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EACEA National Policies Platform



Last update: 28 May 2024

All Greece One Culture (Όλη η Ελλάδα Ένας Πολιτισμός 2022): a program of activities and events which take place in the summer and include theatrical, musical, dance performances, visual art exhibitions/performances, as well as events for children and teenagers in ancient theaters in Greece. The events join together with the historical sites and create a connection between the past and today's modern culture. The cooperation with the local bodies in the actions contributes to the strengthening of the region and the development of its cultural identity, as one of the priorities of the Ministry of Culture and Sports.

Bonn Process (Διαδικασία της Βόννης): It is a joint effort to implement the "European Agenda for work with/for the youth". The Bonn Process takes place at all levels – local, regional, national and European. The national level plays a key role in making the Bonn Process and the implementation of the European Agenda feasible and successful for the benefit of young people. 

Civil Protection Volunteer (Εθελοντής Πολιτικής Προστασίας): the natural person - member of a voluntary organisation of civil protection, which is part of the staff of Civil Protection and provides, in cooperation with local authorities and other business entities, unpaid and non-profit service for the benefit of society as a whole.

Continuing Vocational Training (Συνεχιζόμενη Επαγγελματική Κατάρτιση): the training of human resources that complements, modernises or/and upgrades existing knowledge, skills and abilities acquired through the education system (secondary, post-secondary formal and non-formal vocational education and training, higher education) or working experience, with the aim of integration in the labor market, job security assurance, as well as professional and personal development.

Cultural Heritage (Πολιτιστική Κληρονομιά): it consists of the cultural goods located within the borders of the Greek Territory, including territorial waters, as well as within other maritime zones in which Greece exercises relevant jurisdiction in accordance with international law. Cultural Heritage also includes intangible cultural goods. 

Digital Culture: is the digital platform of the Ministry of Culture and Sports. It is an updated portal aimed at informing the public about cultural actions, classified by Music, Movie theater, Theater, Book, Museums, Archaeological sites and Visual Arts. It provides visitors with information about educational programs aimed, but not exclusively, at students and young people.

Environmental Education Centres (Κέντρα Περιβαλλοντικής Εκπαίδευσης): the network of public educational structures of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs focusing on environmental education and its support at local, national and international level. The basic content is related to the fields of Ecology and Environment, Natural Resources, Sustainable Management and Sustainability, Biodiversity and Ecosystems, Atmospheric Pollution and Climate Change. Its’ institution, supervised by the Foundation for Youth and Lifelong Learning, has the goal of the environmental awareness of students, their participation in improving the quality of life, the holistic view of the environment, as well as the training of teachers and educators in environmental issues.

European Solidarity Corps: A European Union initiative which creates opportunities for young people to volunteer or work in projects in their own country or abroad that benefit communities and people around Europe. In Greece, it is administered by the Youth and Lifelong Learning Foundation.

European Qualifications Framework/EQF (Ευρωπαϊκό Πλαίσιο Προσόντων): the common European Reference System, which connects the national systems and professional qualification frameworks of different countries. It includes general education and adult education, vocational education and training, as well as higher education. It is divided in eight (8) levels, which cover the whole range of professional qualifications.

Formal Learning (Τυπική μάθηση): Regulated at national level, takes place in an organised and structured environment which is specifically dedicated to learning, leads to the recognition of qualifications usually in the form of a certificate or diploma. It includes the systems of general and vocational education, initial vocational training and higher education.

Greek Public Employment Service (DYPA): The main actions of the Greek Public Employment Service focus on supporting and empowering the citizens through the promotion of employment, unemployment insurance, maternity as well as family and social protection, vocational education and training. They also focus on other social policy actions aiming at improving the living conditions of the workforce. 

Hellenic Committee for UNESCO (Ελληνική Εθνική Επιτροπή για την UNESCO): An organization that promotes the implementation of UNESCO's Conventions and Programs. Among UNESCO's priorities is the implementation of pilot actions, which aim to make young people capable of facing more effectively the challenges of a complex and constantly developing world, utilizing innovative educational approaches, methods and materials. The individual programs are implemented in close cooperation with the 6 co-competent Ministries.

Hellenic National Youth Council (Εθνικό Συμβούλιο Νεολαίας): The Hellenic National Youth Council, which constitutes an independent, non-governmental, non-profit federation of youth organizations, transcends partisan, ideological, social commitments in order to seek solutions and proposals, drawing up a new policy for the Youth, from the Youth. It consists of 59 youth organizations, including six youth political parties and a number of non-governmental organizations. It is the official representative of the Greek Youth abroad and the interlocutor of the government internally, participating (institutionally) in the Interministerial Committee for Youth, the Organizing Committee of the Youth Parliament, in the National Committee on Volunteering.

