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EACEA National Policies Platform


2. Voluntary Activities

2.5 Cross-border mobility programmes

Last update: 28 November 2023
On this page
  1. EU programmes
  2. Other Programmes
  3. Legal framework applying to foreign volunteers

EU programmes

The only EU mobility and volunteering programmes for youth to which Romania participates are the European Solidarity Corps and Erasmus Plus. Over 4.69 million Euro have been allocated for the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) programme in Romania for 2019 and over 1.79 million Euro in 2018. The allocation for 2020 was over 5 million Euro, for 2021 over 3.77 million Euro and for 2022 over 6.8 million Euro.

538 projects were financed by the European Solidarity Corps in Romania in the period 2018-2022, including 297 solidarity projects and 223 volunteering projects. Over 6.8 million Euro have been spent by finalised projects. Overall 6.057 young people have been involved in ESC projects between 2018 and 2022 and 4.134 young people participated in volunteering projects.


The monitoring of volunteering European projects is being ensured through the reports uploaded by the participants in the Mobility Tool. The National Agency for Erasmus Plus and the European Solidarity Corps is also conducting research and monitoring, including constant surveys of mobility and volunteering participants satisfaction with the projects they participated in.


The main agency in charge of organising and monitoring the EU programmes at national level is the National Agency: Agentia Nationala pentru Programe Comunitare în Domeniul Educatiei si Formarii Profesionale.


Other Programmes

No other governmental/official programmes for youth volunteering mobility are available. 


Legal framework applying to foreign volunteers

For the non-EU citizens and for the EU citizens young volunteers hosted in Romania for more than 90 days, the temporary residence permit is required. In order to obtain the temporary residence permit volunteers need to make the prove they already have the health insurance. No social benefits are covered for volunteers.

No special visa treatment is applied for volunteers, they need to follow the same rules as works.