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Last update: 28 November 2023
On this page
  1. Legislation and official policy documents
  2. Data and statistics
  3. Studies, reports and academic publications
  4. Official websites

Legislation and official policy documents

Act No. 25 of 20 June 2014 relating to Holidays (The Annual Holidays Act) [Ferieloven]The purpose of the act is to ensure that employees have annual holidays and holiday pay.

Act No. 61 of 21 June 2013 relating to a prohibition against discrimination on the basis of disability (Anti-Discrimination and Accessbility Act) [Lov om forbud mot diskriminering på grunn av nedsatt funksjonsevne (diskriminerings- og tilgjengelighetsloven)].

Act No. 60 of 21 June 2013 relating to a prohibition against discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, religion and belief (Ethnicity Anti-Discrimination Act) [Lov om forbud mot diskriminering på grunn av etnisitet, religion og livssyn (diskrimineringsloven om etnisitet)].

Act No. 59 of 21 June 2013 relating to Gender Equality (the Gender Equality Act)[Lov om likestilling mellom kjønnene (likestillingsloven)].

Act No. 58 of 21 June 2013 relating to a prohibition against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender Identity and gender expression (Sexual Orientation Anti-Discrimination Act) [Lov om forbud mot diskriminering på grunn av seksuell orientering, kjønnsidentitet og kjønnsuttrykk (diskrimineringsloven om seksuell orientering)].

Act No. 09 of 27 January 2012: Act relating to labour disputes (The Labour Disputes Act) – unofficial translation [Arbeidstvistloven].

Act No. 09 of 26 March 2010 relating to guardianship for persons who are legally incapable (The Guardianship Act) [Lov om vergemål for umyndige (Vergemålsloven)]

Act No. 35 of 15 May 2008 on the entry of foreign nationals into the Kingdom of Norway and their stay in the realm [Immigration Act] Lov om utlendingers adgang til riket og deres opphold her [Utlendingsloven].

Act No. 88 of 29. June 2007 About the registry for voluntary activity [Lov 29. juni 2007 nr. 88 om register for frivillig virksomhet (frivillighetsregisterloven)]

Act No. 20 of 16 June 2006 regarding the Labour and Welfare Administration (The Labour and Welfare Administration Act/ The NAV Act) [Lov om arbeids- og velferdsforvaltningen/NAV-loven].

Act No. 131 of 21 December 2005 No. 131 the General civil penal code [Almindelig borgerlig Straffelov (Straffeloven)]

Act No. 90 of 17 June 2005. The General Disputes Act [Lov om mekling og rettergang i sivile tvister (tvisteloven)]

Act No. 62 of 17 June 2005 relating to working environment, working hours and employment protection, etc. (the Working Environment Act) as subsequently amended last by Act of 14. December 2012 no. 80 [Lov om arbeidsmiljø, arbeidstid og stillingsvern mv. (arbeidsmiljøloven)]

Act No. 37 of 3 June 2005. Act on Educational Support. [Lov om Utdanningsstøtte (utdanningsstøtteloven) LOV-2005-06-03-37]. 

Act No. 15 of 1 April 2005. Act relating to universities and university colleges. [Lov om universiteter og høyskoler (universitets- og høyskoleloven)].

Act No. 76 of 10 October 2004 regarding labour market services (The Labour Market Act) [Arbeidsmarkedsloven].

Act No. 84 of 04 July 2003. The Independent Schools Act [Lov om frittståande skolar (friskolelova)].

Act of No. 57 28 June 2002 relating to parliamentary and local government elections [Representation of the People Act - The Election Act]. [Lov om valg til Stortinget, fylkesting og kommunestyrer (valgloven)].

