10. Youth Work
Youth work tradition in Slovenia started approximately with Slovenian independence in 1991. Before 1991, Slovenia was part of Yugoslavia.
In 2010, Slovenian government adopted the Public Interest in the Youth Sector Act (Zakon o javnem interesu v mladinskem sektorju). Article 3 provides a legal definition for youth work, combining formal and non-formal aspects of youth work. The Public Interest in the Youth Sector Act identifies that the responsibility for governing the youth sector lies with the State, self-governing local communities and the self-governing national communities, where relevant (see Article 6).
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia proposes a National Programme Youth for adoption by the National Assembly every ten years. First was adopted in 2023 for the period 2012-2022 and in year 2023 the new 10 years long National Programme will be adopted. This is the main document that forms youth policy agenda and specific policy measures in the field of youth work.
Main national public authority is the Ministry of Education and its autonomous body the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth (Urad Republike Slovenije za mladino).
There is no specific national youth strategy on youth work in Slovenia; the Public Interest in the Youth Sector Act provides youth work with a legal basis.