Aktivna politika zaposlovanja: Active employment policy. One of the measures by which the state can contribute to the increase in employment in the labour market and thus to reduce unemployment.
Deficitarni poklici: In-demand professions. Professions for which the gap between supply and demand is perceived in the labour market.
Denarno nadomestilo: Unemployment benefit. Youths under 30 years of age who were insured for six months in the two years prior to their unemployment can receive unemployment benefit. The benefit cannot be lower than 350 EUR and not higher than 892.50 EUR (gross).
Državna štipendija: State scholarship. A supplementary benefit intended to cover the costs incurred during schooling. It targets vulnerable youth and is issued by the Centre for Social Work.
Etični kodeks organiziranega prostovoljstva: The Ethical Code of Organized Volunteering. It sets out basic guidelines for organized volunteering and represents the basic guidance of good work in volunteering.
Gimnazija: Gymnasium. Educational institution for provision of upper secondary general education or programme of upper secondary general education. Students who have successfully completed the Gimnazija programme may continue education at the higher education institution.
Jamstvo za mlade: Youth Guarantee. Youth Guarantee in Slovenia applies to persons up to 29 years of age, although the EU YG includes only 15–25 year olds.
Ljubiteljska kultura: Amateurish culture. A unique phenomenon through which many (academic) choirs, folklore groups, musicals, theatre groups work. It is performed on a voluntary basis and accessible to everyone.
Ljudska univerza: Folk high school. Adult education takes place in folk high schools.
Mladi: Youth. Young people and young adults of both genders aged between 15 and a completed 29 years.
Mladim prijazna prostovoljska organizacija: Youth-Friendly Voluntary Organisation. An award provided by the Slovenian Network of Voluntary Organisations can be granted to all organisations, which provide a quality mentorship to young volunteers under the age of 18.
Mladinska infrastruktura: Youth infrastructure. A physical space (land or building or part of building) intended particularly for the youth for carrying out the youth work.
Mladinska organizacija: Youth organisation. An autonomous, democratic, volunteer and independent association of youth, which with its operation enables the youth to gain planned learning experience, form and express their viewpoints and implement their activities in accordance with their interest, cultural, principle or political orientation, and is organised as an independent legal entity, namely as a society or an association of societies or as an integral part of another legal entity, namely a society, an association of societies, a trade union or a political party providing that the autonomy of operation in the youth sector has been ensured by the basic act of this legal entity.
Mladinska politika: Youth policy. A harmonised set of measures of various sectoral public policies with the purpose of promoting and facilitating the integration of youth in the economic, cultural and political life of the community and appropriate support mechanisms for developing youth work and operation of youth organisations, which is carried out in cooperation with autonomous and democratic representatives of youth organisations and professional and other organisations.
Mladinski program: Youth programme. A set of activities implemented by a youth organisation carried out among their peers continuously throughout most of the year and involving a large number of holders of activities and active participants.
Mladinski sektor: Youth sector. The fields where the process of making and implementing youth policies and the youth work is carried out.
Mladinski svet Slovenije: The National Youth Council of Slovenia. The umbrella organisation of national youth organisations and the key partner in the social dialogue in the field of youth.
Mladinsko delo: Youth work. An organised and target-oriented form of youth action and is for the youth, within which the youth, based on their own efforts, contribute to their own inclusion in society, strengthen their competences and contribute to the development of the community. The implementation of various forms of youth work is based on the volunteer participation of the youth regardless of their interest, cultural, principle or political orientation.
Nacionalna poklicna kvalifikacija: National Vocational Qualification. It gives you an opportunity to assess and validate knowledge and skills obtained through non-formal learning.
Namenitev dela dohodnine za donacije: Allocation of part of personal income tax for donations. 0.5% of income may be taxed and directed to financing activities of general public benefit (see Article 142, the Personal Income Tax Act (Zakon o dohodnini)). This is a new source of funding for voluntary organisations carrying out non-profit activities in the public interest.