Act No. 30 of 21 May 1999 relating to the strengthening of the status of Human Rights in Norwegian law (the Human Rights Act) [Lov om styrking av menneskerettighetenes stilling i norsk rett (menneskerettsloven)]

Act No. 14 of 26. March 1999 the Taxation Act [Lov om skatt av formue og inntekt (skatteloven)]

Act No. 61 of 17 July 1998 relating to Primary and Secondary Education and Training (the Education Act) [Lov om grunnskolen og den vidaregåande opplæringa (opplæringslova)]

Act No.19 of 28 February 1997 regarding social security (The National Insurance Act) [Folketrygdloven].

Act No. 107 of 25 September 1992: Act relating to municipalities and county authorities (the Local Government Act) [Lov om kommuner og fylkeskommuner (kommuneloven)].

Act No. 100 of 17 July 1992 relating to Child Welfare Services (The Child Welfare Act) [Lov om barneverntjenester (barnevernloven)]

Act No. 81 of 13 December 1991 relating to social services (The Social Welfare Act) Unofficial translation. [Sosialtjenesteloven].

Act No. 56 of 12 June 1987 No. 56 concerning the Sameting (the Sami parliament) and other Sami legal matters (the Sami Act) LOV 1987-06-12 nr 56: Lov om Sametinget og andre samiske rettsforhold (sameloven)

Act No. 35 of 20 June 1986 on the master craftsman certificate and other business activity [The Master Craftsman Certificate Act] Lov om mesterbrev i håndverk og annen næring [mesterbrevloven].

Act No. 3 of 4 March 1983 Relating to Civil Servants, etc. (The Civil Service Act) [Tjenestemannsloven]. (Note; Translation prior to August 1995).

Act of 22 May 1981. The Criminal procedure Act [Lov om rettergangsmåten i straffesaker (Straffeprosessloven)]

Act No. 7 of 8 April 1981 relating to Children and Parents The Children Act [Lov om barn og foreldre (barnelova)]

Act of 10 February 1967 relating to procedure in cases concerning the public administration [Public Administration Act] [Lov om behandlingsmåten i forvaltningssaker (forvaltningsloven)]

Act of 17 May 1814. The Norwegian Constitution [ LOV-1814-05-17 Kongeriket Norges Grunnlov]

European Commission (2004) The EU Council resolution on strengthening policies, systems and practices of guidance throughout life in Europe (2004) European Commission Press  Release Database.

The Norwegian Civil Affairs Authority (2010). Ny vergemålslov og ny organisering av vergemålsarbeidet. [Regarding the new Guardianship Act, and Guardianship Administration]  Oslo: Norwegian Civil Affairs Authority.

The Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage (2017).  Strategy 2017 – 2021. Last accessed 11.08.2017 17.03.

The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training (Udir) (2017) Curriculum for physical education. Last accessed 26.03.2017.

The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training (2017). Framework for Basic Skills (in English). Last accessed 11.06.2017 10.35.

The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training (2017). The Norwegian Core Curriculum (in English). Last accessed 11.08.2017.

The Norwegian Directorate of Education and Training (2016). The (LK06) National Curriculum for Knowledge Promotion in Primary and Secondary Education and Training. Oslo: Norwegian Directorate of Education and Training.

The Norwegian Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training (2016) Vocational Education and Training in Norway.

The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training (2015) Indicator Report, 2015 [in Norwegian].

The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training (Udir) (2006). The Quality Framework – National Curriculum for Knowledge Promotion in Primary and Secondary Education and Training. Last accessed 12.07.2017 15:32.

The Norwegian Directorate of Health (2014). Handlingsplan for forebygging av selvmord og selvskading 2014-2017. [Action plan in prevention of suicide and self harm 2014-2017] Oslo: Norwegian Directorate of Health.

The Norwegian Directorate of Health (2007). Oppskrift for et sunnere kosthold - Handlingsplan for bedre kosthold i befolkningen (2007–2011). [Action plan for a better diet (2007-2011)] Oslo: Norwegian Directorate of Health.

The Norwegian Institute for Public Health (2014) Overweight and obesity in Norway – Public Health Report 2014. Oslo: The Norwegian Institute for Public Health.

