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EACEA National Policies Platform


3. Employment & Entrepreneurship

3.10 Promotion of entrepreneurship culture

Last update: 1 April 2024
On this page
  1. Special events and activities
  2. Networks and partnerships

Special events and activities

The role of Design Terminal

Besides being part of the curriculum presented in sub-chapter 3.8 Development of Entrepreneurial Competence, development of entrepreneurship also appears in the programme of Design Terminal. Their mission is:

'We create value for different kinds of partners in the same way: we identify innovation challenges and look for the best people to solve them. We believe innovative solutions lie in optimistic communities. All of our programs leverage the power in personal connections and networks.'

Start-up Campus

The network of Startup Campus was an initiative to promote start-ups. The programme targets university students and aims to

'develop and implement innovation programmes for corporations and governmental partners, moreover, we support innovative projects with educational, incubation, investment, sales and foreign market entry services from early phase ventures up to SMEs with great growth potential.'

Networks and partnerships

The Startup Campus programme mentioned above functions like a network itself. In addition to regular events in 5 cities in Hungary, the programme was also presented at roadshows in Berlin and London in 2017 to give the selected start-ups the opportunity to present their innovations to an international jury. Recently, they established local centres in these two cities. 

As far as the NGO sector is concerned, FIVOSZ - National Association of Young Entrepreneurs (Fiatal Vállalkozók Országos Szövetsége), - with a focus on young entrepreneurs –

'works together with several Hungarian, European and global organizations for moving forward the situation and conditions of young entrepreneurs, and organizes nearly 200 events per year all over Hungary.'