4.8 Current debates and reforms
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Forthcoming policy developments
The new National Strategy for the Social Inclusion of the Roma (ESKE Roma 2021-2030) reflects the principles of the Active Welfare State with the aim of promoting development-oriented policies for the prevention and fight against poverty and social exclusion. Based on the fundamental values of the EU, for a society of equal treatment, equal rights and opportunities for all, ESKE Roma 2021-2030 focuses on social inclusion, smooth coexistence, building mutual trust and equal participation of Roma in the social, political, economic and cultural fabric of the country. It focuses on creating the conditions for the active participation of Roma in social events as Greek and European citizens and on the equal exercise of their rights and obligations in their personal, social, and professional lives. At its core is the effective protection of the fundamental rights of the Roma through comprehensive interventions to promote socio-economic integration, active citizenship, and the abolition of social exclusion and discrimination.
In particular, the goal of the Roma ESKE 2021–2030 is to effectively address the multiple forms of deprivation experienced by the Roma and to promote their full integration into the social, economic, political, and cultural fabric of the country, with targeted interventions in the housing sectors, healthcare, education, and employment, and by enhancing access to general (mainstream) integration policies. Combating spatial segregation, improving living conditions, housing rehabilitation, and access to basic social goods are key strategic goals.
Special emphasis is also placed on strengthening and upgrading the skills of Roma, especially the most vulnerable groups, such as women and young people, with a view to their active participation in the local community. Furthermore, the new strategy must ensure that by 2030, the majority of young Roma have completed at least secondary school.
ESKE Roma 2021–2030 also specialises in:
- The necessary measures to promote the social inclusion of Roma, with a focus on housing, employment, education, and health, with particular regard to the gender dimension and the socio-economic situation of young Roma.
- Creating conditions for the development of social dialogue and consensus through social emancipation, the utilisation of local consultation networks, and the active participation of Roma themselves, especially young people and women, in social events.
- Empowerment of Roma youth and women through skills development and counselling activities for professional, social, and personal development, with an emphasis on raising awareness of gender equality, early marriage, and civil society (civic competence and engagement) and integration of Roma youth and women into the local community.
Ongoing debates
There are no current public political debates on the chapter's topic.