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3. Employment & Entrepreneurship

3.5 Traineeships and apprenticeships

Last update: 27 February 2025
On this page
  1. Official guidelines on traineeships and apprenticeships
  2. Promoting traineeships and apprenticeships
  3. Recognition of learning outcomes
  4. Funding
  5. Quality assurance

Official guidelines on traineeships and apprenticeships


Apprenticeship in vocational education and training, is the educational system that combines theoretical and laboratory training in the classroom with traineeships in private and public sector companies. In this way the apprentice/trainee acquires professional experience under real working conditions in order to make integration in the labour market easier for him.

The training of the apprentice in the workplace is pursued through an apprenticeship agreement, according to a defined program, which, in combination with the learning program in the educational structure, leads to a certification of knowledge and skills acquired by the apprentice in a specific specialty.

The Apprenticeship Framework is provided by the  Law 4763/2020 – Government Gazette 254/Α/21-12-2020. The "Apprenticeship Quality Framework" was defined by the Joint Ministerial Decision ΦΒ7/108652/Κ3/9-9-2021  following the Recommendation of the Council of European Union of March 15, 2018 regarding the European Framework for quality and effective apprenticeship programs.

The educational structure is responsible to inform the company where the apprenticeship takes place, about the learning program in the workplace and to monitor its completion.

The starting and ending time of the apprentice's training in the workplace, as well as the employer’s obligations during the implementation of the Apprenticeship program, are defined based on the relevant provisions.

The apprentices have full insurance coverage in EFKA (Single Social Security Fund) for the period of their Apprenticeship.



The internship of students from TEI (Technological Educational Institutions that have been incorporated into universities, but a number of students continue until they complete their studies) is carried out in public or private sector bodies, which are active in subjects related to the scientific orientation of the department of study of each interested student. It lasts six (6) months, during which the students are fully integrated in the working conditions of the employment agency.

For the trainees of TEI, the no. Ε5 / 1797/1986 J.M.D. (Joint Ministerial Decision) provides for compensation eighty percent (80%) of the minimum legal wage of the unskilled worker, as it is applied each time, and insurance against occupational risk. Apart from these, students do not acquire any other employment or insurance rights.

University students do an internship, if it is included in their curriculum.


Traineeship of IEK (Vocational Educational Institutes) students is provided for by Law 4763/2020 – Government Gazette 254/Α/21-12-2020.

IEK students can carry out the traineeship in legal entities, NPDD (Legal Public Entity), NPID (Private Legal Entity) and public services, under the responsibility of the IEK in which they study.

The Director of IEK or another person appointed by him as a Traineeship Coordinator, is responsible for monitoring the presence of the trainee, ensuring the quality of his work environment, the on-site inspection of the company and the maintenance of an individual traineeship file with the relevant monthly progress reports.


Promoting traineeships and apprenticeships

The Vocational Training Liaison Offices are in charge for the promotion of traineeships and apprenticeships of DYPA’s EPAS (Vocational College of Labour Employment Organization).

Through the websites of IEK as well as the organization of workshops, the development of partnerships with businesses, chambers, etc., traineeships and apprenticeships are promoted to their students.

Due to the  Management System ‘’Apprenticeship Class’’ the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs informs the EPAL (Vocational Senior High School) Students about the apprenticeship positions.

In each HEI there are internship offices through which students are informed about internships. Furthermore, students are also informed through the Centralized Internship Support system for Greek Higher Education Students. 


Recognition of learning outcomes

3. Recognition of learning outcomes

Law 4763/2020 – Government Gazette 254/Α/21-12-2020 stipulates: "Recognition of learning outcomes": the process of official recognition of knowledge, skills and abilities either through the award of titles such as certificates, diplomas and degrees or through equivalence or entitlement or the process of social recognition by the competent economic or social body.

The process of recognizing learning outcomes has three steps:
a) recording desired learning outcomes,
b) assessment and evidence of learning,
c) selection of content and teaching methods.

Stage 1: Recording Desired Learning Outcomes
What will we teach? What is worth understanding? What is meaningful for the students?

Stage 2: Assessment and Evidence of Learning
How can both students and educators know what the students understand, in order to move on to deeper levels of understanding?

Stage 3: Selection of Content and Teaching Methods



The funding of the traineeship and apprenticeship is realized by the Partnership Agreement for the Development Framework (ESPA), by the bodies that employ students and by the Greek state through DYPA (Public Employment Services).


Quality assurance

With the Joint Ministerial Decision No. ΦΒ7/108652/Κ3/2021 the quality assurance framework of the apprenticeship is determined.