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EACEA National Policies Platform


1. Youth Policy Governance

1.8 Cross-border cooperation

Last update: 31 March 2024
On this page
  1. Cooperation with European countries
  2. International cooperation

Cooperation with European countries

Apart from the European cooperation in the field of youth as part of the Open Method of Coordination and based on the Council Resolution of 27 November 2009 on a renewed framework for European cooperation in the youth field (2010-2018), Slovenia has no other cooperation with EU or EU-candidate countries, except for the bilateral agreement in the field of youth signed in 2015 with the Republic of Serbia. The Memorandum on the Consensus on Collaboration in the Fields of Youth and Sport (Memorandum o soglasju o sodelovanju na področju mladine in športa) establishes the firm political support for the mutual collaboration of the youth and sport organisations at the state level.


International cooperation


A new national strategy for internationalization of Slovenian higher education (Strategija internacionalizacije slovenskega visokega šolstva 2016-2020) with concrete measures and actions was adopted in 2016. The strategy precisely defined the elements of internationalization of Slovenian higher education and provide a platform for financing international agreements and cooperation programmes and international mobility, which is financed from the national budget. In 2011, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology adopted a national programme in which the internationalisation of the Slovenian higher education was identified as an objective. It highlights the international dimension of higher education institutions: networking, joint study programme measures to attract foreign students and teachers, integration of international dimension in teaching, constant quality language trainings, etc.


Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, together with the Slovene Human Resources Development and Scholarship Fund has developed the Ad futura for International Mobility Programme to promote international education and short-term mobility and improve the quality of education and employability of participating pupils and students.


The Ad futura International Mobility Programme (Štipendije Ad futura za izobraževanje) provides scholarships that are intended for applicants who wish to attend educational programmes where they could obtain a college or university degree. The programme implements the following scholarship programmes and co-financing programmes:

- Ad futura scholarships for studying abroad,

- scholarships for studies at the European University Institute (EUI),

- scholarships for short-term visits to foreign pupils and students during their education in Slovenia,

- participation of pupils and students in knowledge and research competitions abroad,

- scholarships and other forms of research funding of foreign postgraduate students.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has published a call (javni poziv) for projects that contribute to public awareness, global learning and capacity building for NGOs in the Republic of Slovenia for international development cooperation and humanitarian aid as well as projects on human rights education with emphasis on children’s rights in the Western Balkan countries for the period 2016/2017.