7.2 Administration and governance
The main governmental actors responsible for policy making concerning youth health and wellbeing include the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports and the Directorate of Sport and Youth.
The Ministry of Health has responsibilities related to creating health policy, preparing and monitoring relevant regulations, monitoring and analyzing the most important indicators of the health status of the population, strategic planning of the healthcare system and organizing healthcare for particularly sensitive and vulnerable population groups, including young people.
The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports is responsible for preparing drafts of laws and other regulations concerning sports and youth, for encouraging the development of sport and for creating and improving youth policy.
The Directorate of Sport and Youth’s duties include fostering and promoting the development of sports among students and raising awareness on the importance of playing sports at school age for health; creating and developing youth policies and preparing strategies, action plans and programmes for youth.
The Institute for Public Health also has responsibilities in the area of youth health – its tasks include monitoring, assessment and analysis of the health status of the population, monitoring and analyzing the achievement of health policy aims, planning and implementing measures for health improvement of citizens, and creating and implementing programmes and educational activities for the promotion of health.
According to the laws of Montenegro, civil society organizations have the right to delegate a representative to the working bodies of state administration bodies and to conduct public hearings in the preparation of laws and strategies. Accordingly, they have the opportunity to initiate policy measures related to the health and well-being of young people and participate in their implementation.
According to the Law on youth (Official Gazette of Montenegro, nos. 025/19 of 30 April 2019 and 4 027/191 of 17 May 2019), municipalities adopt a local youth action plan, which contains measures and activities of youth policy at the local level, to meet the interests and needs of young people. These action plans should be harmonized with the Youth Strategy, which includes measures related to youth health and well-being.
Youth health policy is implemented by institutions and organizations that are responsible for the provision of health services outlined by the policies. Healthcare is provided at three levels: primary (health care centres), secondary (general and special hospitals) and tertiary (Clinical Centre of Montenegro). The promotion of healthy lifestyles and preventive healthcare for youth is organized through health centers in municipalities.
Cross-sectoral co-operation
The Directorate of Sport and Youth co-operates with the Ministry of Health and Institute for Public Health to achieve goals set by the National Youth Strategy and other strategies related to youth health. Non-governmental organisations also have a role in implementing measures for promoting healthy lifestyles among youth.