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EACEA National Policies Platform


9. Youth and the World

9.4 Raising awareness about global issues

Last update: 14 October 2024
On this page
  1. Formal, non-formal and informal learning
  2. Youth-targeted information campaigns on global issues
  3. Information providers
  4. Key initiatives

Formal, non-formal and informal learning

 The “International Relations” course is an optional course in the secondary education curriculum of the Ministry of National Education.   The course consists of 7 units which are as follows:

  • Introduction to International Relations
  • Actors in International Relations and Types of Actors’ Relations 
  • Historical Development of International Relations
  • Foreign Policy
  • International Organisations
  • International Issues
  • Foreign Policy of Turkey

The Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change has developed "Environment and Children Academy" to inform and raise awareness among students and teachers about environmental consciousness, zero waste, circular economy, sustainability, fight against climate change and adaptation. Students have provided to participate in the academy using their usernames and passwords from the system of the Ministry of National Education.

Vision Clubs have been established within the Youth Centers affiliated with the Ministry of Youth and Sports to promote and implement international activities, ensure that global opportunities are accessible at the local level, engage young people in civil society activities, and help them acquire 21st-century competencies. In this context, "Training of Trainers" programs are organized to develop teaching and presentation skills, gain comprehensive knowledge of international activities, and improve project management competencies.

From September 25-30, 2022, the International Experience Development Program was held with the participation of 75 international relations students from 34 provinces. The program brought together prominent figures from public institutions, universities, and non-governmental organizations operating in the field of international relations with the youth. Visits were made to institutions such as the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB), the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA), and the Delegation of the European Union to Turkey. Additionally, both theoretical and practical training sessions were conducted through activities such as the specially designed International Experience Development Simulation and various workshop activities.


Youth-targeted information campaigns on global issues

The “International Youth Works Information Workshops (Uluslararası Gençlik Çalışmaları Bilgilendirme Çalıştayları)” have been organised by the Ministry of Youth and Sports in many provinces to inform the youth on youth works in the international arena and to encourage the youth to participate in the youth works in the international arena. Workshops in which approximately 170 youth workers who have carried out and were carrying out works in the international arena were to come together accompanied by expert educators to share information and experience attracted great attention from the youth. On the first day of the workshops, in addition to sharing information on the nature of the youth exchange, legislation, information system of the youth exchange, experience was shared with presentations that were to be realised under the title model practices by provinces that had already realised exchange of youth and expert internationally. On the second day of the workshops, however, workshop works were carried out alongside the education on Erasmus+ and international youth works by the educators of the Turkish National Agency.


Information providers

In the Youth Centres, youth are always provided with information on international youth participation programs and cooperation opportunities in which the Ministry of Youth and Sports is responsible or a partner.

The Centre for EU Education and Youth Programs (National Agency) is the implementing authority for Erasmus+ Programme. The National Agency carries out awareness raising works on the opportunities on learning and cooperation presented for the youth, and guides the youth.

The Eurodesk is the European Information Network that provides information on the European opportunities for education for young people and in youth fields and participation of the youth in the European activities.

Acting in 33 European countries, the Eurodesk Information Network has been maintaining its activities in our country within the body of Turkish National Agency since 2008.

The Eurodesk services may include:

  • Free question answering service (via e-mail, fax, phone, visit),
  • Suggestions and help services for questioners,
  • Providing internet access to European information on funds,
  • Organising training and support services,
  • Organising conferences, seminars and other activities,
  • Printing and distribution of resource materials,
  • Generalising the information regarding the Youth Program.


Key initiatives

Youth exchange programs implemented through Youth Centres by the Ministry of Youth and Sports assumes an important role in improving the youth’s cooperation in the international arena and increasing their interest in global issues. These youth exchange programs means international youth and/or expert exchanges realised mutually between the youth centres working under the Ministry of Youth and Sports and abroad institutions and organisation. The exchanges, primarily realised with public or private institutions or organisations observing public interest that are in the countries which had signed cooperation agreement with the Republic of Turkey or protocol with the Ministry and working in the field of youth. the Ministry may organise “Seminars on Establishing Contact” in certain periods. Seminars on establishing contact are held for the purpose of bringing the institutions willing for exchange together. Furthermore, youth centres may work in cooperation with youth centres that had already realised exchanges for finding partners.  The youth centres set the program of the realised exchange through consultation with the partner institution.