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Bosnia and Herzegovina

10. Youth Work

Last update: 20 December 2023

Although many organizations practice youth work, as a profession or occupation, it is still a relatively new profession in BiH, and it is not yet recognized as a profession. Also, the definition of youth work in BiH has not yet been established. 

Since there is no youth law at the national level, current laws that address youth work are at lower tiers of government where it is implemented.

Using non-formal education methodologies, organizations dealing with youth work implement projects in the fields of human rights, culture, sports, politics, but also other equally important segments of society, and as such, certainly contribute to a better social status of young people, both in BiH and at the international level.

This chapter contributes to a better understanding of the current situation in the field of youth work, from the beginning to the present day. In addition to the legal framework, the forms of education in practice that contribute to a better recognition of youth work and its importance for the individual, group and community have been mapped.