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EACEA National Policies Platform


9. Youth and the World

9.4 Raising awareness about global issues

Last update: 28 November 2023
On this page
  1. Formal, non-formal and informal learning
  2. Youth-targeted information campaigns on global issues
  3. Information providers
  4. Key initiatives

Formal, non-formal and informal learning


Formal learning

The goals of the Slovenian educational system as specified in the Financing and Organisation of Education Act include:

  • educating for mutual tolerance,
  • developing awareness of gender equality,
  • respect for human diversity and mutual cooperation,
  • respect for children's and human rights and fundamental freedoms,
  • developing the skills needed to live in a democratic society,
  • developing linguistic skills,
  • educating for sustainable development and active participation in a democratic society including a deep understanding of and a responsible attitude to, oneself,
  • one's health
  • one's own and other cultures,
  • the natural and social environment, and
  • future generations.


In formal education, these issues are transmitted through different subjects, cross-curriculum and with different out-of-school and project activities.


At the upper-secondary level of education, they are covered across different subjects – as a planned programme – through subjects, such as philosophy, sociology, history, geography and the mother tongue, whole-school activities, and a range of opportunities for students through their participation in the life of the school and local community.  


At the upper-secondary level of education, global issues are mainly covered under two subjects:


These topics are discussed using a cross-curricular approach because they intertwine with other subjects, such as biology (ecology).


The issues covered and their key concepts, which represent the main learning objectives, are as follows:

  • Work, modern social organisations and leisure are envisaged in curricula of sociology (key concepts covered: the consequences of work flexibility for society and individuals, the consequences of long-term unemployment, changing attitudes toward work, international companies, women in management, satisfaction and dissatisfaction at work and total institutions).
  • Social development and environmental issues are envisaged within curricula of sociology (key concepts covered: the development of modern science; the revolution in biotechnology, including its consequences, the possibilities of its use and abuse and ethical issues related to the development of biological science and technology; global warming and its consequences; the development of information science and technology and its impact on privacy, the protection of personal data, human rights and control; the environment and growth limits; resource depletion and pollution).
  • Civil society movements and human rights are envisaged within the curricula of history (key concepts: civil society movements, non-governmental organizations, civil rights, human rights, tolerance, globalisation, the women's equality movement and women's right to vote).
  • Migration is envisaged within the curricula of history (key concepts: migration, economic crisis, urbanisation, exploitation, globalisation, citizenship, multicultural society, the friction between cultures, tolerance and terrorism).

  • Science and technology in the twentieth century are envisaged within the curricula of history (key concepts: technical progress, scientific development, post-industrial society, ecological issues, sustainable development, education and the development/underdevelopment of the world).
  • Challenges of the contemporary world are envisaged within the curricula of sociology (key concepts: European integration and globalization, globalisation and anti-globalisation movements, globalisation and the ecological crisis, new ecological and ethical views, migration flows in Europe, multiculturalism, inter-ethnic conflicts, biotechnology and information technology – opportunities and risks, the role of the media in global society and the impact of globalisation on the spheres of work, family, identity, migration, self-reliance, health, the body, disease, education and problems of modern urbanisation). 


In terms of recommended teaching time, global issues represent 30-40% of the total time of history. Sociology addresses global issues as a coherent topic. The average time devoted to each issue results in a total teaching time of roughly 30 hours. A certified cross-curricular program regarding environmental education (Okoljska vzgoja) helps provide education and training regarding sustainable development.


The National Programme for Youth 2013-2022 (Resolucija o Nacionalnem programu za mladino 2013-2022) promotes a holistic understanding of sustainable development, with an emphasis on the transition to a low-carbon society (see Priority subsection 14):

  • Indicator 1: the systematic introduction of content on sustainable development into the national curriculum on primary and secondary level
  • Indicator 2: the share of programmes and projects regarding sustainable development as compared to all programmes and projects regarding youth
  • Indicator 3: public opinion polls about environmental awareness among young people



Non-formal learning

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs publishes public call for proposals for non-governmental organisations in the field of awareness raising in development cooperation and global education. Tenders are usually published cyclically to ensure the continuity of project implementation in a particular area. The last tender for one three-year project (2020–2022) among non-governmental organisations regarding development and humanitarian projects was published in 2019, the Ministry allocates up to EUR 1,515,000 for financing in the period from 2020 to 2022.


