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EACEA National Policies Platform


3. Employment & Entrepreneurship

3.10 Promotion of entrepreneurship culture

Last update: 28 November 2023
On this page
  1. Special events and activities
  2. Networks and partnerships

Special events and activities

Organised by BEE-SECURE, Makerfest is an event that gives young people the opportunity to engage hands-on in new technologies. It is geared towards young participants and offers numerous workshops as well as demonstrations of state-of-the-art technologies.

Networks and partnerships

In Luxembourg, two institutions promote entrepreneurship and foster entrepreneurship competences in young people:

1.    The association Young Entrepreneurs (Jonk Entrepreneuren) was created by the government in cooperation with economic stakeholders. Its objectives are:

  • To explain and teach young people, throughout their school curriculum, that self-employment is a concrete alternative to paid employment
  • To arouse young people's interest to undertake, innovate, create and take initiatives.

The association offers programmes for different school levels, such as the secondary school project 'mini-enterprises', where students are responsible for operating a mini-enterprise over the course of one school year with their teacher as a coach.

2.    The mission of the Junior Chamber International Luxembourg (JCEL; Jeune Chambre Économique Luxembourg) is to give young people the opportunity to develop their talents as leaders, to allow them to grow in areas of social responsibility, entrepreneurship and solidarity. Members, aged 18 to 40, can engage in a variety of projects depending on their interests. Every year, the Young Economic Chamber organises the 'most creative young entrepreneur in Luxembourg' contest. It is affiliated with the Junior Chamber International (JCI).

The BEE-SECURE initiative (see: 3.8 Development of entrepreneurship competence) forms an important network that is coordinated by the National Youth Service and the KannerJugendTelefon and supported by different public institutions: the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration, and the Greater Region, the Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity, the Police and the Justice Administration.