8.3 National strategy on creativity and culture for young people
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Existence of a national strategy
Scope and contents
Responsible authority for the implementation of the strategy
Existence of a national strategy
There is no coherent strategy on creativity and culture for young people.
The last valid national strategy in the field of culture, was the Resolution on the 2014-2017 National Programme for Culture (Resolucija o nacionalnem programu za kulturo 2014–2017). This was the strategic instrument of cultural policy development planning. However, the programme did not specifically address creativity and culture for young people; it was, rather, a general strategy in the field of culture. Some measures also included youth, but with specific regard to creativity and culture, none of the measures was intended for them. The encouragement of the participation and education of youth is mentioned in the topic of education and training in culture. The new programme for culture (2021–2028) is in preparation, the draft is to be presented by the end of 2021.
The National Programme for Youth 2013–2022 (Resolucija o Nacionalnem programu za mladino 2013-2022) was adopted in 2013. This programme has a special section on culture, creativity, heritage and media, and it stresses the importance of “systematic cultural education and importance for culture to be present at all school levels and throughout the educational process, as well as to be accessible to children and youth public cultural infrastructure”. However, the current Implementation Plan of the Resolution on the National Youth Programme 2013-2022 for 2020 and 2021 (Izvedbeni načrt Resolucije o nacionalnem programu za mladino 2013–2022 za leti 2020 in 2021) does not foresee any measure/instrument in the field of culture and creativity.
Scope and contents
The National Programme for Youth 2013–2022 (Resolucija o Nacionalnem programu za mladino 2013–2022) addresses the following relevant priority measures (and their indicators).
Objective: Concern for the availability of high-quality cultural services and the participation of young people in culture
- To provide conditions for strengthening the participation of young people in culture. Indicators: increasing the share of quality programmes and projects which actively involve young people; increasing the proportion of programmes and projects prepared by young people (either students, employees, freelance cultural workers or volunteers).
- To provide young people with the conditions for better access to cultural heritage and their active involvement in heritage projects. Indicators: the number of projects carried out, including the active participation of young people of all ages and from different social backgrounds in learning and protecting cultural heritage; the inclusion of different areas of fixed, movable and live heritage in curricula (within compulsory subjects/elective subjects/extracurricular activities).
- To provide the conditions for greater accessibility of active cultural creativity for young people in terms of continuous forms of non-formal education for various artistic fields. Indicator: the number of new quality continuous forms of education (number of new areas).
- To provide spatial and technical conditions for the artistic creation of young people (infrastructure, etc.), for becoming acquainted with and dealing with heritage. Indicators: an increase in the number of appropriately landscaped spaces in which young people can create or engage in artistic activities; better geographical coverage with MMC and other appropriately regulated spaces for young people.
- For the youth of indigenous national communities, the Roma community, communities from the Declaration of the Republic of Slovenia on the status of the national communities of the former SFRY members in the Republic of Slovenia and other minority communities and other vulnerable groups, ensure the accessibility of culture, their active and creative role in the development of their culture, their equal participation in cultural life and at the same time, quality integration. Indicator: the number of cultural projects involving (or intended for) young people from autochthonous national communities, the Roma community, communities from the Declaration and other minority communities and other vulnerable groups.
Objective: Concern for literacy in Slovene, other mother tongues and foreign languages, and media literacy
- Development of reading literacy. Indicators: improving international literacy research results and the results of national literacy examinations (graduation in high school).
- Promotion of reading and the planned development of reading culture. Indicator: participation of young people in projects of reading culture – reading badge, Cankar competition and other reading projects (family literacy, etc.).
- The development and promotion of media literacy and the preparation of an action plan for media literacy. Indicators: designing the starting points for the adoption of measures for the development and promotion of media literacy; the implementation of starting points; the introduction of media literacy in elementary and secondary education and the creation of programmes for lifelong education in the field of media literacy.
- Professional training of professionals in education in the field of reading and media literacy and in the field of innovative approaches to education and art education, and support of research in this field at the national level. Indicator: the amount of research in this field.
Objective: Culture and creativity are recognised in the society as the cornerstone of the general education of each individual
- Cultural and arts education gets an appropriate place in the entire educational system. Indicator: the inclusion of different fields of art and cultural heritage in curricula (compulsory/elective subjects).
Responsible authority for the implementation of the strategy
The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport and the Ministry of Culture cooperate to enhance
the participation of young people in culture and in the field of providing young people with the
conditions for better acces to cultural heritage and for their active involvement in heritage
The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport and the Ministry of Culture cooperate with the
Public Fund for Cultural Activities to provide greater accessibility of active cultural creativity for
young people in terms of a continuous form of non-formal education in various artistic fields; to
provide spatial and technical conditions (infrastructure, etc.) for the artistic creation of young
people; for the benefit of the national communities of the former SFRY in the Republic of
Slovenia and other minority communities and vulnerable groups ensuring the accessibility of the
culture to young people from autochthonous ethnic communities, the Roma community and the
communities in the Declaration of the Republic of Slovenia.
The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport and the Ministry of Culture cooperate with the
National Education Institute Slovenia, the Educational Research Institute, the Slovenian Institute
for Adult Education and the Slovenian Book Agency to enhance reading literacy.
The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport and the Ministry of Culture cooperate with the
National Education Institute Slovenia and the Slovenian Book Agency to promote reading and
the systematic development of reading culture.
The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport and the Ministry of Culture cooperate with the
National Education Institute Slovenia to enhance media literacy and to prepare an action plan
for media literacy.
The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, the Ministry of Culture and the National
Education Institute Slovenia cooperate with the Slovenian Book Agency and the Educational
Research Institute to provide training for professionals in education in the field of reading and
media literacy and in the field of innovative approaches to education and art education, and in
supporting research at the national level.
The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport and the Ministry of Culture cooperate with the
National Education Institute Slovenia and the Educational Research Institute in the field of
providing appropriate place for cultural and arts education in the educational system.
At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sector for public diplomacy and international cooperation in
culture is established. The sector carries out tasks in the field of international cultural
cooperation, including the coordination of activities in the preparation of implementation
programmes in culture, and the promotion of Slovenian culture abroad. In cooperation with the
competent national, European and international institutions sector plans and coordinates
activities in the field of foreign cultural policy of the Republic of Slovenia. Among the working
areas of the sector are also the care for the return of works of art and the care for artistic works
that Slovenia received from the succession.
A Resolution on the 2021–2028 National Programme for Culture is in preparation.