8.2 Administration and governance
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The Ministry of Education, Children and Youth is the main public authority in policy-making in the field of creativity and culture for young people. The revised 2016 Youth Law defines the promotion of creativity as one important objective of youth policy. The Ministry is responsible for the development of specific programmes and also for the funding of cultural youth organisations.
As an affiliated administration, the National Youth Service is responsible for the implementation of cultural programmes and activities in the field of creativity and culture (see: revised 2016 Youth Law).
The Ministry of Culture is the main public authority in charge of the development and implementation of the general national and international cultural policy (grand-ducal decree of 28 January 2015). It is also in charge of funding cultural projects (Ministry of Culture, 2022).
The National Cultural Fund of Luxembourg (Fonds culturel national au Luxembourg), founded in 1982, is in charge of the promotion of arts and sciences and of the conservation, restoration and appropriate allocation of national, historical and cultural heritage, real estate and movable property (1982 law on National Cultural Fund of Luxembourg). It offers several funding schemes (subsidies or grants), especially for young musicians.
Regional or local authorities are also involved in the development of local policies in the field of youth employment and entrepreneurship.
The youth centres are in charge of the development and realisation of youth-specific projects in the field of creativity and culture at local level. Some municipalities have a youth service (e.g. City of Luxembourg, City of Esch/Alzette) which supports young people and their cultural projects. Most of the municipalities and cities in Luxembourg have their own cultural service which organises cultural events for young people (e.g. concerts) or supports local cultural initiatives of young people (e.g. by providing rehearsal rooms, facilities for events).
Furthermore, local youth centres are in charge of the development and realisation of youth-specific projects in the field of creativity and culture at the local level.
Cross-sectoral cooperation
Cross-sectoral cooperation between the main actors involved in policy-making in the domain of creativity and culture is organised through the mechanisms described in 1.5 Cross-sectoral approach with other ministries. The interdepartmental committee (comité interministériel) is in charge of managing the government actions concerning the implementation of the cross-sectorial approach of Youth Policy. The committee is composed of representatives from different ministries, e.g. the Ministry of Culture.