10.7 Raising awareness about youth work
On this page
Web portal mlad.si is intended for all young people in the Republic of Slovenia and for youth workers. The portal is managed by Mreža Mama, network of youth centres in Slovenia. All the necessary information about youth can be found on the portal, including all the opportunities that are offered to young people outside the education process and the first work experience. The portal connects in substance the three main entry points and sections, meaningfully forming the life cycle of young people, their needs and the desire to actively spend their free time and meet the challenges of the age between 15 and 29.
Talentiran.si, web portal by the Nefiks Institute, is since 2018 the leading system of recording non-formal acquired knowledge in Slovenia, which allows young people to systematically collect all non- formal acquired and certified competences in one place. The portal offers relevant news and upcoming events, where young people and youth workers can participate.
Youth Information and Counselling Centre of Slovenia (Zavod MISSS, Mladinsko informativno svetovalno središče Slovenije) is non-governmental non-profit organization, working as national youth information and counselling service, thus collaborating with 16 regional and local youth information and counselling centres throughout the Slovenia. The local centres disseminate information in their local space and provide counselling in choosing the right information.
L’MIT (Ljubljanska mreža info točk) established in 1998 by the Office for Youth of the City of Ljubljana, unites non-profit organisations active in the field of youth information. It is an important mechanism for informing about youth work and opportunities for young people in Ljubljana.
The Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth is governmental body responsible for youth policy and youth work policy. The governmental web pages inform young people about all current situations in the filed of youth.
MOVIT Institute for the development of youth mobiliy informs about programs Erasmus + and European Solidarity Corps. They are also managing EURODESK, an European Commision information portal about mobility and policy of EU for youth.
The National youth Council of Slovenia (Mladinski svet Slovenije – MSS) is an umbrella organization linking all national youth organisations irrespective of their various interests,ideological or political orientations in Slovenia and provides different information regarding youth policy in Slovenia.
Two objectives in the National Programme for Youth 2013‒2022 address informing on youth work:
- 6.2.1 objective: “Promoting the participation and representation of young women and men”
Through this objective regular involvement of schools with organisations in the youth sector to inform youth participation opportunities has been developed. More and more organizations also providing information and advice in the youth sector;
- 6.2.2 objective: “Promoting the establishment and development of organisations in the youth sector, developing key areas of the youth sector and ensuring the functioning of disorganized youth”
The objective addresses the necessity to ensure the development of a communication strategy for the promotion of organisations in the field of youth work and their activities, and the reputation of youth work and youth activities, among both young people and the rest of the public, with an emphasis on employers.
The most resounding campaigns on the youth work of the last period were:
- “Grow together” (Rastimo skupaj) in 2020: the Youth Council of Slovenia as the main organizer on the initiative of the Office of for Youth implemented the project in cooperation with municipalities and youth organisations with the aim of developing youth local policies.
- Europe Goes Local project, which aims to develop and strengthen quality youth work at the local level, in particular through enhanced cooperation between various stakeholders that are active at the municipal level.The project is implemented since 2016 and it will end in 2022. Main partner is MOVIT.
- European Solidarity Corps: Institute for the development of youth mobility (MOVIT) organized regional events where youth work was also indirectly promoted.
- Rules on the Implementation of the Act on the Public Interest in Youth Sector (Pravilnik o izvajanju Zakona o javnem interesu v mladinskem sektorju) provided national awards on yearly basis in the youth sector. National awards are given for the purpose of public recognition and appreciation for outstanding achievements in the youth sector. The awards are given for achievements in the youth sector and their contributions to the youth sector, in the case of good practices and the promotion or popularization of youth work at local, regional, national, European or international level. The criteria for granting national recognition for outstanding achievement are also: compliance with the principles and content of youth work; influencing public awareness of the importance of youth work; contribution to the development of youth work (sector).