The two subjects of the tender are international development cooperation and humanitarian aid. They are described in the tender as follows:

  • With the international development cooperation, the country contributes in a more balanced global development, eradicates poverty and realizes sustainable development.
  • The goal of the humanitarian aid is to save human lives, prevent human suffering and preserve human dignity. Prevention of humanitarian catastrophes are also included, as well as building the capacities to ensure adequate responses to them. This goal also includes activities related to rehabilitation and reconstruction after crisis.
  • Global education has an important role in the process of poverty elimination, achieving sustainable development and it contributes to understanding of global issues, their causes and consequences as well as the connections between local and global dimension.


The Eco School Programme, started with implementation in Slovenia in year 1996 by the association DOVES - FEE SLOVENIA and which is member of Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE),  one of the world's largest environmental education organisations, with over 100 member organisations in 81 countries. The project Eco School Programme is comprised of several projects and initiatives that promote green volunteering, such as the following:

  • Eco-package (Eko-paket) encourages the proper handling of waste packaging for milk and juices, especially among young people, their teachers and their parents.
  • Reducing the carbon footprint of an individual, classroom or school (Ekošola Meri Odtis CO2) – in this Eco School project the main aim is primary, secondary, high school students to learn about their impact on climate change while calculating the carbon footprints of an individual, the class or the institution. This is done through the CO2 calculator.
  • Climate change and biodiversity (Podnebne Spremembe in Biotska Pestrost) – is devoted for children in primary and secondary school to acknowledge climate change, the flora and the fauna and their interdependence. Various weather phenomena are presented thus the positive and negative effects on climate, animal species and everyday life.
  • Circular Economy and the Design Challenge (Krožno Gospodarstvo in Oblikovalski Izziv) – this project discusses the transition to a greener and low-carbon society on a national and global level. Pupils of the third triad of primary school, high school students and students with mentors study the circularity (life cycle) of individual products, design circular solutions and products, organize circular events, etc.
  • Don’t Throw the Clothes, Save the Planet! (Ne Zavrži Oblek, Ohrani Planet) – this project is directed towards the responsible handing of used clothes – reuse, reduce and recycle. We Give Waste A New Life! (Odpadkom Dajemo Novo Življenje) – children and young people are able to learn how to separate and collect waste. An important point is raising awareness and education about the packaging waste connected to our everyday life. 
  • Knowledge of Forests (Znanje o gozdovih) is a programme aimed at reconnecting people with their forest heritage. It encourages adolescents to regain their sense of connection with the environment and also encourages the idea that our forests are a natural asset that we must value and protect for future generations.


 Informal Learning


I Write for Rights (Pišem za pravice) is a project implemented by Amnesty Interantional Slovenia

An annual project that usually takes place in November and December is providing support for people who are wrongly imprisoned, tortured, intimidated or victims of discrimination and other human rights violations. Main target groups are children, youth and the general public.

More than 50 primary school and high school institutions have participated in this project. The project is largely financed by Amnesty International’s own funds (funds obtained from members and supporters). However, it is co-financed by the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth, the Youth Office of the Municipality of Ljubljana and the Norwegian section Amnesty International within the ‘Empowerment of Tolerance’ project. The funds obtained from the co-financers are mainly intended to help in the preparation, printing and distribution of educational and support materials for students and teachers. In 2022  Amnesty International Slovenia is expected to spend 13.000 EUR on this project (the cost is approximately the same every year).


Educators' support

Support for educators is usually provided within a given project (for example, the Program NEON). However, some guidelines and handbooks can be found on website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (e.g. With global learning towards global goals).