Hellenic Qualifications Framework/HQF (Εθνικό Πλαίσιο Προσόντων): the framework for the classification of qualifications in the form of learning outcomes, according to a set of criteria for achieving learning levels, which aims to integrate all national qualifications subsystems into a whole and to coordinate them.

Hellenic Statistical Authority (ΕΛΣΤΑΤ): An independent Authority enjoying operational independence, as well as administrative and financial autonomy. Its operation is subject to the control of the Hellenic Parliament.

Hellenic Youth Workers Association (Πανελλήνιο Σωματείο Συμβούλων Νέων): the non-profit association, founded in 2017, which consists of workers, employees and volunteers in the youth sector in Greece. It participates, as appropriate, in the European Commission's Sub-Group on Youth Work, which supports the operation of a wider Expert Group in the Youth Policy Field. It is the representative and communication body (National Contact) for the "Bonn Process".

Initial Vocational Training (Αρχική Επαγγελματική Κατάρτιση): the training that offers basic initial professional knowledge, skills and abilities in specialties and specialisations aimed at the integration, reintegration, professional mobility and development of human resources in the labor market, as well as professional and personal development.

Local Youth Councils (Τοπικά Συμβούλια Νέων): are structures for active participation of young people. They consist of young people, aged 16-30 years old, who come from 8 European countries and are involved in democratization and climate action. Their mission is to convey the voice of young people by formulating policy proposals addressed to decision-makers at local, regional, national and European level, with the aim of pushing Europe towards a more sustainable future, and therefore succeeding in making a positive impact in climate change.

Metoogreece: Metoogreece is a state webpage, which will collect all the necessary information on issues of sexual harassment, abuse, authoritarian violence and actions against all the above.

National Alliance for Digital Skills and Employment (Ελληνική Εθνική Συμμαχία για τις Ψηφιακές Δεξιότητες): has been formed with the aim of promoting digital skills in Greek society. Its members come from both the public and private sectors and participate in the work of the five groups of the Alliance. For the year 2020, the coordinators of the groups are the Onassis Foundation for the Education Team, the Rebrain Greece initiative for the Training Team, the Association of IT & Communications Companies of Greece - for the ICT Professionals Team, the Municipality of Athens for the Citizens' Group, the National Center for Documentation & Electronic Content/Ministry of Digital Governance for the Funding - Communication team.

National Youth Dialogue Group (Εθνική Ομάδα Διαλόγου): A dialogue group/mechanism between young people and decision makers taking place in the framework of the EU Youth Strategy (‘EU Youth Dialogue’). Established by the Ministry of Education, it consists of 25 Greek organisations and bodies, with the participation of social organisations, parliamentary parties political youth and the National Youth Council.

Non-formal Learning (Μη τυπική μάθηση): refers to learning that takes place through planned activities in relation to learning objectives and learning time, and in which there is some form of learning support. It may cover programmes for the transmission of work-related skills, adult literacy and basic education for early school leavers.

Organization Against Drugs (OKANA): The goals of the organization are the implementation of a national policy regarding the prevention of drug use and distribution, treatment and drug rehabilitation, studies on addictive substances and public awareness.

Panhellenic School Network (Πανελλήνιο Σχολικό Δίκτυο): the national network and internet service provider of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, aiming to connect and support educational units. The Panhellenic School Network provides e-learning, communication and collaboration, e-government and user support services, with personalized access to 1.203.424 people: Teachers, Students, Administrative Staff, Non-Active Teachers.

Research Centre for Gender Equality (KETHI): The Research Centre for Gender Equality (KETHI) is active in promoting gender equality in all areas of social, political, cultural and economic life, mainly aiming at eliminating gender discrimination and inequalities.

Schools of Second Chance (Σχολεία Δεύτερης Ευκαιρίας): the public schools for adults in the context of Lifelong Learning and are aimed at young people over 18 years of age, who have not completed the nine-year compulsory education. This institution provides the opportunity to obtain a degree equivalent to a high school degree and integrate in the social, economic and professional structures. The Schools of Second Chance fall under the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, which, through the General Secretariat for Vocational Education, Training, Lifelong Learning and Youth, forms the educational framework and monitors their operation.