The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (“Arbeidstilsynet”) (2007) Guide, order No. 347-ENG the Working Environment Act and the Holidays Act (pdf) (“Arbeidsmiljøloven Ferieloven”)

The Norwegian Ministry of Children and Equality (2016). Handlingsplan LHBTI: Trygghet, mangfold, åpenhet. Regjeringens handlingsplan mot diskriminering på grunn av seksuell orientering, kjønnsidentitet og kjønnsuttrykk 2017–2020.  [LGBTI: Safety, diversity, openness. The Government’s action plan against discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression 2017-2020] Oslo: Ministry of Children and Equality.

The Norwegian Ministry of Children and Equality (2015). Satsing på barn og ungdom. Regjeringens mål og innsatsområder i statsbudsjettet 2015. [Focus on Children and Youths. The Government’s goals and initiatives in the state budget of 2015.] Oslo: Ministry of Children and Equality.

The Norwegian Ministry of Children and Equality (2015). Trygghet, deltakelse og engasjement – regjeringens arbeid for barn og unge  [Safety, participation, and involvement – the Government’s focus on children and youths] Oslo: Ministry of Children and Equality.

The Norwegian Ministry of Children and Equality (2015). Barn som lever i fattigdom. Regjeringens strategi mot barnefattigdom 2015 - 2017. [The government’s strategy against child poverty 2015-2017.] Oslo: Ministry of Children and Equality.

The Norwegian Ministry of Children and Equality (2014). Barndommen kommer ikke i reprise- Strategi for å bekjempe vold og seksuelle overgrep mot barn og ungdom (2014–2017). [Childhood comes but once. National strategy to combat violence and sexual abuse against children and youth (2014–2017)] Oslo: Ministry of Children and Equality.

The Norwegian Ministry of Children and Equality (2014). En god barndom varer livet ut. Tiltaksplan for å bekjempe vold og seksuelle overgrep mot barn og ungdom. (2014–2017) [Action plan to combat violence and sexual abuse of children and youth (2014-2017)] Oslo: Ministry of Children and Equality.

The Norwegian Ministry of Children and Family Affairs (2013). Handlingsplan mot tvangsekteskap, kjønnslemlestelse og alvorlige begrensninger av unges frihet (2013-2016). [Action plan against forced marriage, female genital mutilation and severe restrictions on young people`s freedom (2013-2016)] Oslo: Ministry of Children and Family Affairs.

The Norwegian Ministry of Children and Family Affairs (2012). Meld. St. 6 (2012-2013) En helhetlig integreringspolitikk. [Report to Storting No. 6 (2012-2013) A Comprehensive Integration Strategy] Oslo: Ministry of Children and Family Affairs.

The Norwegian Ministry of Children and Family Affairs (2011). Rundskriv om tiltak etter barnevernloven for ungdom over 18 år [Circular note on measures pursuant to the Child Welfare Act for young persons over 18] Oslo: Ministry of Children and Inclusion.

The Norwegian Ministry of Children and Family Affairs (2011).  NOU 2011: 20 Ungdom, makt og medvirkning. [Official Norwegian Report 2011:20 Youth – Power and Participation] Oslo:  Ministry of Children and Family Affairs.

The Norwegian Ministry of Children and Equality (2011). Statusrapport 2011. Regjeringens handlingsplan. Bedre livskvalitet for lesbiske, homofile, bifile og transpersoner. [Status report 2011. The Government’s action plan on improving the quality of life among lesbians, gays, bisexuals and trans persons.] Oslo: Ministry of Children and Equality.

The Norwegian Ministry of Children and Equality (2009).  Handlingsplan: Bedre livskvalitet for lesbiske, homofile, bifile og transpersoner 2009 – 2012. [Action plan: Improving quality of life among lesbians, gays, bisexuals and trans persons 2009 – 2012.] Oslo: Ministry of Children and Equality.

