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EACEA National Policies Platform



Last update: 28 November 2023


Allmennyttige siktemål

Goals catering to the common good.
Barnetrinnet Primary level (education). Consists of lower primary level (småskoletrinnet): years 1-4 (age 6 to 10) and upper primary level (mellomtrinnet): years 5-7 (age 10 to 12).     
                         Barnevernsinstitusjon        Child welfare institution.
Bevegelser Community movements.
Bokmål Norwegian bokmål. (One of the two official forms of written Norwegian)
Bostedskommune Municipality of domicile.
Brukermedvirkning User participation / user involvement. The latter is used by the Research Council of Norway in their Knowledge-building Project with User Involvement (KMB).
Brukerstøtte User support.
Brukertilgang User access.
Brukertilpassede undervisningstilbud User-adapted courses.
Departement Ministry.
Direktorat Directorate (executive agency /expert agency under ministry).
Drøfting Consultation/ discussion.
Dugnad Voluntary work.
Eksempelsamling Guide.
Etatsledelse Agency management.
Fag Discipline/ subject.
Fagbrev Craft certificate. (This entitles someone to practice the trade concerned.)

Regular GP Scheme. (All citizens who are registered in the National Population Register in Norway are entitled to get a regular GP.

Folkeopplysning Public education.
Flertall Majority.  
Folkeregister National Population Registry Office.
Folkeuniversitet Adult Education Association.
Foretak Company/ business/ enterprise.
Frafall Directly translated as ‘recidivism.’ ‘Frafall’ is used in Norwegian to describe early school leaving, and children/youth who quit participating in activities in general.
Frie midler Free funding, or non-earmarked funding.
Friluftsliv Outdoor recreation.
Frivillighetsarbeid Volunteer work.
Frivillighetssentralene The County Volunteer Centrals.
Frivillige virksomheter Volunteer businesses that are catering to the common good (non-profit).
Fylke(skommune) County (munucipality).
Fylkesmannen The county governor’s office (the central government’s representative at regional level).
Grasrotandelen Fund with the national lottery [Norsk Tipping].
Handlingsplan Action plan.
Hefte Coordinating/informational document/pamflett.
Ikke anses allmennyttig That which is not considered to be catering to ‘the common good.’
Ikke fortjenestebasert Non-profit.
Inngangskrav Entry requirements.
Kommune Municipality.
Konsultasjon Consultations are suggestions from the Ministry which are sent to affected parties (public and private institutions, organisations, and other ministries). The purpose is to assess economic and administrative consequences of public measures.
Kontantstøtte Cash-for-care benefit:  provided for parents who wish to stay at home with their children when between the ages of one and two (as an alternative to kindergarten). 
Kulturminnevern Cultural heritage.
Lag/ forening Local branches of an organization, or a local/grassroot organization.
Lovlighetstilsyn og finansielt tilsyn Legal and financial auditing.
Musikk og kulturskoler Music and culture schools.
Naturvern Land conservation and environmental protection.
NOU (Norges offentlige utredninger) Official Norwegian Reports (NOUs) are produced by committees and working groups constituted by the Ministry. They often form the basis of a bill or white paper. NOUs are sometimes, but not always based on previous reports and plans. Most NOUs have a comprehensive literature review, of which a substantial amount of references are made to research done in the field.
Nynorsk Norwegian: New Norse (One of the two official forms of written Norwegian).
Ombud/ombudsmann Ombudsperson/ ombudsman.  
Omfangsundersøkelse Point prevalence survey. 
Rapport/plan/handlingsplan Reports and (action)plans are generally produced by external researchers or committees, and encompass reports, analyses and documentation presented to the ministry.
Regelverk Set of rules – often related to official documents, legislation, grant schemes, etc.
Regionalt helseforetak (RFH) Regional health authorities.
Regjering Cabinet.
Rettslig handlingsvene Legal capacity.
Rundskriv Circular notes are information from the Ministry to affected parties about interpretations of laws and regulations.
Stiftelse Foundation.
St.Meld (Stortingsmelding) Draft resolutions, bills and white papers (Report to Storting/the Norwegian Parliament.) are documents that the Government presents to the Storting. White papers are almost always based on previous reports, plans, or official reports (NOUs), which again utilizes research literature actively.
Storting The Norwegian Parliament.
Stortingsrepresentant Member of the Norwegian Parliament (MP).
Strategi(plan) Strategy (plan).
Tilskuddsordning Grant scheme.
Tiltak Measure.
Veileder/ brosjyre Handbooks and brochures give an overview of the Government's policies and practice, and are written with the general public in mind.
VG1/VG2/VG3 The three levels/years of upper secondary school.
Videregående skole Upper secondary school.




Other public dictionaries:

The Norwegian-English/English-Norwegian Dictionary for the Primary and Secondary Education Sector is under revision.

The Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions (UHR) Termbase for Norwegian higher education institutions

Glossary of the Norwegian Parliament’s [Stortinget] titles, offices, and positions. Dictionary and explanations of terms that are frequently used in the Norwegian Parliament.