3.10 Promotion of entrepreneurship culture
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Special events and activities
Secondary school students involved in the subject Applied Economy (Aplikovaná ekonómia), have a possibility to present their projects every year at the national fair of students’ companies called JA Fair of Entrepreneurship Talents (JA Veľtrh podnikateľských talentov).
EIT Jumpstarter aims at supporting and developing idea holders and research teams turning ideas into business models. The Jumpstarter can assist idea holders that are just getting their ideas off the ground. The competition is covered by EIT RawMaterials, initiated and funded by the EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology) a body of the European Union.
Under the auspices of the Deputy Prime Minister for Investment and Information is on a yearly basis organized the competition for the Young Innovative Entrepreneur (Mladý inovatívny podnikateľ roka), which is part of the worldwide Creative Young Entrepreneur Award.
TECH INNO DAY is organized by University Technology Incubator of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. It is an event where clever students could present their startups ideas. There is also possibility to discuss and get knowledge from experienced mentors and entrepreneurs.
Innovative Idea Competition (Súťaž inovatívnych nápadov) offers the possibility to young innovators join competition of innovative ideas, projects and business solutions. The event is organised by Incubator Technical University of Košice (TUKE) which is part of the University Science Park TECHNICOM ecosystem.
Several activities for commencing entrepreneurs are provided by the Young Entrepreneurs Association of Slovakia (Združenie mladých podnikateľov Slovenska). It orientates its activity to exchange of experience, mentoring, networking of young entrepreneurs, financial aid during the starting entrepreneurship stages, presentation of successful, ethic, and exemplary entrepreneurs as well as entrepreneurship-practice examples, identification and removal of barriers within young people’s entrepreneurship.
Creating of entrepreneurship network and organising of networking events or partnerships fall within the scope of activities of several regional incubators and co-working spaces e.g. The University Technology Incubator at Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava or The Start-up centre at Technical University in Košice.