The Norwegian Ministry of Children and Equality (2009). Handlingsplan for å fremme likestilling og hindre etnisk diskriminering.  [Action plan to promote equality and prevent ethnic discrimination]. Oslo: Ministry of Children and Equality.

The Norwegian Ministry of Children and Equality (2009). Norge universelt utformet 2025. Regjeringens handlingsplan for universell utforming og økt tilgjengelighet 2009-2013. [Universal design 2025. The Government’s action plan for universal design and increased access 2009-2013.] Oslo: Ministry of Children and Equality.

The Norwegian Ministry of Children and Equality, 2006. Official Norwegian Report 2006: 13 Meaningful leisure time – government policy and support of child and youth voluntary organizations [NOU 2006: 13. Fritid med mening — Statlig støttepolitikk for frivillige barne- og ungdomsorganisasjoner].

The Norwegian Ministry of Children and Family Affairs, 2003. National Report on Youth Policy in Norway.  Oslo: Ministry of Children and Family Affairs.

The Norwegian Ministry of Children and Equality, and Sámediggi [the Norwegian Sami Parliament] (2003). Samisk oppvekst – Om tilbudet til samiske barn og ungdom (2003). [Sami childhood and adolescence – services and facilities (2003)] Oslo/Kautokeino: Ministry of Children and Equality, and Sámediggi [the Norwegian Sami Parliament].

The Norwegian Ministry of Children and Family Affairs (2002). St.meld. nr. 40 (2001-2002) Om barne- og ungdomsvernet.  [Report No. 40 to the Storting (2001–2002). Child and Youth Protection] Oslo: Ministry of Children and Family Affairs.

The Norwegian Ministry of Children and Family Affairs (2002). St.meld. nr. 39 (2001-2002) Oppvekst- og levekår for barn og ungdom i Norge.  [Report No. 39 to the Storting (2001–2002). Living conditions for children and young people in Norway] Oslo: Ministry of Children and Family Affairs.

The Norwegian Ministry of Children and Family Affairs, 2000. NOU 2000:12 Barnevernet i Norge— Tilstandsvurderinger, nye perspektiver og forslag til reformer [The Norwegian Child Welfare Services – status quo, new perspectives, and suggestions to reforms] Oslo: Ministry of Children and Family Affairs.

The Norwegian Ministry of Children and Family Affairs (1999). St. meld. nr. 17, Handlingsplan mot barne- og ungdomskriminalitet (1999-2000) [Report on Child and Youth Crime Prevention (1999-2000)].

The Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment, 2016. Report No. 18 (2015-2016) Outdoor Recreation – Nature as a source of health and vitality. [Meld. St. 18(2015-2016) Friluftsliv – Natur som kilde til helse og livskvalitet]. In Norwegian only. Last accessed 25.03.2017.

The Norwegian Ministry of Culture, 2017. Næringspolitisk råd for kulturell og kreativ næring (2015-2017) Innspill. [The Industrial-political council on creative and cultural business in Norway]. Last accessed 23.08.2017.

The Norwegian Ministry of Culture and Church (2007). Report No. 39 to Storting (2006-2007) Volunteerism for all. [St.meld. nr. 39 (2006-2007) Frivillighet for alle].

The Norwegian Ministry of Culture and Church (2006). Official Norwegian Report 2006: 15 the Volunteer Registry [NOU 2006: 15 Frivillighetsregister].

The Norwegian Ministry of Culture (1998). Report No. 44 to Storting (1997-98) Addendum to report on the Government’s relationship to the voluntary organizations [St.meld. nr. 44 (1997-98) Tilleggsmelding om statens forhold til frivillige organisasjoner].

The Norwegian Ministry of Culture (1997). Report No. 27 to Storting (1996-97) About the Government’s relationship to the voluntary organizations [St.meld. nr. 27 (1996-97) Om statens forhold til frivillige organisasjoner].

