5.9 E-participation
According to "Youth 17-27: Strategic Framework for Youth Empowerment" the following goals and actions are defined:
Subgoal 5.5: Development of new forms of participation in democratic processes, with particular emphasis on electronic participation (e-participation) as well as the role of social media. In the context of the specific sub-goal, the following steps are considered necessary:
5.5.1: The promotion of the digital literacy of young people and, in general, their familiarisation with ICT.
5.5.2.: Ensuring access to the internet, without discrimination, for all categories of the young population without exception.
5.5.3: The establishment of new online communication structures between government agencies and young people, both by using classic online platforms (e.g. websites, blogs, etc.) and by utilising social media as well as special applications (apps) that are more conducive to direct, interactive, and multi-level communication.
5.5.4: Taking appropriate initiatives to address the phenomenon of low participation of young people on existing online platforms.
5.5.5: The creation of digital content that is attractive to young people, with the participation of young people themselves in the process.
5.5.6: The better management of the huge amount of information that is trafficked to young people (e.g., through the implementation of special digital protocols and other relevant measures, with the better training of the personnel involved in the traffic of information, etc.), so that they can receive the information they really need and not get "lost" among useless or even false news.
Monitoring Indicators
- Percentage of young people who have access to the internet and are properly educated to take advantage of the possibilities it provides.
- Percentage of young people who use the internet to communicate with public authorities.
- Percentage of young people who use the internet (websites, blogs, social networks, etc.) to post their opinions and engage in dialogue about social and political issues.
- Number of electronic consultation/dialogue mechanisms with young people at central and local level.