Obvezne izbirne vsebine: Compulsory elective contents. Defined in the Gimnazije Act (Article 33), are activities that the school offers to pupils with a high degree of autonomy. They cannot be school subjects, compensation for teaching or limited activities with a rigorous curriculum.
Organizacija v mladinskem sektorju: Organisation in youth sector. A subject which operates in the youth sector and is organised as a youth organisation or an organisation for the youth or a youth council.
Organizacija za mlade: Organisation for youth. A legal entity which implements the youth programme, but is not a youth organisation, and is organised as an institute, an institution or a cooperative.
Osipnik: Early school leaver. Person who left school without completing the course or class or without enrolling in another school or other educational institution.
Program za mlade: Programme for the youth. A programme of measures in the youth sector implemented by organisations for youth with the purpose of providing the best living conditions, operation and organisation of youth, and carried out continuously through most of the year and involving a large number of active participants.
Prostovoljec: Volunteer. An individual performing volunteer work. *
* Young people under age of 15 can engage in voluntary activities only if these activities contribute to their educational and personal development, if they do not pose a threat to their health and do not prevent them to fulfil school obligations.
Prostovoljec leta: Volunteer of the Year. An individual performing volunteer work. Every year, the Youth Council of Slovenia organises a well-received event “Volunteer of the Year”, in which several organisations take part. The volunteers of the year receive the awards from the Minister of Work, Family and Social Affairs.
Prostovoljstvo: Volunteering. Socially beneficial unpaid activity of individuals, who, through their work, knowledge and experience contribute to the quality of life of individuals and social groups, and to the development of a solidary, humane and equal society.
Prostovoljska služba: Voluntary Service. Organized volunteering by a volunteer performed at least 20 hours per week over a period of at least six months without interruption.
Prožna varnost: Flexicurity. The purpose of flexibility as a measure is to help improve the socio-economic situation of young people with enabling faster and easier transition of young people from the education system to the labor market.
Samozaposleni v kulturi: Self-employed in culture. Creators, artists (cultural actors) who perform an independent specialized profession in the field of culture.
Socialna izključenost: Social exclusion. “The involuntary exclusion/separation of individuals and groups from political, economic and social processes, thereby preventing their full participation in the society in which they live” (see the Public Interest in Youth Sector Act (Zakon o javnem interesu v mladinskem sektorju).
Strukturirani dialog: Structured dialogue. An open, transparent, long-term, continuous and systematic dialogue between the youth and the holders of power at national and local levels in the youth sector.
Svet Vlade RS za mladino: Council of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth. The Council is a consultative body that proposes measures and monitors the consideration of youth interests in various public policies at national level
Svet Vlade RS za spodbujanje razvoja prostovoljstva, prostovoljskih in nevladnih organizacij: The Council of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for the Promotion of Volunteering, Voluntary Organizations and NGOs. The Council monitors, identifies and assesses the situation of voluntary and non-governmental organizations and takes initiatives to encourage their development, gives suggestions for the development and adoption of regulations and measures necessary for the implementation of national policies related to voluntary and non-governmental organizations.
Šolska športna vzgoja: School sports education. Vocational guidance of physical education in the entire vertical of the educational system: in kindergartens, the subject is called movement (gibanje), in elementary school sport (šport) and in secondary school physical education (športna vzgoja). In higher education, it has several different denominations.
Študentska prehrana: Subsidised students meals. The purpose of subsidised food is to ensure that every student has at least one hot meal each day, consisting of a subsidised part (currently €2.63) and an additional payment, which every student has to pay Slovenia is the only country in Europe with a system of this kind.
Študentsko delo: Student labour. An occasional or temporary job that the student performs through an authorized organization based on a student's referral. Authorized organizations are those organizations that have a license (concession) for performing an activity.
Univerzitetni inkubator: University incubator. A legal entity that is under a contract or agreement regarding long-term cooperation with the university. It enables the realisation of entrepreneurial initiatives.