3.2 Administration and governance
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In drafting Employment Policies, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security provides policy guidance based on government policy priorities as they are identified (prioritization of program target groups) and linked to the employment guidelines adopted by the Council of Ministers of Employment. The bodies involved in the process of planning and implementing employment policies are the Department of Labour Integration of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the NSRF Staff Structure of the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Economy (ED NSRF APKO) and Public Employment Services (DYPA) . In particular:
The Directorate for Employment at Work has the operational goal of taking measures to promote employment through the adoption of the necessary legislation for the implementation of active employment policy programs and vocational education and training.
The responsibilities of the NSRF Staff Structure of the Ministry of Labour are to support the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the supervised bodies in identifying their needs and submitting project proposals for funding from the European Structural and Investment Funds (EDET) through the ERDF 2014-2020 and other programs. It also acts as a beneficiary and implements actions within the Operational Programs of the NSRF. It also oversees and coordinates the operation of the Labour Market Needs Diagnosis Mechanism.
The Public Employment Services (DYPA) constitutes a central pillar of the welfare state and an operational arm for the fight against unemployment. DYPA’s main actions focus on supporting and strengthening the citizens through the promotion of employment, unemployment insurance, social protection of motherhood and family, vocational education and training, but also on other social policy actions aimed at improving the livelihoods of the workforce.
The National Institute for Labour and Human Resources Development, under the supervision of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, is an advisory body of the Ministry and has the scientific responsibility for the Mechanism.
Τhe Ministry of Development performs an important role in the development of youth entrepreneurship, more specifically the Secretariat for Program Management of the European Regional Development Fund, Cohesion Fund and European Social Fund. The abovementioned secretariat supervises the Operational Programs:
• ’’Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & Innovation’’
Furthermore, the Foundation for Youth and Lifelong Learning (I.NE.DI.VI.M) of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs develops actions for the employment and entrepreneurship of young people through the following:
• Eurodesk Network
The National Social Partners also participate in the consultations on employment and entrepreneurship issues. Specifically:
The General Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen &Merchants (GSEVEE)
The Hellenic Confederation of Commerce & Entrepreneurship (ESEE)
Cross-sectoral cooperation
A representative of the General Confederation of Greek Workers participates in the Board of Directors of the National Institute of Labour and Human Resources Development, representing the employees and a representative of the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises as a joint representative of the employers. All the National Social Partners participate in the Parliamentary Work of the Greek Parliament and the processing of the bills. They also represent the young people who are members. The National Youth Council also plays an important role in the consultation of the bodies.
In Greece there is no other institutionalized body for new generation issues other than the National Youth Council.