8.5 Developing cultural and creative competences
In Montenegro, the formal education in the field of culture and creativity has been established on primary, secondary and university level. However, education on cultural management and specific professions has not yet been established, although the market need for these professions is evident.
Acquiring cultural and creative competences through education and training
Formal education for the field of culture has been organized primary through specialized elementary schools for the field of music that can be attended by talented students together with regular elementary schools. On secondary level, there are specialized secondary schools for music and fine arts. In addition, the formal education could be continued through art academies for music, theatre, audio-visual production, fine arts, visual arts, history of arts.
Non formal education is being achieved through various projects and programmes implemented by organizations acting in the field of culture and adult learning organisations. The mentioned can be implemented through training, exchanges, capacity building activities.
In order to achieve a more satisfactory level of both formal and non-formal learning aiming at
Specialised training for professionals in the education, culture and youth fields
The Ministry of Culture and Media provides support to individual requests submitted by cultural professionals and artists related to their capacity building and attendance of specialized training and educational conferences that could improve their skills and knowledge. In addition, the international associations and funds where Montenegro is a full member often provide various training opportunities and exchange programmes that could be applied for by interested applicants.
Providing quality access to creative environments
Montenegro can be perceived as a festival country with a large number of festivals and manifestations from all the fields of culture and arts. Many of these festivals are multimedia international events that bring together artists, professionals and audiences from various parts of the world. Thus, they make a perfect creative environment for young people that want to upgrade their skills and knowledge while sharing experiences and practices with their colleagues. The Ministry of Culture and Media is supporting multimedia festivals through a special line under cultural and artistic creativity public call. In addition, various international associations and funds provide support for festivals and similar events.