The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research (2016) Report on Sources of knowledge of skills demand on the labour market [report in Norwegian – abstract in English]: Utdanning og arbeidsmarked – Del II – Kilder til kunnskap (Kunnskapsdepartementet, 2016).

The Norwegian Ministry for Education and Research, 2016. White paper (Meld. St.) No. 28 (2015-16) – A renewal of the knowledge promotion reform (in Norwegian). Last accessed 31.07.2017.

The Norwegian Ministry for Education and Research, 2016. White paper (Meld. St.) No. 16 (2015-16) – From exclusion to new opportunities – coordinated efforts for adult education (in Norwegian). Last accessed 31.07.2017.

The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, 2015. NOU 2015: 2.  Å høre til — Virkemidler for et trygt psykososialt skolemiljø. [Official Norwegian Report 2015:2. To belong – Efforts towards a safe psychosocial school environment] Oslo: Ministry of Education and Research.

The Norwegian Ministry for Education and Research, 2015. Official Norwegian Report (NOU) 2015: 8. The School of the Future — Renewal of subjects and competences. Last accessed 31.07.2017. Available in English:

The Norwegian Ministry for Education and Research, 2014. Official Norwegian report (NOU) 2014:7 Pupil’s learning in the school of the future (in Norwegian – English summary available) Last accessed 31.07.2017.

The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, and Ministry of Children and Equality, 2013. Ny GIV – Oppfølgningsprosjektet - samarbeid om oppfølging av ungdom. [Cooperation strategy plan on assistance services to youth.] Oslo: Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, and Ministry of Children and Equality.

The Norwegian Ministry for Education and Research, 2012. Framework for Basic Skills. To use for subject curricula groups appointed by the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training. Last accessed 31.07.2017.

The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, 2011. Meld. St. 18 (2010–2011). Læring og fellesskap. [Report No. 18 to Storting (2010-2011). Learning and community/fellowship] Oslo: Ministry of Education and Research.

The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, 2010. NOU 2010: 7  Mangfold og mestring — Flerspråklige barn, unge og voksne i opplæringssystemet. [National Report No. 7 (2010) Mastering plurality – Multi-lingual children, youth and adults in the educational system] Oslo: Ministry of Education and Research.

The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, and the Ministry of Labour and Welfare Services (2010) Ungdom mellom 16-19 år - utenfor opplæring og arbeid. Intern KD/AD rapport [an internal report in Norwegian, on the mandate of the Norwegian Youth Guarantee].

The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, 2009. NOU 2009: 18. Rett til læring. [Official Report No. 19 (2009): The right to learn] Oslo: Ministry of Education and Research.

The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, and the Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation, and the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Fishery (2009) Entrepreneurship in Education and Training – from compulsory school to higher education 2009-2014.

The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, 2006. The Knowledge Promotion Reform [Kunnskapsløftet]. Last accessed 12.07.2017 15:27.

The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, and the Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation, and the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Fishery (2004) See the Opportunities and Make them Work! – strategy for entrepreneurship in education and training 2004-2008.

The Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services, 2017. National action plan for a better diet (2017-2021). [Nasjonal handlingsplan for bedre kosthold (2017-2021) – Sunt kosthold, måltidsglede og god helse for alle!]. In Norwegian only. Last accessed 03.04.2017.

The Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services, 2017. “Talk about it!  Sexual Health Strategy (2017 – 2020)”  [Snakk om det! Strategi for seksuell helse (2017 – 2020)] In Norwegian only. Last accessed 28.03.2017.

The Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services, 2016. #Youth health – the Norwegian Government’s strategy for youth health 2016 – 2021. [Avaliable in Norwegian only] Last accessed 21.06.2017 15:32.

The Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services, 2016. Proposition to the Storting [parliament] 2015-2016. Plan to strengthen efforts in drug prevention and rehabilitation (2016-2020). [Prop. 15 S (2015-2016) Opptrappingsplanen for rusfeltet (2016–2020)]. In Norwegian only. Last accessed 09.04.2017.

The Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services, 2015. Prop. 15 S (2015-2016) Opptrappingsplanen for rusfeltet (2016–2020) [Proposition to the Storting [parliament] 2015-2016. Plan to strengthen efforts in drug prevention and rehabilitation (2016-2020)]. Oslo: Ministry of Health and Care Services.

The Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services, 2013. En Fremtid uten tobakk. Nasjonal strategi for arbeid mot tobakkskader 2013-2016. [National strategy plan against tobacco 2013-2016] Oslo: Ministry of Health and Care Services.

The Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services, 2013. Likeverdige helse- og omsorgstjenester - god helse for alle. Nasjonal strategi om innvandreres helse 2013-2017. [National strategy plan on immigrant health 2013-2017.] Oslo: Ministry of Health and Care Services.

The Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services, 2007. Barns framtid - Nasjonal strategi for barn og unges miljø og helse 2007-2016. [The Future of the Children - National Strategy for Health and Environment for Children and Youths 2007-2016] Oslo: Ministry of Health and Care Services.

The Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security (2016) Report to Storting No. 30 (2015-2016) From reception centre to the labour market – an effective integration policy [Meld. St. 30 (2015-2016) Fra mottak til arbeidsliv – en effektiv integreringspolitikk].

The Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security, 2014. Handlingsplan: Et liv uten vold. Handlingsplan mot vold i nære relasjoner 2014–2017. [Action plan: A life without violence – action plan against domestic violence 2014-2017] Oslo: Ministry of Justice and Public Security.

The Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security, 2014. Handlingsplanen for å forebygge radikalisering og voldelig ekstremisme (2014).  [Action plan in the prevention of radicalization and violent extremism (2014)] Oslo: Ministry of Justice and Public Security.

The Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security, 2013. Handlingsplan for forebygging av kriminalitet (2013-2016)  [Action Plan for Crime Prevention (2013-2016)] Oslo: Ministry of Justice and Public Security.

The Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security, 1999. NOU 1999: 27. «Ytringsfrihed bør finde Sted» — Forslag til ny Grunnlov § 100. [Official Norwegian Report 1999:27 Proposal to new Constitution] Oslo:  Ministry of Justice and Public Security.

The Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security, 1993. NOU 1993:18 Lovgivning om menneskerettigheter. [Official Norwegian Report 1993:18 Legislation on the Human Rights] Oslo:  Ministry of Justice and Public Security.

The Norwegian Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (2016) Report 2016 7: on career guidance. [NOU 2016:7: Norge i omstilling – karriereveiledning for individ og samfunn].

The Norwegian Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (2016) Report to Storting No. 33 (2015-2016) NAV in a new time – on work and activity [Meld. St. 33 (2015-2016) NAV i en ny tid – for arbeid og aktivitet].

The Norwegian Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (2015) Expert committee report on NAV and suggestions to improvement [Et NAV med muligheter – bedre brukermøter, større handlingsrom og tettere på arbeidsmarkedet].

The Norwegian Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (2010). New IA agreement and stimulus package to reduce sick leave: Letter of Intent regarding a more inclusive working life - 1 March 2010 – 31 December 2013 (IA agreement).

The Norwegian Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, 2009. Handlingsplan for samiske språk (2009). [Action Plan for the Sami Language (2009)] Oslo: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

The Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation (2006). Basic Agreement for the Civil Service ("Hovedavtalen i staten") (valid 2006-2008). A newer agreements have not been translated into English.

The Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee and Confederation of Sports NIF), 2015. Sport Policy Document by The Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee and Confederation of Sports (NIF).  [In Norwegian Only] Last accessed 25.03.2017.

Proposition No. 55 to the Odelsting (2006-2007) Act on the registry for volunteer activity [Ot.prp. nr. 55 (2006-2007) Om lov om register for frivillig virksomhet]

Stortinget [The Norwegian Parliament] (2004). Report No. 268 Culture for Learning (2003-04) from the standing committee on education, research and church affairs (in Norwegian) Last accessed 31.07.2017.

