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5. Participation

5.9 E-participation

Last update: 28 November 2023

The Municipal Youth Plan represents an important policy instrument at local level. Since participation is an important element of this scheme, young people can express their needs and suggestions via survey. For several years now, the survey has been conducted online. It is not carried out in all municipalities on a regular basis, but only within the framework of the Municipal Youth Plan, which is a single project.

E-participation was also introduced in the framework of the national structured dialogue. Young people could respond to an online survey before the meeting, make suggestions and express their opinions on selected issues.

The modification of the grand-ducal regulation on the organisation of a system of public petition (Modification du Règlement de la Chambre des Députés relative à l'introduction d'un système de pétition publique) in 2015 has introduced a new possibility to file and/or sign a petition online. Young people from 15 years on can sign the petitions or participate in online discussion forums on the proposed subjects.

There are various websites providing information on youth participation and aiming at fostering youth participation.

  • This webpage of the Centre for Political Education provides information on opportunities of participation for young people in the field of formal and non-formal education. It includes information on training opportunities and educational tools for stakeholders in the different fields of education and youth work (schools, youth centres, NGO's).
  • This webpage of the National Youth Council , an umbrella organisation and interest group of young people and youth organisations in Luxembourg, provides information on the Councils' work and further opportunities of participation (i.a. local elections, youth parliament, calls for youth delegates).
  • This webpage, hosted by the National Youth Council, provides information on the modalities of the local, national or European elections and the social elections in Luxembourg.
  • This webpage of the National Pupil Conference of Luxembourg, the national body that representing the interests of secondary school students at national level, provides information or documents on current activities (i.a. events, position papers).
  • This webpage of the National Assembly of Young People provides information on current activities and events (e.g. sessions, hearings) and the adopted resolutions.

These websites offer a broad range of information for young people on opportunities for participation in general, but no permanent and systematic opportunities for e-participation. However, some online consultations are organised at irregular intervals.

The National Youth Council carries out online surveys in order to collect data on young people's opinions; these surveys cover different topics (e.g. the implementation of the EU Youth Goals on the national level, housing policy or employment policy). Furthermore, there are some ad hoc online consultations at local level, which are organised by local governments or student councils.