From the perspective of international development cooperation, the area of global education is defined in the Resolution on the International Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Assistance of the Republic of Slovenia (2017), highlighting its role in eliminating poverty and achieving sustainable development. The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport defines this field in the Guidelines for Education for Sustainable Development from Pre-primary to Tertiary Education (2007) and some other documents.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is actively involved in the Global Education Network Europe – GENEIn April 2018 a  between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and GENE was signed. The Memorandum defined three main activities which are being held in 2018 with the financial and professional support of GENE. In April  the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, GENE and other partners had:

(i) held National Forum on Global Education and Education for Sustainable Development;

(ii) the project on Global education “Global responsibility for the future has brought together different stakeholders, such as institution, NGOs and private sector;

(iii) start the mapping of global education and education for sustainable education in Slovenian schools which is being implemented by National Institute for Education in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Education, Science and Sport.


We are Only With Others (“Le z drugimi smo”) is a project (2016-2021) implemented by ZRC SAZU Slovenian Migration Institute and Educational Research Institute  with the support from the European Social Fund, to enhance social and citizenship competencies of the professional staff in education, including themes, such as respect for human rights and freedoms, solidarity and volunteer work, prevention of unhealthy lifestyles of young people.


Youth in the World of Energy project (Mladi v svetu energije) implemented by GEN energija aims to increase the awareness of pupils, high school students, teachers, professors and mentors in Slovenian primary and secondary schools and high school dormitories regarding sustainable energy sources, the methods of electricity generation, the electricity supply and its use, measures for efficient energy use and the future of the electricity supply in Slovenia and the world.The project is in progress since 2008.



Youth-targeted information campaigns on global issues


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia (MFA) participates in events (e.g. the Cultural Bazaar) at which it seeks to promote the knowledge and understanding of global issues among young people. In 2017, the MFA participated in the Cultural Bazaar panel entitled ‘On children's rights through culture’ and interactive workshops that addressed teachers and students regarding the impact of individual actions at the global level, the importance of international development cooperation and humanitarian assistance and the achievement of the goals of sustainable development. Since 2015 MFA also participates in the school competition “Europe in School” which is coordinated by one of the Slovenian NGO. MFA tries to introduce global issues and sustainable development goals as the key topic of the competition and therefore encourage the understanding of these topics among youth. In the framework of this competition, in 2018 MFA participated at the conference regarding gender equality (SDG5), which was organised by Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities.


In May 2018 the MFA participated in a public awareness event “Her World is Our World”, which was held in European Union member states. The main objective of the event was to educate young people about work in the EU and its member states in the area of gender equality in developing countries.


Global education (Globalno učenje) is a concept of teaching global issues implemented by Društvo Humanitas.


Global education includes a set of principles for the education of various parts of society, as well as content that relates to an individual’s role in society and interdependence with and engagement in global developments such as human rights, the environment and sustainable development, education for peace and conflict prevention, intercultural education, social justice, global citizenship and inequality. The goal of the Global education is to emphasise these interconnections and explain the causes and consequences of local and global issues and challenges and specially to encourage the citizenship to act.


Through global education, citizens are transformed into responsible citizens of the world who understand and meet their responsibilities toward themselves, others and the environment. Global education promotes the independent work of young people regarding children’s and human rights, a clean and safe environment, sustainable development, peace education, the prevention of peer violence and equality.


By gaining informal competences within the framework of global education projects, children and young people are directed, supported and encouraged to actively participate in social events, especially in youth or voluntary organisations.


In 2016 the MFA financed one two-year project on global education “NGO Consortium: Global Education for Global Goals!« and one on awareness raising “STAND UP, TAKE ACTION: For the Future We Want«. In 2014, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs co-financed a two-year project managed by the Slovenian Foundation for UNICEF, ‘Youth and Global’ (Mladi in globalni). The total cost of the project was 30.000 EUR, of which 15.000 EUR was realized in 2013.The primary target group of the project was teachers and youth workers. The project's main aim was to support teachers and youth workers with education topics covering global issues.


