5.8 Raising political awareness among young people
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Information providers / counselling structures
Youth-targeted information campaigns about democratic rights and democratic values
Promoting the intercultural dialogue among young people
Promoting transparent and youth-tailored public communication
Information providers / counselling structures
The Centre for Political Education (ZpB; Zentrum fir politesch Bildung) represents the main element of the government’s strategy to foster political education. It was inaugurated in October 2016.
The objectives of the Centre are defined as follows:
- Supporting existing efforts in the field of formal and non-formal education
- Creating a platform for the stakeholders involved and setting up a network for initiatives in the field of formal and non-formal education
- Developing educational concepts of citizenship and national initiatives
- Creating training opportunities for stakeholders and contributing to their qualification
- Developing educational tools and providing opportunities for citizenship education in the field of formal and non-formal education
- Developing information and documentation services
- Dealing with societal and political issues in order to develop campaigns for the general public and more specific audiences.
A Luxembourgish youth radio station (Graffiti), funded by the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth, provides all young people (aged 12 to 26 years) the opportunity to create and host their own radio shows. For this reason, both in production and presentation, the radio shows are tailored to youth listeners.
Youth Information provides young people with relevant information on youth issues in a way adapted to their needs. The organisation hosts a website which provides information on different topics (e.g. education, employment, housing, engagement and health); it also runs a YouTube channel and social media accounts.
Youth-targeted information campaigns about democratic rights and democratic values
The campaign 'I can vote' aims to promote voting rights among foreign residents, who are eligible to vote in local elections under certain conditions. The webpage provides information about voting procedures, programmes of political parties and further information on the political responsibilities and tasks of the municipalities in Luxembourg.
The National Youth Council launched a webpage to inform young people on the local elections. The webpage explains the modalities of the elections (date, requirements, voting mechanism). It is accessible via jugendrot.lu or jonkwielt.lu.
Promoting the intercultural dialogue among young people
Association for the Support of Migrant Workers (ASTI; Association de Soutien aux Travailleurs Immigrés) is an NGO that fights for immigrants' voting right and equal rights for all. The association runs a number of services and projects not exclusively but also for young people.
The Centre of Documentation and Intercultural Animation (IKL; [interkulturell] Centre de documentation et d'animations interculturelles) is managed by the non-profit organisation ASTI, the City of Luxembourg and the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth. It offers educational projects to elementary and secondary schools in Luxembourg and other multipliers in order to familiarise them with different lifestyles and promote encounters and dialogue between people from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds. The Centre promotes workshops that foster intercultural exchange and dialogue among young people (Overview of workshops).
The NGO 4motion also offers various projects to promote intercultural dialogue among young people. The projects carried out by this organisation follow the education for diversity and anti-discrimination approach, as exemplified by the project 'School as an intercultural laboratory'.
Promoting transparent and youth-tailored public communication
At present, there is no information available.