State Scholarships Foundation (Ίδρυμα Κρατικών Υποτροφιών): IKY grants scholarships and contributes to the strengthening of the Greek scientific community. Assessing the needs of current times, it carefully studies, plans, announces and implements scholarship programs and financial aid for all educational cycles.

Traineeship (Πρακτική άσκηση): the short-term professional experience, included in a planned educational programme. It aims at the transition from vocational education and training into work, by providing practical experience, knowledge and skills that complement the theoretical education already acquired and a) is based on an agreement, which defines the rights and obligations of the trainee, the employer and, where appropriate, the Vocational Education and Training Institution; and (b) a remuneration or grant is provided for the trainee for the part of the work-based training.

Unified Register of Civil Protection Volunteering (Ενιαίο Μητρώο Εθελοντισμού Πολιτικής Προστασίας): Register kept by the Directorate of Volunteering and Education of the General Secretariat for Civil Protection, which includes the following: a) ‘Register of Voluntary Civil Protection Organisations’. b) ‘Register of Civil Protection Volunteers’. c) ‘Register of Equipment and Means of Voluntary Civil Protection Organisations’. d) ‘Archive of Collaborating Organisations and Bodies’. e) ‘Archive of Evaluation Reports of Voluntary Civil Protection Organizations’.

Vocational Training Schools (VTS) and Vocational Schools (VS) of Apprenticeship of OAED (Επαγγελματικές Σχολές Κατάρτισης και Επαγγελματικές Σχολές Μαθητείας του ΟΑΕΔ): they provide post-secondary vocational training level 3 in the National Qualifications Framework, using the binary system, which combines theoretical and laboratory training in the classroom along with apprenticeship in the workplace. The Vocational Training Schools can be public or private, morning or evening. There are 50 Vocational Apprenticeship Schools of OAED (Labour Employment Organization) in 35 technical specialties, in which 7.645 students attend during the school year 2021-2022.

World’s Largest Lesson (Το Μεγαλύτερο Μάθημα του Κόσμου):  This program is the official introductory material regarding the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, acknowledged by the UN. It is an educational material that is available worldwide and aims to contribute to awakening, informing and educating students aged 6 to 15 on the issues of the Global Goals, shaping the active citizens of tomorrow. 

Youth and Lifelong Learning Foundation (ΙΝΕΔΙΒΙΜ): A non-profit, public benefit institution, supervised by the Ministry of Education, with a mission to a) implement lifelong learning programmes/projects, b) implement youth programmes/projects, emphasising youth innovation, mobility, transitions and career growth, c) manage all issues regarding student care services, catering and accommodation facilities (educational welfare).

Youth Assemblies on Climate Change (Συνελεύσεις Νέων για την Κλιματική Αλλαγή): the experiential actions that constitute part of the Arsinoe program funded by the European Commission (Horizon 2020), which seeks, among others, to bring scientific knowledge closer to society, to encourage the involvement of stakeholders and citizens in strengthening resilience to climate change through holistic approaches and promoting innovations.

Youth Barometer 2022 Youth and Democracy in European Year of Youth (Ευρωβαρόμετρο 2022): the polling instrument used by the European Commission, the European Parliament and other EU institutions and agencies to monitor regularly the state of public opinion in Europe on issues related to the European Union as well as attitudes on subjects of political or social nature. Eurobarometer provides quality and relevant data for experts in public opinion, researchers, media and the public.

Youth Parliament Program (Βουλή των Εφήβων): the educational program organized every year by the Hellenic Parliament Foundation, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. It is addressed to first and second grade senior high school students (aged above 15) of schools in Greece and of the Vocational Schools of Apprenticeship of the Labour Employment Office (OAED). This specific institution provides opportunities for active participation of young people in national, European and global issues.

Youth Work (Κοινωνικομορφωτική Δραστηριότητα για Νέους): the socio-educational activity for young people, as is the official translation of the term "Youth Working" in EU texts, is an emerging field of action in the field of youth. It is considered to belong to the sphere of non-formal and informal learning through the activities that will be followed in the context of meeting the needs of groups and organizations of young people. It is inspired by a series of values and methods at a European level which mainly consists of the voluntary employment of young people and hearing their voice from different cultural and social environments. It is a tool for personal development - social integration and active citizenship and is implemented as a social practice. Youth Work is a tool for personal development - social integration and active citizenship and is implemented as a social practice. In Greece, the general definition of the European Union is adopted.