The Ministry of Public Administration and the EU co-finance global learning projects implemented by the Humanitas Association (together with international partners), the leading organisation in the field of global education in Slovenia. The main aim of the project "PeerAct - Upscaling peer-to-peer anti-bias education for promoting common values" is to equip young people with social competences to promote the fundamental social values of non-discrimination, tolerance, solidarity and equality among young people across Europe. The project runs from 2020 with an expected completion in 2022. The main aim of the project "Let's spread solidarity!" is to raise young people's awareness on the issues of solidarity, poverty, inequality, discrimination and human rights. The project runs from 2020 and is expected to end in 2023. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the EU are co-financing the Humanitas Association CULPEER4CHANGE international project, which aims to promote global learning about the sustainable development goals (climate change, children's rights and migration) and to introduce new educational concepts into formal and non-formal education. The MFA and the EU are also co-financing the project "GLOBAL CHALLENGES - GLOBAL SUBJECTS", which aims to contribute to the visibility and quality of global learning in the formal school system and to stimulate debate on the importance of introducing a global dimension in teaching. The project ran from 2017 to 2021. Both Ministries and the EU co-financed the project "Beyond the Bubble", which sought to raise the visibility of the global learning approach and awareness of the shared responsibility for a Europe of solidarity, inclusion and openness in the world.


Youth Association No Excuse Slovenia (Mladinska zveza Brez Izgovora) actively informs youth about the latest developments and events concerning sustainable tourism.Latest projects in 2022 are dedicated to the sustainable mobility of young people. Every year they organize also academy for young people “Be active” where they are thought about sustainable issues.


The National Youth Council of Slovenia (Mladinski svet Slovenije) has published in 2012 a brochure on sustainable development in relation to the Slovenian youth sector called  Sustainable Development and Youth Organisations (Trajnostni razvoj in mladinske organizacije) focused mainly on environment and health issues.. In addition, the Council hasin 2019 asked youth about sustainable development goals (Cilji trajnostnega razvoja).


Participation in the No Hate Speech Movement, which is coordinated by the National Youth Council of Slovenia and includes educational workshops on the topic of human rights and hate speech was taking place between 2012-2017. ( After the campaign Office of the Republic of Slovenia published two translated guidelines of the Council of Europe: We CAN! Taking action against hate speech through counter and alternative narratives 2019 and in 2020 Bookmarks – Combating hate speech online through human rights education.


Detailed information about project Let’s clean Slovenia in one day! (Očistimo Slovenijo!) can be found in  9.5 Green volunteering, production and consumption.


Gender Equality and Prevention of Violence

Equal Opportunities Division at the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities is responsible for continuous implementation of various project in the field of Gender Equality.


The latest project that targets youth and it is  is entitled CyberVAW (Odklikni!) is run by the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs, and Equal Opportunites, Faculty of Social Science, Ministry of the Interior with the Police and Judical Training Centre The project has successfully applied for funds on the European Commission's tender. The implementation of the project started on 1 July 2017 and ended on 31 December 2019.


 The aim of the project is to upgrade existing national activities to prevent online violence by integrating gender into learning and other materials, education and training modules, and recommendations and actions. The main objectives of the project are:

  •  raising awareness for the prevention of stereotypes, their elimination, and the changing attitude towards online violence and the harassment of women and girls in Slovenia; to achieve this objective a series of short films were produced
  • increasing the sensitivity and knowledge of young people, (potential) victims of violence, vulnerable groups, parents, (potential) agents and witnesses of online violence and harassment of women and girls; to achieve this objective a series of short films were produced
  • strengthening the knowledge of experts and experts to ensure an adequate system of prevention, prosecution and protection against online violence and the harassment of women and girls;
  • sharing experiences and good practices, and promoting mutual cooperation at national and European level.

The NGO sector implements various and numerous projects in the field of gender equality and violence prevention, however, not all of them are youth-targeted.  

