3. Employment & Entrepreneurship
In Montenegro, a person can establish an employment relationship with at least 15 years of life. The Labor Law provides additional conditions for employment for persons under the age of 18, with the written consent of parents, adoptive parents or guardians, if such work does not endanger their morals, education and health, and if such work is not prohibited by law. In Montenegro, the fight against youth unemployment and the promotion of youth employment are recognized as a priority. Youth employment is high on the state's political agenda.
The commitment of the Government of Montenegro to solve the situation of insufficient youth employment is recognized in the National Employment Strategy 2021-2025.
The employment action plan for foresees activities and indicators specifically aimed at young people in order to monitor the effect of the action plan.
In Montenegro, the following are responsible for youth employment and entrepreneurship:
Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare
Institute for Employment of Montenegro