6.8 Media literacy and safe use of new media
National strategy
The commitment of the Government of Montenegro to provide strong support to the Montenegrin media community through the improvement of the media environment is noted, in order to ensure the conditions for smooth work and affirmation of media freedom, the need for the preparation of the Media Strategies for the time period 2022 – 2026 is noted.
This Strategy clearly defines the goals, directions of development, and future plans in order to provide a favorable environment for freedom of information, the flow of ideas and opinions in pursuit of the public interest, as well as a regulated media market. In 2002, Montenegro passed the first Law on Media, which followed the standards of developed democracies for a favorable environment for the work of free media. Since 2002, media legislation in Montenegro has been continuously harmonized with European standards in this area. In July 2020, the new Law on Media and the Law on the National Public Broadcaster Radio and Television of Montenegro were adopted. In addition to them, the key regulation that regulates the media is the Law on Electronic Media, which, in order to harmonize with Directive 2018/1808 on audiovisual media services, which amends Directive 2010/13, should replace the Law on Audio-Visual Media Services.
There are no regular measurements of media literacy in Montenegro, but numerous challenges in the field have been identified through different studies. However, there is a lack of regular research and measurements in this field that could indicate the level of media literacy in Montenegro. Media literacy is not only a question of education and culture, but also a question of economic development, because it is necessary in the labor market of the 21st century and is therefore necessary for ending intergenerational poverty. At the same time, media literacy is also a question of the development of democracy in a country, because it is necessary for civic activism in the digital age. Media literacy is the only sustainable, long-term answer to the challenges of the digital age, because in this way every child acquires the basics of media literacy through school and learns to use new technologies, thereby enabling them to find a job and participate as citizens in a digital society.
As part of the activities defined by the EPALE project, the National Support Service for Montenegro provides systemic support for the development of media literacy by creating a national education program for the development of the key literacy competence - functional media literacy.
The Ministry of Culture and Media is primarily responsible for harmonizing media legislation with European standards in the field of media. The Directorate is in charge of the Law on Media, the Law on the National Public Broadcaster Radio and Television of Montenegro, the Law on Electronic Media (Law on Audiovisual Media Services) and the Law on the Ratification of the European Convention on Transboundary Television.
The Agency for Electronic Media (AEM) is an independent regulatory body for the field of AVM services. As an independent legal entity, it is functionally independent from any state body and from all legal and natural persons engaged in the production and broadcast of radio and television programs or the provision of other AVM services. The founder of the Agency is the state, and the rights of the founder are exercised on behalf of the state by the Council of the Agency, which is elected by the Parliament of Montenegro. The Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (EKIP) is an independent regulatory body for electronic communications and postal services. The agency is functionally independent from all entities that exploit electronic communication networks, provide equipment or provide services in the markets of electronic communications and postal services. The Agency carries out its activities in accordance with the competences prescribed by the Law on Electronic Communications (Official Gazette of Montenegro, No. 40/13, 56/13, 2/17, 49/19) and the Law on Postal Services (Official Gazette of Montenegro, No. 57/11, 55/16, 55/18), and based on the Work Plan. EKIP's competences refer to internet intermediaries and media internet platforms, especially the implementation of rules and procedures related to blocking, filtering and removing content on the internet.
The national public broadcaster, Radio and Television of Montenegro, has the obligation to provide public audiovisual services that satisfy: democratic, social, cultural, educational and other needs of the public interest of all segments of Montenegrin society. The public service ensures the realization of the rights and interests of citizens and other subjects in the field of information, regardless of their political, religious, cultural, racial or gender affiliation. The governing bodies are the General Director and the Radio and Television of Montenegro Council.
The radio-diffusion center performs the activity of providing services in the field of radio communications and telecommunications, including transmission and broadcasting services of radio and television programs, image, sound and data transmission, colocation and other modern multimedia services. The founder of RDC is the Government of Montenegro. One of the basic activities specified in the Statute of the RDC is the transmission and broadcasting of programs of the national public service Radio and Television of Montenegro, as well as other media in Montenegro. The Film Center, based on the Law on Cinematography, cooperates with commercial TV broadcasters with national coverage.
Media Institute - Media Institute of Montenegro (IMCG) is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving professional standards in Montenegrin journalism, journalistic ethics, citizens' right to freedom of expression, and the development of free media. It was founded in 2000, and through its training programs, generations of young journalists have been trained to perform basic, but also more complex tasks in the media. Special attention is paid to the development of media policies and media literacy through the strengthening of citizens' critical awareness. The Institute's initiatives are aimed at protecting the rights of vulnerable groups and young people in the media, preventing hate speech, free access to information, and improving digital rights in the online sphere.
The Bureau for Education Services based on the publicly valid general part of the educational program for general high school, which was determined by the Decision of the Ministry of Education and Science of March 24, 2004 (No. 01-1584/2), and the Decision of the Ministry of Education and Science of 21 March 2006 (No. 01-1797/2) The Council for General Education, at its 46th session, held on April 4, 2008, determined the subject program Media Literacy, an optional subject for the II or III grade of high school.
Media literacy and online safety through formal education
The Ministry of Education, as part of the activities of the EPALE National Support Service for Montenegro project, launched a regional initiative for the preparation of a unique framework of media literacy competences, and accordingly a document was developed in whose preparation five countries participated: Montenegro as the initiator and coordinator of this activity, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Slovenia.
On the basis of the prepared regional framework, Montenegro developed a national education program for the development of the key competence of literacy - Functional media literacy. The document is in its final stage of preparation and it is expected to be approved by the competent bodies by the end of 2022. After the adoption of the program, it will begin its regional piloting, and then the creation of a manual for teachers who will implement it in the future.