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6. Education and Training

6.4 Validation of non-formal and informal learning

Last update: 2 April 2024
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Arrangements for the validation of non-formal and informal learning

'Hungary does not yet have a nationwide validation system based on uniform principles and procedures. One of the main reasons for this is the strong separation of educational and economic sectors. There are some sector-specific regulated procedures but these have very limited scope in relation to practice.' (Cedefop, 2018)

The National Core Curriculum

The most important result of an EFOP project was that the planning of the new National Core Curriculum (Nemzeti Alaptanterv) has finished.

The latest National Core Curriculum (Nemzeti Alaptanterv) was announced in 2020 and it is implemented from the 2020/2021 academic year in an ascending system. In addition to content changes, the subject structure is also changed (e.g. the introduction of 'digital culture' instead of 'IT') as well as the number of school hours. New framework curriculums in line with the new National Core Curriculum, have also been completed and published on the Educational Authority (Oktatási Hivatal) sub-page.

According to the information provided by the Ministry in 2020, schools have reviewed and modified their pedagogical programme and their local curriculum. Institutions that do not follow the requirements of central content regulators in all their elements, could apply for permission to use an individual solution. A significant number of alternative schools in Hungary took advantage of this opportunity.

Some other measurements were launched under this EFOP project, among others, the methodological and professional establishment of the thematic informal and non-formal learning opportunities.

The 'Vocational Training 4.0' strategy

In 2023, the Government has adopted the Action Plan effective until 2030 for the 'Vocational Training 4.0' strategy ('Szakképzés 4.0' stratégia 2030-ig tartó cselekvési terve). The Action Plan contains a measure that includes the recognition of prior learning or work experience in the case of adults applying for vocational training. The plan provides for the development of the 'Nationwide Validation System' that aims to have a validation process for the recognition of non-formal and informal knowledge in the vocational training system, adult education and the labour market. The deadline for the implementation of this measure is 31 December 2027.

Wonder Deer School Community Program

In connection with the informal learning opportunities, an important result of this project was the establishment of the Wonder Deer School Community Program (Csodaszarvas Iskolai Közösségi Program). The aim of the Program is to develop and renew the methodology of informal and non-formal education, and to expand the tools of teachers for the informal and non-formal learning opportunities. The learning opportunities in the Program are non-traditional school lessons: they allow the free processing of topics that are close to students' interests. As a result, teachers can try new forms of training, and students can participate in experiential community events.

Recognition of skills acquired with non-formal and informal learning in higher education

Section 49. (6) of the Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education [2011. évi CCIV. törvény 49. § (6) bekezdése] states, that the Credit Transfer Committee of a certain university may recognise knowledge and work experience gained through non-formal or informal learning. The procedure and the number of credits are regulated at the institutional level in the given institution’s Study and Examination Rules.

According to the Ministry information in 2023, universities will be able to recognise competencies acquired through non-formal or informal learning and professional experience with credits or with exemption from certain requirements. Recognition is based on the comparison of the competencies acquired with the requirements for obtaining the credits. The Government Regulation no. 87/2015. (IV.9.) ensures the legal basis for that process.

Information and guidance

There are no outlets/services/large-scale initiatives for disseminating information and offering guidance on the validation of non-formal and informal learning.

Quality assurance

The quality assurance of the arrangements for the validation of non-formal and informal competencies is ensured in the Fundamental Law of Hungary (Alaptörvény) in Article X. and XI. According to Article X.

'(1) Hungary shall ensure the freedom of scientific research and artistic creation, the freedom of learning for the acquisition of the highest possible level of knowledge and, within the framework laid down in an Act, the freedom of teaching.

(2) The State shall have no right to decide on questions of scientific truth; only scientists shall have the right to evaluate scientific research.

(3) Hungary shall protect the scientific and artistic freedom of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Hungarian Academy of Arts. Higher education institutions shall be autonomous in terms of the content and the methods of research and teaching; their organisation shall be regulated by an Act. The Government shall, within the framework of an Act, lay down the rules governing the management of public institutes of higher education and shall supervise their management.'