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EACEA National Policies Platform


8. Creativity and Culture

8.2 Administration and governance

Last update: 30 March 2024
On this page
  1. Governance
  2. Cross-sectorial cooperation


The main governmental actor is the Ministry of Culture (Ministrstvo za kulturo), responsible for regulating matters in the sphere of culture which are in the public interest.


Other public actors include the following:

  • Public Fund of the Republic of Slovenia for Cultural Activities (Javni sklad RS za kulturne dejavnosti).
  • The Slovenian Book Agency (Javna agencija za knjigo Republike Slovenije) is a body governed by public law and established by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia. It carries out professional, developmental and executive tasks related to the implementation of strategic documents and directives in the field of books as well as activities promoting development in the field of literature and other tasks in the public interest provided by the law.
  • The goal of the Slovenian Film Centre (Slovenski filmski center) is to encourage creativity in the audiovisual field in Slovenia by creating suitable conditions for film, cinematographic and other audiovisual activities.
  • The Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia (Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine) is a public institution which carries out professional and administrative tasks in the field of preservation of both stationary and accompanying movable and vivid cultural heritage.
  • Museums and galleries (Muzeji in galerije). Some museums prepare workshops and programmes for young people and high schools.
  • Libraries (knjižnice), which are well visited in Slovenia.
  • Theatres (gledališča). Some theatres prepare performances that are especially targeted at young people and/or are related to the high schools' literature curriculum.
  • The Centre of Creativity was established in June 2017 as part of a project aiming to foster further development of the creative and cultural industry in Slovenia. The centre is under the supervision of the Museum of Architecture and Design (Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje).
  • The Slovenian Cinematheque (Kinoteka). Four departments carry out activities of the Cinematheque – the programme, archive and museum as well as the research and publishing department, which also takes care of the library and the mediatheque. In addition to these activities, the Cinematheque also publishes the film magazine, Ekran.


Other (non-governmental) organisations include the following:

  • Asociacija seeks to ensure sustainable conditions for the professional functioning of non-governmental organisations and of independent creators active in art and culture. It also seeks to improve their systemic position. The network began to operate informally in 1992. Today it is a professionally coordinated modern advocacy and service organisation.
  • Bunker is a non-profit organisation for the realisation and organisation of cultural events, especially in the field of performative arts.
  • Dance theatre Ljubljana (Plesni teater Ljubljana) is a non-profit organisation for organisation of cultural events, especially in the field of dance and theatre.
  • En-Knap is a non-profit organisation for the realisation and organisation of events in the field of contemporary dance. They also organise the 'didactic dance performances' for young people, through which the audience (young people, especially teenagers) learn about art, creativity, dance and theatre.
  • SCCA, Center for Contemporary Arts – Ljubljana is a non-profit organisation for the realisation and organisation of events in the field of contemporary visual and new media arts. One of their activities is also a school for curatorial practices and critical writing which targets young people.
  • Emanat, Institute for development and affirmation of dance and contemporary art is a non-profit organisation in the field of performative arts, which operates in areas of artistic production, education and publishing.
  • Bufeto Institute (Zavod Bufeto) is a non-profit organisation that prepares events in the field of clown theatre. They also organise performances and workshops targeted at young people.



Cross-sectorial cooperation

The National Programme for Youth 2013–2022 (Resolucija o Nacionalnem programu za mladino 2013-2022) has a special section on culture and creativity. However, the current Implementation Plan of the Resolution on the National Youth Programme 2013-2022 for 2022 (Izvedbeni načrt Resolucije o nacionalnem programu za mladino 2013–2022 za leto 2022) does not foresee any measure/instrument in the field of culture and creativity.