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EACEA National Policies Platform


8. Creativity and Culture

8.5 Developing cultural and creative competences

Last update: 10 July 2024

Acquiring cultural and creative competences through education and training

As part of formal education in Greece, and specifically in Secondary Education, Art Schools operate. The Art Schools were established by Law 3194/2003 and include, according to Ministerial Decision 107922/Γ7/3-10-2003, the directions of: 

• Visual Arts 

• Theatre-Cinema and 

• Dance. 

The purpose of the establishment of the Arts Schools of Secondary Education is the preparation, encouragement and support of students' interest in the Arts, the cultivation and training of skills and inclinations they possess and the preparation of young people who wish to follow the professional direction of the theater - Cinema, Dance, and Visual Arts. The curriculum of Art Schools includes: 

• Direction of Visual Arts 

o Visual Arts Laboratory 

o Dance 

o Theatre 

o Music 

o Creative Writing 

• Direction of Theater - Cinema 

o Theater Workshop 

o Cinema 

o Visual arts 

o Music 

o Creative Writing 

• Direction of Dance

o Dance 

o Music

o Theatre 

o Visual arts 

The teaching staff is divided into teachers related to the arts and artists or fully specialized teachers in the directions included in the curricula. 

In the context of Higher Education, there are University Schools and Departments that provide specialized studies to young people and lead to the acquisition of a degree in artistic specialties. In accordance with the National Qualifications Framework, artistic studies programs are developed at levels 6, 7 and 8. Specifically, the following University Schools and Departments operate: 

At the same time, in the formal education system in Greece, there are public and private Vocational Training Institutes with specializations in Applied Arts and Artistic Studies such as photography, graphic design, interior design, music technology, camerawork, etc. 

In terms of the non-formal education system, the creative skills of young people are supported through the provision of opportunities offered by Lifelong Learning Centers. 

The Drama School, of the National Theater, is structured in the following departments: 

The Higher School of Dramatic Art of the State Theater of Northern Greece has been operating since 1973. The purpose of the School is to provide higher education in dramatic art and the thorough education of artists and operators of the Greek Stage. The School is state-owned and belongs to the higher level of education (tertiary) based on the P.D. 336/14/6/89. Studying is free and lasts for three years. 

As far as the performing arts are concerned, the Athens Conservatory offers high-level studies in music and theater education. For instance, there are Jazz, Electronic music departments, Special Music Departments, Higher School of Dramatic Art, Theatrical Education Workshop for young children, teenagers and young people, Amateur Dance School for young children, teenagers, young people and others. 

Regarding the support of creativity among young people, through funding from various institutions and organizations: 

The Fulbright Foundation offers the Fulbright Artist Program, which is addressed to artists who want to experience the cultural scene of the United States. 

As part of the support of the National Opera, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation announced a large donation of €20 million, for the implementation of a four-year planning and development program, which strengthens the artistic extroversion and awareness of the work of the National Opera abroad. The extroversion program also includes scholarships for students of the Higher Professional Dance School of the National Opera. 

The State Scholarship Foundation grants scholarships to Greek citizens, university graduates for the preparation of artistic work in Greece and abroad.

Specialized training for professionals in the fields of education, culture and youth

The Institute of Pedagogical Policy (IEP) is the competent body charged with the task of teacher training, through the Training Coordination, Support and Monitoring Unit of the Teacher Training Office. 

The Association of Educational Art Courses,  whose members are artist teachers, graduates of the Higher Schools of Fine Arts (HSFA) of Greece and equivalent Schools abroad, where Art in Education in Public and Private Schools is taught throughout Greece, organizes annual training seminars and Conferences in Athens and in the Region, in which artists and educators members of the Union from all over the country participate. These Conferences constitute a unique case of long-term training in the field of education, which is based on the voluntary participation, agency and the initiative of visual artists. It has established itself as an important institution that supports art education and the renewal and development of art teaching. 

The Action Plan 2022 of the Ministry of Culture and Sports, includes as a project of the Goal of Strengthening the cultural and creative economy, the development of skills of workers in the cultural and creative sector. Specifically, it aims to: improve the skills of cultural and creative industries (CCIs) and their professionals through: Upgrading business, professional and digital skills, Knowledge of intellectual property protection, Finding financial resources, Marketing, Non-technical skills (soft skills), Human resources management.

Providing quality access to creative environments

The Athens Epidaurus Festival is a leading public cultural organization in Greece. It is one of the oldest festivals in Europe. In its 67 years of operation, it has hosted some of the most well-known names in Music, Dance and Theater from the domestic and international scene, in collaboration with the most important Greek and international artistic organizations, attracting crowds of spectators from all over the world. The artistic events take place in: 

On the website of Athens Epidaurus Festival, information is provided, through the program, about a number of events per month and form of art. 

The Athens Photo Festival, completes 35 years of presence in the international photography scene, being the leading photography festival of Southeastern Europe and one of the five oldest in the world. It constitutes an opportunity for gathering and cooperation of cultural bodies and institutions from different countries, with the ultimate goal of artistic synergies and exchanges. The Athens Photo Festival annually supports an exhibition for Young Greek Photographers. This particular festival is hosted every year by the Benaki Museum.

The European Capital of Culture as an institution focuses on highlighting the richness, diversity and commonalities of Europe's cultures, aspiring to strengthen ties and mutual understanding among European citizens. It also aims at highlighting and developing the material and immaterial economy of the city, with the mediation and intervention of Art, Culture and Research. 2023 Elefsina forms an integrated artistic, research and educational program, under the general title "Mysteries of Transition", which moves in four strategic directions: Culture, Man, City and Environment. In addition, reflecting the unique characteristics of the city and the modern challenges faced by both Elefsina and Europe, the three central thematic axes of this program are formed, distinct and interconnected: Man/Society, Environment and Work. The 2023 Elefsina European Capital of Culture attempts to reveal the unseen side of Elefsina, signaling a new era for the city and its people. 

The Athens International Film Festival was founded by the Athens Film Society (Municipal Non-Profit Society) with the aim of illuminating unknown aspects of quality independent cinema, highlighting the best of the season's great films, recommending them to viewers, and becoming the perfect introduction for any movie season. The films shown have an audience of more than 60,000 viewers, who want to be informed about all trends in world cinema. 

In addition, the  Ministry of Culture  provides grants of €1,000,000 for cultural activities involving children and teenagers. The Ministry of Culture has set as priority for supervised and sponsored agencies to empower the creativity and imagination of children and young people through educational programs, even games.