2.5 Cross-border mobility programmes
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EU programmes
Slovenia has not developed any cross-border mobility programmes that support the participation of young people to volunteering projects. The Erasmus+: Youth and even more the European Solidarity Corps programmes are the most important, because they represent the beginning of a legal possibility to support such projects and their respective goals, in pursuance of which an increasing number of players in the youth field prepare international youth activities (youth exchange, European Solidarity Corps …) as a constituent part of their regular yearly programmes. Similarly, a growing number of players in the youth field make use of the international aspect of projects as an important educational dimension that otherwise would not be possible in domestic and local environment.
Slovenia is involved in the European Solidarity Corps programme which is an initiative by the European Union that promotes solidarity and creates volunteering possibilities for young people in their own countries and abroad.
The MOVIT Institute, National Agency of the EU Programmes Erasmus+: Youth and European Solidarity Corps, regularly monitors the participation of young people in projects funded under the Erasmus+ programme, including volunteering projects. However, general trends related to youth participation in European volunteering programmes are monitored by the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth through its periodic evaluations of the Erasmus+: Youth programme.
Other Programmes
There are no programmes.
Legal framework applying to foreign volunteers
Aliens Act (Zakon o tujcih), adopted on 15 June 2011 by the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia and updated in 2021, is important for foreigners interested in carrying out voluntary work in Slovenia. Article 44.č covers temporary residence permit for performing volunteer work. In the case of a foreign volunteer residing in Slovenia for more than 90 days, a visa is required.
A foreigner who wishes to reside in the Republic of Slovenia to perform voluntary work may be issued a temporary residence permit. To obtain a temporary residence permit the foreigner must meet certain conditions, specified in the Aliens Act, and have an agreement on voluntary work with a volunteer organization or an organization with a volunteer program. Sufficient means of subsistence are also required, means received as pocket money or donation specified in the agreement on volunteer work with the organization, also apply.
A foreigner or the organization can apply for a temporary residence permit. The organization can apply to a diplomatic mission or consulate of the Republic of Slovenia abroad or a competent authority in the Republic of Slovenia, a foreigner must apply to the diplomatic mission or consulate of the Republic of Slovenia abroad.
A permit for temporary residence to perform volunteer work is issued in the form referred to in Article 58 of this Act, with "volunteer" entered in the type of permit.
As proof of participation in volunteer service projects within the framework of the European Union program, a foreigner must submit a certificate issued by a state authority competent to exercise control over the implementation of such a program or an organization authorized by it.
The first temporary residence permit is issued to a foreigner for the time of performing work according to the agreement but up to one year. In case the agreement is concluded for a period longer than one year or participation in the project lasts more than one year, the permit can be extended for a maximum of one year but not longer than the duration of volunteer work or participation in the project.