Stortinget [The Norwegian Parliament] (1996) Working Committee on Family and Cultural Affairs. Inst. S. nr. 6 (1996–97) Om barnevernet [Proposal to the Storting on the Child Welfare Services (1996-1997)]  Oslo: Stortinget’s Working Committee on Family and Cultural Affairs.

Storting Presidency, 2011. Dokument 16 (2011–2012) Rapport til Stortingets presidentskap fra Menneskerettighetsutvalget om menneskerettigheter i Grunnloven. [Report to the Storting Presidency from the Norwegian Human Right’s Commission on the Human Rights in the Norwegian Constitution] Oslo: the Storting Presidency.

The VAT (Value-added tax) deduction reform of 1. July 2001 [momsreformen]


Data and statistics

Aardal, Bernt. (2009) Statistics and tables on first time voters 1965-2009.

The Association of NGOs in Norway (Frivillighet Norge) About the Association of NGOs in Norway - the voluntary sector in Norway. Last accessed 10.10.2017 15:10.

Bakken, A., 2016. Ungdata 2016. Nasjonale resultater [Young data 2016. National Results]. Oslo: Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences/NOVA. Last accessed 07.03.2022.

Bjørnstad, R.; Gjelsvik, M.L; Godøy, A.; Holm, I.;  and Stølen, N.M.   (2010) Report 39/2010. Demand and supply of labor by education towards 2030. Linking demographic and macroeconomic models for Norway.  Oslo: Statistics Norway.

Cappelen, Å;  Gjefsen, H;  Gjelsvik, M; Holm, I;  and Stølen, N.M.  (2013) Report 48/2013. Forecasting demand and supply of labour by education.  Oslo: Statistics Norway.

Economic Greenfield (2016) Light Crude Oil – Spot Price (OED) CME - Crude Oil prices since year 2000.

Eurostat. (2017) Early leavers from education and training. Last accessed 06.07.2017 13:40.

Eurostat (2016) Employment and unemployment (Labour Force Survey).

Fordelingsutvalget - Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth, and Family Affairs, 2016. [in Norwegian]

The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education (SIU) (2017) [Senter for internasjonalisering av utdanning (SIU)] Statistics on student mobility/ internationalization of research and education. [In Norwegian only] Last accessed 31.07.2017 11.08.

The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education (SIU) (2017)  [Senter for internasjonalisering av utdanning (SIU)] Utenlandske studenter i Norge [Foreign citizens in institutions of higher education in Norway] Last accessed 26.07.2017. 15:32.

The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs (2017). Statistics 1st Quarter 2017. [In Norwegian Only] Last Accessed 21.05.2017.

The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth, and Family Affairs (2016) On the Annual Budget of the National Youth Agency - Bufdir. Oslo: Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth, and Family Affairs.

The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training (Udir) Statistikkportalen. [Landing page for statistics] Last accessed 06.07.2017 13:34.

             The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training [Utdanningsdirektoratet(Udir)] 2016: Satser  lærlinger og lærekandidater for 2016 [Grant scheme bulks for appreticeships candidates 2016] Last accesed 12.10.2017.

The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) (2016) Hovedtall om arbeidsmarkedet [Unemployment statistics – only available in Norwegian].

Norwegian Social Research (NOVA) , 2015. Ungdata 2014: NOVA Report 7/15 [in Norwegian]. Oslo: Norwegian Social Research, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences.

Statistics Norway (2017). Gjennomføring av videregående opplæringa, 2010-2015. [completion of upper secondary school 2010-2015]. Last accessed 06.07.2017 13:41.

Statistics Norway (2017) Municipal elections statistics. Last accessed 06.07.2017 13:41.

Statistics Norway (2017) Turnout parliamentary elections 2009 and 2013. Last accessed 06.07.2017 13:41.

