9.4 Raising awareness about global issues
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On this page
Formal, non-formal and informal learning
Youth-targeted information campaigns on global issues
Information providers
Key initiatives
Formal, non-formal and informal learning
Formal Learning
The core curriculum emphasises human dignity, identity and cultural diversity, critical thinking and ethical awareness, respect for naturae and environmental awareness, democracy, and participation as core values.
The elective subject International Cooperation [Internasjonalt samarbeid] is offered at upper-secondary level and meant to provide an understanding of global contexts and challenges. The course is meant to give students practical experience in communicating with people in other countries and contribute to the students taking part in a global citizenship and be prepared for a social and working life where ethics and sustainability are central values. The course encourages students to get involved in international cooperation and development work, with an emphasis on global justice, equality and respect for human dignity.
Operation Day’s Work (ODW) is an annual student organization driven campaign focusing on international cooperation and development. The ODW information campaign takes place in lower and upper-secondary school. ODW consists of two interconnected components: the information campaign “International Week” (IW) and the ODW day. International Week usually takes place in mid-October every year when schools abandon their normal curriculum and focus on global issues like poverty, inequality and development. At the end of IW students volunteer to carry out “a day’s work” and donate their salary to the ODW project. ODW supports education projects in more than 60 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. ODW is the largest youth campaign in Norway with over 4000 volunteers. The annual general meeting (AGM) of the School Student Union of Norway chooses the annual ODW campaign.
Non-formal and informal learning
Global issues are promoted through
- The Erasmus + Youth in Action [Erasmus+ Aktiv ungdom] programme, and it’s national agency in the Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs (Bufdir).
- Youth organizations and interest organizations particularly focusing on global issues (e.g. environment/sustainable development, and human rights).
Educator’s support
In the context of continuous training and certification related to the promotion of global issues among young people, educators are offered resources and teaching material through the website ‘Global skole’ [Translates into ‘global school’, or ‘global education’].
The website ‘Global skole’ is run by the mother website ‘Globalportalen’ [Translates into the Global Portal], which in turn run by an independent editorial, and owned by
- NORAD - The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation.
- The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- The Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment.
The website offers teaching materials and approaches to tackle global issues. The content is provided by organizations who work with global issues, and who receive grant support from NORAD.
Youth-targeted information campaigns on global issues
Operation Day’s Work (ODW) is an annual student organization driven campaign focusing on international cooperation and development. The ODW information campaign takes place in lower and upper-secondary school. ODW consists of two interconnected components: the information campaign “International Week” (IW) and the ODW day. International Week usually takes place in mid-October every year when schools abandon their normal curriculum and focus on global issues like poverty, inequality and development. At the end of IW students volunteer to carry out “a day’s work” and donate their salary to the ODW project. ODW supports education projects in more than 60 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. ODW is the largest youth campaign in Norway with over 4000 volunteers. The annual general meeting (AGM) of the School Student Union of Norway chooses the annual ODW campaign.
Information providers
There is no public authority or body responsible for disseminating information on global issues among young people. However, there are several youth organizations that disseminate information on global issues among young people:
The Norwegian Children and Youth Council has published a report on youth perspectives on UN resolution 2250 Youth, Peace and Security.
Changemaker is Norwegian Church Aid's youth organization and is Norway's largest youth organization that focuses exclusively on development policy issues. The organization organizes campaigns and publishes reports regularly on issues such as climate change, the Norwegian oil fund and global investments, arms exports, the international tax system, and ethical licensing of medical research. The organisation actively contributes to public debates and public hearings on global issues.
SAIH – Students’ and Academics’ International Aid Fund [SAIH -Studentenes og Akademikernes Internasjonal Hjelpefond] is a solidarity organization of students and academics in Norway.members pay an additional 10 NOK [a little more than a Euro] of their annual/semester univeristy fee to support SAIH’s foreign aid and development projects. SAIH also has local membership groups of which students may engage actively towards informational projects, and engagement in SAIH’s foreign aid and development projects. SAIH arranges between 200 – 300 events and gatherings nationwide. SAIH receives funding from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation – Norad
Other youth organisations that focus on global issues and who regularly organize events and information campaigns are:
- Norwegian People’s Aid Youth.
- Press – Save the Children Norway
- Red Cross Youth Norway
Key initiatives
See descriptions under Youth-targeted information campaigns on global issues.