed to the global environment and fair distribution of wealth. The organization has about 24.500 members in Norway, of which a substantial part are youth. The organization focuses on information on fair and sustainable consumption, ways of fair wealth distribution, and sound business ethics.
Green production and consumption
There is no recurring top-level public programme aimed at helping young people orientate themselves towards green consumption or production patterns.