The Council for Youth (heir of the previous NYSC) will be established in order to encourage the development of youth policy, as an expert and advisory body, in accordance with Article 16 of the Law on Youth.
MONSTAT – Official Statistical Agency
NEET young persons (not in education, employment and training)
Regional Office for Youth Co-operation (RYCO) has developed several programs to support the peacebuilding and reconciliation process and intercultural learning and dialogue and create strong and sustainable links among young people, NGOs, schools, students and their communities
RCC (Council for Regional Cooperation) called "Youth Laboratory of the Western Balkans", which is funded by the European Union
The European Youth Card (EYCA) is a socially responsible program that makes it easier for young people (13-29 years old)
Humanitarian work: There are numerous organizations in Montenegro that deal with humanitarian work and provide assistance to vulnerable groups of the population, such as the poor, refugees, senior citizens, children or people with disabilities.
Volunteering in the local community: is extremely important because it allows individuals to directly contribute to their community and improve the living conditions of their fellow citizens.
Volunteering in schools: as help in teaching, supporting students in learning, organizing school activities or decorating the school yard.
Volunteering at local sports clubs: volunteer at local sports clubs, helping to organize sports events, coaching young athletes, or helping to maintain sports facilities.
European Solidarity Corps, the main EU programme providing volunteering opportunities.
National Voluntary Service (ADP-Zid)
The Employment Agency of Montenegro is a legal entity that has the status of a state fund and performs activities that include jobs related to employment established by the Law on Employment Mediation and Rights during Unemployment, other regulations and the Institute's Statute, as tasks from delegated competence.
The Trade union is a legal entity which, unlike a corporation, is managed in accordance with democratic principles (according to the rule one member, one vote).
Investment and Development Fund has a aim of encouraging and accelerating the economic development of Montenegro
Union of employers is the umbrella organization of employers in Montenegro
Career centers represent a support service that serves to improve students' competencies, especially in the development of their practical skills with the aim of better preparation for the labor market and encouraging the development of entrepreneurial awareness
The Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro is an independent, business, professional and interest organization that is independent in its work
The Agency for Control and Quality Assurance of Higher Education (AKOKVO) is the leading state body for external quality assurance of higher education
Superschools is a RYCO programme with cooperation with the Ministry of Education for school exchanges in WB6 with the objectives to support the peacebuilding and reconciliation process and intercultural learning and dialogue among schools, students and their communities
ZOPT-Centre, which takes place through active employment policy programs (APZ) for unemployed persons, professional rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities, and adult education/training programs
SIA project, the promotion of entrepreneurial culture and the affirmation of social entrepreneurship among young people is foreseen throughout the duration of the project
Youth participation - represents a broader construct, not only regarding participation in decision making, but also participation in creating solutions, initiating solutions, participating in all phases of active decision making
Active participation of young people means that “youth actively participate in the process of organizing and implementing the programmes in the field of youth policy through the co-ordination of the development of interdisciplinary partnerships, co-operation between the young people and the young people in planning and conducting the youth affairs
The Children’s Parliament is organized by the Parliament of Montenegro and the NGO Centre for the Rights of the Child. Sessions take place on an annual basis, on the occasion of the date of the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (20 November). The first session was held in 2009. Members of the Children’s Parliament are primary and secondary school students, representatives of local children’s parliaments.
National Youth Council - the Law on Youth (2019) stipulates that: “In order to encourage the development of youth policy, the Ministry is forming the (National) Youth Council, as an expert and advisory body” (Article 16).
Student parliaments - represent student bodies representing and defending attitudes and interests of students of a particular faculty. The student parliament aims to involve young people as much as possible in the decision making and decision-making process through the formal education system.
School student union(s) - bodies through which pupils can participate in decision-making processes in their school.
Students’/pupils ‘parliaments -represent a pupil performing body within the schools of Montenegro, made up of pupils themselves.
Union of high school students of Montenegro (UNSCG) - a non-governmental and nonprofit youth association, which represents the umbrella organization of high-school parliaments.
Youth Center - The UNSCG, with the financial support of the Ministry of Sports and Youth, coordinates the work of the Youth Center.
Association of non-governmental organizations and associations that implement youth policy – a representative association, for the purposes of this law, is an alliance comprising several nongovernmental organizations implementing youth policies (at least 30 from at least six municipalities).
Youth organizations of political parties - represent the youth of a political movement or party.