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EACEA National Policies Platform
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina

10. Youth work

10.2 Administration and governance of youth work

Last update: 23 February 2024


BiH is a state constituted by two entities: RS and FBiH. There is also the self-governing BD. 

The national youth work governance is not existent in BiH, yet, due to its constitutional structure and because certain jurisdictions (like youth) are tied by the constitution to a certain level of government. The youth issues at national level are in jurisdiction of the Commission for Coordination of Youth Issues in BiH and newly established Mobility and Youth Unit at the BiH Ministry of Civil Affairs.

Most of the constitutional competencies regarding youth issues are at the entities’ government level: RS and FBiH. The competencies at the entity level in the field of youth are within the following ministries: RS Ministry of Family, Youth and Sports and FBiH Ministry of Culture and Sports. The BD BiH government has a Department for Professional and Administrative Affairs that also has jurisdiction over the youth issues. 

Cross-sectoral cooperation

The RS Council on Youth was established by the RS Government following the proposal of the Ministry, with the mission to give their opinions on professional issues in the field of youth policy and its implementation. The Council members are: Minister of Family, Youth and Sports, Minister of Education and CultureMinister of Health and Social Welfare, Ministry of Labour, War Veterans and Disabled Persons' Protection, Minister of Finance, a representative of the working body which deals with youth issues of the RS People’s Assembly and three representatives of the RS Youth Council. 

The RS Youth Policy 2016-2020 explained the multi-sectoral approach in the part relating to the implementation of the document with defined actors for each measure, which will be further developed through the projects in the Action Plan implementing the youth policy.

Most of the measures, programs, projects and activities, defined by the policy will be implemented within all institutions, organizations, departments and services involved. The Ministry of Family, Youth and Sports is the main coordinator responsible for the planning, implementation and monitoring of the policy. In addition, a cross-sectoral team will be established in order to develop and implement an Action Plan for the implementation of the Youth Policy and make sure that:

  • Policy is project-driven, the activities and work related to the implementation will be coordinated,

  • To provide analytical, managerial and communication capacities, in order to successfully work on achieving the goals set,

  • Planning and reporting are coordinated,

  • Support is given to the constructive involvement of stakeholders (youth organizations, civil society organizations, business sector, international organizations, representatives of the professional community in these areas and other key stakeholders) during the preparation and implementation of the Action Plan,

  • Efficient operation of the implementation through centralized coordination and support is ensured which includes the development of programs, reports, analysis, organizing meetings.

The preparation of the annual Action Plan for the implementation of the RS Youth Policy is done in cooperation with all stakeholders and partners involved in measures set out in the Youth Policy. Support to this process is provided by USAID, which supported the Ministry in drafting the Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for the Youth Policy. In May 2016, monitoring and evaluation trainings were organized for the representatives of institutions and civil society organizations involved in the implementation.

Currently, the RS Youth Policy 2022-2026 is still being developed. The document drafting process was supported with the technical assistance through the EU4CS (EU for Civil Society) project and the Youth Retention Program in BiH - General Mobilization project financed by the EU Delegation in BiH.

After holding the session of the RS Council on Youth, and obtaining the consent of the relevant ministries, the RS Youth Policy 2022-2026 will be sent to the RS Government for approval.

The FBiH Government is currently in the process of developing the first youth policy for young people in FBiH. The process of developing a youth policy is coordinated by the FBiH Ministry of Culture and Sport. 

Beside this initiative, there is an initiative of the FBiH Youth Council to form a council on youth that would have similar responsibilities as the RS Council on Youth.