3.10 Promotion of Entrepreneurship Culture
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The Bulgarian Center of Training Firms is a state specialized unit for organizational and methodological support at the Ministry of Education and Science. It is funded by the state budget, EU funds and programs and other sources.
It organises annual TF Fest – International Practice Enterprises Trade Fair Young Entrepreneur. This is a professional competition with the participation of school and university students. The forum presents the results of the integrated training in economics, information technologies, business administration and foreign languages. The participants demonstrate their competences in real business environment by carrying out negotiations, entering into transactions, presenting products and services and performing payments (fictitious).
Acceleration and Star-up Financing Fund (Фонд за ускоряване и начално финансиране) supports entrepreneurship and growth capacity of small and medium-sized enterprises. It improves young and developing entrepreneurs’ access to funding and supports the transition of the Bulgarian economy to a knowledge-based economy. Projects are funded under Innovations and Competitiveness Operational Program with resources from the European Regional Development Fund and national resources.