3.10 Promotion of entrepreneurship culture
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Special events and activities
As stated in Axis no.2 " autonomy, decent employment and youth entrepreneurship”, one of the main objectives of the Youth Strategy 2030 is to encourage entrepreneurship culture.
Among the national activities for the promotion of entrepreneurship culture it is worth mentioning the National Contest of Young Entrepreneurs (Certamen Nacional de Jóvenes Emprendedores). Organised by the Youth Institute, young entrepreneurs less than 35 years of age with entrepreneurial projects may participate.
One of the objectives of the Spain as an Entrepreneurial Nation Strategy is to promote closer links between Vocational Training, the University and emerging companies and to contribute to increasing the transfer of technological knowledge from the University to the business world.
The Autonomous Regions also launch programmes and actions to promote entrepreneurship culture:
- Programa de emprendimiento de Asturias (Asturias entrepreneurship programme)
- Itinerarios de Emprendimiento Juvenil en Euskadi 2023 (Youth Entrepreneurship Itineraries in the Basque Country 2023)
- Programa Laboratorio Fémina Cantabria Mujer Emprendedora (Laboratorio Fémina Cantabria Women Entrepreneurship Programme)
- Programa de Andalucía “Programa Innovactiva” (Andalusia Programme "Programa Innovactiva")
Networks and partnerships
The Spain Entrepreneurial Nation Strategy seeks an alliance between different stakeholders. The Strategy explains that collaboration and interaction between all actors, the search for a common compromise and the harnessing of all the capacities of the ecosystem will lead to the creation of a virtuous circle for innovative entrepreneurship. The plan consists of a partnership between different actors:
- Schools and colleges
- Academies, training centres, universities and business centres
- R+D+i centres
- Entrepreneurship
- Business sector
- Financiers and investors
- Accelerators, incubators and venture builders
- Facilitators
- Foundations
- Federations, associations and other representations
- Citizenship and Civil Society