6.4 Validation of non-formal and informal learning
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Arrangements for the validation of non-formal and informal learning
Information and guidance
Quality assurance
Arrangements for the validation of non-formal and informal learning
An overview of the system for evaluating the results of non-formal education in Slovakia is available on the Eurydice website.
Academic validation in the context of non-formal education and informal learning.
National Qualification Framework in the Slovak Republic and the Slovak Qualifications Framework are one of the outputs of the project „Creation of National qualifications system“ (ESF, 2013 – 2015 ).
National Qualifications System contains 1,000 qualifications that have a defined qualification standard (knowledge, skills, competencies), evaluation standard and methodological guidelines.
Strategy for Lifelong Learning 2011 and Action Plan for Lifelong Learning 2011 are the basic frameworks for validating the results of non-formal education in Slovakia. The Strategy is being updated in 2021.
MESRS has established Information system for Further Education.
- eligible institutions for verifying professional competences in the framework of individual qualifications
- currently there are 29 qualifications.
Validation of the results of non-formal education in youth work
Competencies acquired in the youth work are confirmed in the framework of the Act on Youth Work Support.
The responsible institution is the MESRS through the Accreditation Committee for Youth Work (Akreditačná komisia pre špecializované činnosti v práci s mládežou).
Accredited educational establishments issue a certificate of acquired professional competence for the participants in the educational programs, upon successful completion of the examination.
Professional competence to perform specialized activities in the field of youth work is a set of expert knowledge, skills and habits obtained by study at an educational establishment or by a professional practice
The target groups of non-formal education programs include youth workers, youth leaders and young leaders.
Information and guidance
There are various networks in Slovakia that provide information and advice on lifelong learning (including validation of non-formal education and informal learning):
- a network of advisors at the Information and Counselling Centres at the Offices of Labour, Social Affairs and Family
- career counsellors at secondary vocational schools trained under the National ESF project “Vocational Education Development” )
- tutors at the Counselling Centres for Adults (Poradenské centrá pre dospelých) set up by the National Institute of Lifelong Learning in the Slovak Republic (Národný ústav celoživotného vzdelávania).
- employees of Information Centers for Youth e.g. in Banská Bystrica.
Quality assurance
National Qualifications System is the basis for assessing the quality of competences acquired in the process of non-formal education and informal learning.
- a public register of 1000 qualifying cards with a description of qualification and evaluation standards,
- qualification and evaluation standards will allow comparison of learning outcomes achieved through different learning pathways,
- facilitate comparisons of qualification levels in the Slovak Republic with other EU countries,
- the links between formal and non-formal education,
- qualifications in the system are described in a form of standardized learning outcomes.
More information on quality assurance can be found on Eurydice portal.