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10. Youth work

10.6 Recognition and validation of skills acquired through youth work

Last update: 1 July 2024

Existing Arrangements

So far, there are no existing arrangements regarding the recognition of the skills and competences acquired by young people participating in youth work activities. A certification process must be the subject of a study taking into account the best European practices and, at the same time, it will fully respond to the special conditions of the Youth Workers performing their duties in the Greek institutional environment. Regarding the validation of non-formal and informal learning, the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports coordinates, through E.O.P.P.E.P., the creation of a validation mechanism for non-formal and informal learning in Greece, as described in the National Qualifications Framework (see Section 6.4). 

In addition, young people participating in youth activities through the Erasmus+ program have the opportunity to use Youthpass, as a tool to document and recognize learning outcomes. Youthpass is a confirmation of participation and a detailed description of the activities of the Erasmus+ / Youth and European Solidarity Corps programs, which are provided by the beneficiaries to the interested participants. At the same time, Youthpass aims at strengthening and promoting practices in the field of Youth Work and solidarity activities, as well as their quality and recognition.

In the light of formal education there is no specific accreditation. 



Recognition mechanisms resulting from national policies validating specific skills through Youth Work are not mentioned.