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EACEA National Policies Platform



Last update: 28 November 2023

Compulsory general education: is of 11 grades and encompasses primary education, gymnasium education and the first two years of upper secondary education. High school education is compulsory until 2020 at the latest. The obligation to attend the compulsory education of 11 classes in the frequency form shall cease at the age of 18 years.

Consultative Council on Youth Issues (CCYI): is the advisory structure of the Ministry of Youth and Sports with youth associations on developing and monitoring implementation of the youth policy at central level. The Ministry of Youth and Sports provides the secretariat of the Consultative Council. The Consultative Council is regulated by a Ministry Order establishing the Consultative Council on Youth Issues.

Counsellor: is an education specialist who plans and carries out counselling individual or group education aimed at adapting the pupil to specific problems in school environment; implements career education programs for the purpose of training competencies in the fields covered by the curricular area ‘Counselling and guidance’; organises programs extracurricular of vocational orientation; promotes and implements education programs for health care aimed at training and developing students' lifestyle management skills.

Counties’ Structures on Youth and Sports: Are the decentralized services of the central authority that cooperates with the central administration bodies for organising and promoting the activities for young people. According to Government decision regarding their organisation, Counties’ Structures on Youth and Sports have the following responsibilities in the field of youth:  implementing the national programmes in the field of youth and sports; monitoring the implementation of the legislation in the field of youth and sport; cooperating with other local and central structures to organise cultural, artistic, leisure, educative, touristic activities for youth, both local and international; offering specialized support to other public bodies to create programmes for youth; offering counselling and information services for young people; creating a data-base of youth NGOs in the county; organising activities, seminars, camps and trainings based on non-formal education methodologies; organising social programmes for vulnerable young people and children.

Development education: is one of the strategic areas for Romania’s development cooperation policy. Romania works to educate its own citizens, experts and practitioners, for ensuring a good understanding of the values and needs of our partner countries and delivering efficient development cooperation programmes.  Development education targets groups and individuals, youths and adults, juniors and experts in the field, by using methods and tools specific to each target group.

Disadvantaged category: is defined by the special law on combating discrimination as being that category of people who are either in a position of inequality compared to the majority’s situation, due to differences in identity or are facing rejection and marginalization when it comes to others’ behaviour. The vulnerable groups include: children at risk of poverty, vulnerability to social disintegration processes, juvenile delinquency; young people over 18 who are no longer covered by the family protection system; people with disabilities; persons belonging to the Roma population in high risk situations; the elderly in high risk situation and the homeless.

Early school leaving: represents the proportion of the 18-24 year old population not having completed secondary education and not attending any form of education and training, of the total age population of 18-24.

Education and Training: of children and youth people and adults have as main purpose the formation of competences, understood as a multifunctional and transferable set of knowledge, skills / abilities and skills, necessary for: personal fulfilment and development by realizing their own goals in life, according to each one's interests and aspirations and the desire to learn throughout life; social integration and active citizens’ participation in society; employment and participation in the functioning and development of a sustainable economy; the formation of a life concept, based on humanistic and scientific values, on the national and universal culture and on the stimulation of intercultural dialogue; education in the spirit of dignity, tolerance and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms; cultivation of sensitivity to human issues, to moral-civic values  and respect for nature and the natural, social and cultural environment.

Education: is a service of public interest and is carried out, under the terms of existent law on education, in Romanian, as well as in the languages of national minorities and in languages of international circulation.

Family doctors: Romanian General Practitioners are family doctors and have a gatekeeper role for the public system but not for the private system. This means that those benefiting from free services can't access any other service unless they are seen first by their family doctor. Most patients in Romania are registered with a family doctor of their choice, without limitations regarding the area in which they live. Patients can change the family doctor after a 6 month minimum period.

Health care: in Romania is dominated by a public system which is financed mainly through mandatory social health insurance contributions. Employees contribute 5.5% of their monthly wage and employers add an extra 5.2% for each employee (according to the Fiscal Code). Children under 18, students, the unemployed and low-income persons are exempted from health insurance contribution. Adults are considered uninsured if they do not contribute to the health care fund, meaning they can only benefit free of charge from a basic health package which covers emergency care, pregnancy care, communicable disease diagnosis, prevention and treatment.

Lifelong learning:  includes all the learning activities of each individual, starting with early education, in order to acquire knowledge, skills training and the development of significant personal, civic, social and / or occupational skills.

Registered unemployed: According to the law on employment and unemployment, law no. 76/2002 is the person who cumulatively fulfils the conditions set out previously and is registered with the employment agency in whose territorial range resides.

School after school: The programme aims at educational support for vulnerable children and young people in order to prevent school dropout by providing after school programmes, including hot meals. The programme will establish the mechanism to extend the existing programme at national level. The programme was to be piloted in 50 schools and expanded then at the national level.

Second Chance: The programme aims at increasing the number of schools offering the Second Chance. The programme offers a flexible school approach to bring children, young people and adults back to school in order to graduate mandatory education levels.

Special and integrated education:  is a form of differentiated, adapted schooling as well as a form of comprehensive educational, social and medical assistance for people with special educational needs. The state guarantees the right to education of all persons with special educational needs. Special and specially integrated education is part of the national pre-university education system.

Unemployed: According to law on employment and unemployment, law no. 76/2002  is the person who cumulatively fulfils the following conditions: Is 16 or older, is looking for a job and does not meet the retirement conditions;  The state of health and the physical and mental capacities allow the person to perform a job; he/she does not work, does not earn any income from authorized activities according to the law, or has lower income than the country-wide minimum gross salary guaranteed in payment scheme Is available to start work in the immediate period if there is a vacancy.

Voluntary activity: Represent the participation of a natural person to general interest activities for the use of other persons and for the general use of the society, without remuneration. The host organisation of a volunteer can only be a public institution or an NGO (non-profit organisation). Youth volunteering is not defined differently from the general volunteering activity.  (Legea no. 78/2014 privind reglementarea activității de voluntariat în România), the voluntary activity

Young people leaving the special protection system: Social assistance law in Romania, other regulations and the entire system operate with the concept of ‘young people leaving the special protection system’, regarding to young people over 18 that are leaving any form of protection while separated from their parents, either by placement in the extended family (grandparents or other relatives), or by placement to foster families or to orphanages.

Youth non-governmental organizations: The Youth Law defines the youth non-governmental organisations in Romania: organisations having young people as members (over 50%) or organisations aiming at supporting and promoting rights of young people.