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EACEA National Policies Platform


3. Employment & Entrepreneurship

Last update: 26 March 2024


Norway has a high level of employment, significantly due to the high employment rate among women. According to Statistics Norway the number of employed people in Norway has increased each year since the 1990s. Notable exceptions are the period after the financial crises in 2008 and the drop in the oil prices in 2014. During the period 2007-2017 the level of the employment rate (employed persons divided by the entire population in the same age group) has either decreased or been stable. During the global Covid-19 pandemic, employees in several sectors in Norway were affected. This was especially the case for employees in the tourism, transportation, and services sectors. Due to the high number of lay-offs, registered unemployment climbed to levels not seen in 75 years. However, these numbers have stabilized, and more people in Norway are in work than ever before. 

The Norwegian labour market model is characterized by tripartite cooperation at the national level between a strong trade union movement, centralised employers’ associations, and the state. Trade unions and employers’ organizations have played a decisive role in the evolution of the labour market. There is broad political consensus in Norway for this model.

The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) is the responsible authority and implementer the government's “youth effort” targeting job seekers under the age of 30 who, after eight weeks of unemployment, are not in work, education, or other activity.