Statistics Norway, 2017. The Norwegian Cultural Barometer. [Statistikkbanken – Norsk Kulturbarometer]. Last accessed 08.08.2017 11.20.

Statistics Norway (2016). KOSTRA (Kommune-stat-rapportering) Statistisk Sentralbyrå [In Norwegian] Oslo: Statistics Norway.

Statistics Norway (2016): and Figure 5.3 timeline on election turnout 1916 – 2015:

Statistics Norway (2016) Labour force survey, seasonally-adjusted figures.

Statistics Norway (2011): Sju av ti fullfører videregående opplæring. [in Norwegian]. Oslo: Statistics Norway.

Stortinget (2013) [the Norwegian Parliment’s official website] On the average mean age of MPs.


Studies, reports and academic publications

Arts Council Norway (2016). Kulturrådet vil forske på barns forhold til kunst og kultur, 2016 [Arts council Norway orders research on children’s relationship to culture and the arts.] Last accessed 23.08.2017 14:32.

Bachmann, Kari & Haug, Peder (2006). Forskning om tilpasset opplæring. Forskingsrapport nr. 62. [Research report No. 62. On individually adapted education]Høgskulen i Volda Volda: Møreforsking

Backe-Hansen, Elisabeth, Løvgren, Mette, Aamodt, Hilde Anette, and Winswold, Aina Irene (2014). Til god hjelp for mange - Evaluering av Losprosjektet [Evaluation report on the pilot guide initiative]. Oslo: Norwegian Social Research (NOVA).

Bakken, A. (2016). Ungdata (2016). Nasjonale resultater. [Youth data 2016. National Results] NOVA Rapport 8/16. Oslo: Norwegian Social Research. ISBN: 978-82-7894-592-6 (hard copy), 978-82-7894-593-3 (online); ISSN: 0808-5013 (hard copy), 1893-9503 (online).

Bakken, A., Frøyland L.R., & Sletten M.A. (2016) Sosiale forskjeller i unges liv. Hva sier Ungdata-undersøkelsene? (Youth social differences – results from the Youth data surveys) NOVA rapport 3/16. Last accessed 08.08.2017 11.20. [In Norwegian only]

Becken, L. E., S. Klingenberg, S. Berg, H. Jordel. (2015): Evaluering av de fylkesvise karrieresentrene – med søkelys på samhandlingen med Nav. [Evaluation report on the county career centres and cooperation with the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration offices] Proba samfunnsanalyse – rapport 2014 – 09.

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Arts for Young Audiences Norway [Kulturtanken] (last accessed 31/10/2017).  

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Changemaker. (last accessed 31/10/2017). 

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‘The follow-up service’ [Den fylkeskommunale oppfølgningstjenesten (OT)]. (last accessed 31/10/2017).

Fremitiden i våre hender [The future in our hands]. (last accessed 31/10/2017).

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Natur og Ungdom [Nature and Youth – Young Friends of the Earth Norway]. (last accessed 31/10/2017).

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Norsk Folkehjelp Ungdom – Norwegian People’s Aid Youth. [Norwegian only] (last accessed 31/10/2017).

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The Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation. (last accessed 31/10/2017).

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The Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee and Confederation of Sports (NIF). (last accessed 31/10/2017).

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Plan International Norway Youth [Plan International Norge Ungdom].  [Norwegian only] (last accessed 31/10/2017).

Press.  [Norwegian only] (last accessed 31/10/2017).

Red Cross Youth Norway [Røde Kors Ungdom].  [Norwegian only] (last accessed 31/10/2017).

The Research Council of Norway (NFR). (last accessed 31/10/2017).

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Skills Norway (previously Norwegian Agency for Lifelong Learning (VOX))  [Kompetanse Norge – tidligere Nasjonal fagorgan for kompetansepolitikk (VOX)]  (last accessed 31/10/2017).

Spekter. (last accessed 31/10/2017).

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