Information providers

There are several public authorities responsible for the dissemination of information on global issues to young people:


Key initiatives

The National Programme for Youth 2013-2022 (Resolucija o Nacionalnem programu za mladino 2013-2022) envisions several priority measures and their indicators:


Objective: Promoting a sustainable method of social action, focusing on the transition to a low-carbon society and the green economy


Priority subsection 13 explains the need to promote an understanding of the changes that affect the functioning of the global ecosystem, as well as an awareness of the importance of sustainable environmental performance. The Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning created the measure. Some indicators were identified to respond to the promotion and raising awareness about sustainable environment. Those are:

  • Indicator 1: the number of comments and suggestions for changes made by youth representatives. This number was 0 within Slovenia’s Plan B network (a network of non-governmental organizations for sustainable development).
  • Indicator 2: a measurement of the environmental awareness of young people through public opinion research

  • Indicator 3: the share of schools that implement sustainable development programs and/or projects

  • Indicator 4: the number of non-governmental organizations in the youth sector that participated in sustainable development projects. Three NGOs in the youth sector participated in Slovenia’s Plan B, namely the No Excuse Slovenia Youth Association, the Pina Cultural Educational Association and the Koper Education Institute.


Some other key initiatives by public authorities and civil society organizations can also be mentioned. :


Transition to the green economy (Prehod v zeleno gospodarstvo) is a project started in 2016  for creation of a long-term governmental strategic direction in the field of green economy. Main aim is to  establish a change in the patterns of consumption and production as one of the key conditions for a successful transition to the green economy. Change in the lifestyles of wider society to increase environmental sustainability is possible only with the appropriate educational measures. Ministries, knowledge institutes and competence centres must prepare renewed educational programmes with an emphasis on acquiring skills, not just knowledge. Educational processes will include topics related to the green economy, and special attention must be paid to training for so-called green jobs. The transition to the green economy will also require a number of changes in educational methods. These will include the greening of the educational infrastructure by reducing its environmental impact, increased material and energy efficiency and the introduction of sustainable lifestyles.The initiative is still alive and in combination of other programs such as for example National Programm for youth implemented in national strategies.


School of Human Rights (Šola človekovih pravic ) is a project conducted by Amnesty International Slovenia (Amnesty Slovenija) targeting youthThe . This project encourages learning about human rights. Schools all over Slovenia participate in various ways. For example, they participate in the I Write for Rights (Pišem za pravice) writing marathon at the Nights of the Book, and teachers themselves carry out workshops) and takes place every year since 2012.The program is funded through donations and other program, also from the Government of Slovenia.


The Voluner of the Year (Prostovoljec leta) is a project is implemented by the National Youth Council of Slovenia (Mladinski svet Slovenije) every year since 2002. Over the years, the project and its open tender have developed a national dimension, rewarding volunteers and volunteer organisations for their contribution to society while encouraging others to become involved in volunteer activities. The target group are volunteers, but also young volunteers have special cathegory. Volunteers work in different organizations dealing also with global issues.


The Youth for climate justice (Mladi za podnebno pravičnost) is a self-organized, democratic movement. The main aim of this movement is to provide decent living and taking care of the Planet. The movement is in a non-violent way of fighting for usage of alternative sources of energy, raising awareness and searching for solutions to prevent the worsening of the climate crisis. Youth for climate change is connected to various groups fighting for the same rights, through organizing workshops and lectures, cultural interventions and protests. They for example prepread project as Eco fashion week or Two days without meat.


Climate of Change: End Climate Change, Start Climate of Change: A Pan-European Campaign to build a better future for climate induced migrants, the human face of climate change is a project implemented by 14 European organizations. The aim is to raise awareness among European youth of the migration driven climate change as one of the greatest challenges in the modern world. The project started on 15 January 2020 and will last for 40 months. The project is co-financed by the European Commission's Education and Awareness Development Program (DEAR) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia.