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EACEA National Policies Platform



Last update: 28 November 2023

Administración General del Estado (AGE)

The General State Administration is one of the Public Administrations of Spain characterized by its competence over the entire national territory, as opposed to the Autonomous and Local Administrations. It is composed of: the Central Organization (Government Commission, Council of Ministers, Delegated Commissions of the Government, Ministries, General Commission of Secretaries of State and Undersecretaries, Interministerial Commissions), the Peripheral Organization (Delegations of the Government in the Autonomous Regions, the Subdelegates of the Government in the Provinces and the Insular Directors of the General Administration of the State), and the Administration of the State Abroad (embassies and consulates). Its general regime is included in article 103 of the Spanish Constitution of 1978 and in Law 40/2015.

Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID)

The Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperationcommonly known as AECID, is Spanish Cooperation’s main management body, aimed at combating poverty and promoting sustainable human development. According to its Statute, the Agency was created to further the full exercise of development conceived as a fundamental human right, with the fight against poverty as part of the process for building this right.


As defined by Eurydice, the Bachillerato is the general -or academic- branch in Upper Secondary Education. Students holding the ‘Lower Compulsory Secondary Education certificate’ gain access to this education level. Bachillerato comprises two academic years, it usually takes place when students are between 16 and 18. It comprises the following modalities: Arts, Sciences and Technology, and Humanities and Social Sciences. The students holding a positive qualification obtain the ‘Bachillerato certificate’.

Catálogo de referencia de servicios sociales

The Catalogue of reference of social services is a reference guide developed by the Spanish Government through its Ministry, which aims to guarantee access to social services. Is is a guide for the general population, but it also provides information on social services specialized on assisting young people at risk of social exclusion.

Centro Nacional de Educación Ambiental (CENEAM)

The National Center for Environmental Education, commonly known as CENEAM, is a center of reference in environmental education that has been working since 1987 to promote the citizens’ responsibility related to the environment. It is constituted as a resource center serving and supporting all those groups, public and private, that develop environmental education programs and activities.

Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS)

The Center for Sociological Research, commonly known as CIS, is a Spanish autonomous body that depends on the Ministry of the Presidency, Parliamentary Relations and Democratic Memory and whose purpose is the scientific study of Spanish society, usually through periodic surveys, on its own initiative.

Centro Eurolatinoamericano de Juventud (CEULAJ)

It is a centre for encounter and exchange of youth organizations and groups from Spain, Europe and Latin America. It belongs to the Youth Institute (INJUVE). Its actions are guided by the following three general principles:promoting equal opportunities among youth; promoting free and effective participation of youth in the political, social, economic and cultural development of Spain; promoting collaboration with other ministerial departments and other public administrations, whose activities affect this sector of the population.

Comisión Interministerial para la Juventud

The Youth Interministerial Commission was established by Royal Decree 1923/2008 of 21st of November 2008. This body is currently attached to the Ministry of Social Rights and 2030 Agenda (under the Secretary of State of Social Affairs). It is a specific cooperation body between the Ministries as well as of promotion of youth policies, in charge of monitoring situations and problems affecting youth and proposing programmes and measures to the Government in order to solve them. In other words, it is a cooperation and relation body with the ensemble of Ministries in order to promote youth policies. Therefore, it is an instrument that enables to bring together interministerial plans and other actions addressed to youth, as well as maintaining a joint vision on the Government actions that, developed by the different Ministries, have an impact upon youth.

Comisión permanente del consejo de Juventud

The permanent commission is the body responsible for the execution of assembly’s agreements, promoting coordination and communication between specialized commissions, and assuming the leadership of the Council and its representation. This body is formed by nine youth representatives of different entities of the CJE it meets once a month and it is renewed every two years. All members have to be under 31 years by the time they take office.

Comisión Tripartita para el Empleo Joven

Tripartite Commission on Youth Employment is a body for the analysis, debate and assessment of public policies concerning youth employment. It is made out of business and trade union organisations as well as the Public Administration.

Comisiones Obreras (CCOO)

The Workers' Commissions, since the 1970s, has become the largest trade union in Spain. It has more than one million members, competing with the Union General de Trabajadores (UGT) (historically affiliated with the Spanish Socialist Party, PSOE), and with the Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT), which is usually a distant third.

Comunidades Autónomas

Autonomous Regions are a central part in the decentralized territorial structure of Spain. The territorial structure is composed by the Central Government, 17 Autonomous Regions and two Autonomous cities (Ceuta and Melilla), and the Provincial and Local level. Autonomous Regions are ruled by their Statute of Autonomy which define its Autonomous Government, Administration, and an Autonomous Parliament.

Confederación Española de Asociaciones de Jóvenes Empresarios (CEAJE)

The Spanish Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs is the employer's representation of all the young entrepreneurs of Spain. It is a non-profit organization with an independent character, although integrated in different national and international institutions. The main goal is to fight for the interests of young entrepreneurs in order to motivate, guide, empower and channel business initiatives, and to facilitate the promotion of entrepreneurial culture and development.

Confederación Española de la Pequeña y Mediana Empresa (CEPYME)

The Spanish Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises was founded on 1977. It is a confederal, intersectoral, national and professional organization, for the defense, representation and promotion of the interests of small and medium enterprises and the self-employed entrepreneur.

Confederación Española de Organizaciones Empresariales (CEOE)

The Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations was founded in 1977 and integrates two million companies and freelancers from all sectors of activity, which are linked to CEOE through more than 4,000 grassroots associations. The Confederation directly integrates 200 territorial and sectoral organizations at the autonomous and provincial levels. It is achieved so that the companies are represented by the double way of the sector to which they belong and by the territory in which they are located.

Consejo de la Juventud de España (CJE)

The Spanish Youth Council was created by Law 18/1983, November the 16th as a plural platform made out of youth entities for the exchange of ideas. Its main purpose is to participate in the design of policies that, directly or indirectly, affect youth, responding to the problems of this group. Therefore it is an advisory body, although the definition of its real current role remains unclear.

Consejo Escolar del Estado

The State School Council is the organ of participation of the sectors most directly related to the educational field. Its scope extends to the entire State. The Council also develops a consultative, advisory and proposal to the Government in relation to the different aspects of the education system.

Consejo Estatal de Organizaciones no Gubernamentales de Acción Social

The State Council of Non-Governmental Organizations for Social Action is an advisory Body, attached to the General Government Administration through the Ministry of Social Rights and 2030 Agenda, which becomes a meeting point for dialogue and participation in the association movement concerning the elaboration of social policies.

Consejo Interterritorial de Juventud

The Youth Interregional Council was established on the 18th of October 2007. Its purpose is to strengthen cooperation between the Autonomous Regions and the State, as well as inbetween the Regions, concerning all matters to do with youth public policies.

Consejo Superior de Deportes (CSD)

The High Council of Sports is the regulatory body of sport at the state level, dependent of the Ministry of Culture and Sport. As an autonomous body it has the functions of the General Administration of the state in sports matters. Its resolutions can be appealed in contentious-administrative jurisdiction.

Encuesta de Población Activa (EPA)

According to the National Statistics Institute (Instituto Nacional de Estadística), the Labour Force Survey, commonly known as EPA, is a continuous investigation of quarterly periodicity directed to households. Its main objective is to obtain data on the population in relation to the labour market, and obtain figures on active population, unemployed and inactive people.


Compulsory Secondary Education (Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, ESO) as defined by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, is a compulsory and free educational stage that completes basic education. It consists of four academic courses that are usually carried out between 12 and 16 years of age.

Estatutos de Autonomía

Autonomy Statutes are the basic rules for the proper functioning of the Spanish Autonomous Regions adopted as Organic Laws. These laws establish competences and structures for decision-making in the Autonomous Regions.

Estrategia de Promoción de la Salud y Prevención

The Strategy for Health Promotion and Prevention was launched in 2013 and proposes the progressive development of interventions aimed at gaining health and preventing disease, injury and disability. The ones responsible for carrying out the strategy are the professionals related to health as well as of the central and autonomous sanitary administrations.

Estartegia Española para la Activación del Empleo

The Strategy for Employment Activation establishes the training needs making a difference between cross-cutting needs and sectoral needs, whether these are needs applicable to employment in general or applicable to precise sectors of the economic activity and the labour market.

Federación Estatal de Municipios y Provincias (FEMP)

The State Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, is the association of Local Entities with greater implantation as they represent more than 90% of the Spanish Local Governments. Its aim is to promote and defend the interests of local entities.

Fundación Biodiversidad

The Biodiversity Foundation is a public sector foundation belonging to the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge created in 1998 to protect the natural capital and biodiversity of the Spanish territory.

Fundación ONCE

The Once Foundation is aimed at carrying out job-training integration and employment programs for people with impairments and global accessibility, promoting the creation of environments, products and services that are globally accessible.

Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG)

The Roma Secretariat Foundation develops all kinds of actions that contribute to achieve the full citizenship of Roma people, improve their living conditions, promote equal treatment and prevent all forms of discrimination as well as the recognition of the cultural identity of the Roma community.

Fundación Tripartita

The Tripartite Foundation is a key actor in the updating and forecasting of professional skills. It is one of the bodies comprising the organisational structure and institutional participation of the Vocational Training System for Employment.

Garantía Juvenil

The Youth Guarantee is an initiative framed in the plan denominated as Strategy of Young Entrepreneurship and Employment of the Government of Spain, oriented towards reducing high levels of unemployment and to facilitate the labour insertion of young people.

Guía Didáctica de Educación para la Participación

The Teaching Guide of Education for Participation is aimed at promoting the association and informing non-associate young people between the ages of 14 and 22 about the possibilities of participating in the Spanish youth movement and in the full exercise of their citizenship.

Guía para una escuela activa y saludable y programa Perseus

The guide to an active and healthy school (2008) and the Perseus program is a guide directed at the school managers, teachers, fathers and mothers, technicians and those responsible for the regional administrations that aim at orienting the development of physical and healthy activity of the students.

Instituto de la Mujer

The Institute of Women, an independent organisation which is attached to the Ministry of Equality, seeks to promote the conditions that allow social gender equality and the full participation of women in political, cultural, economic and social life. Since its creation in October 1983, it has stood out for the initiatives and action it has taken to support the progress of Spanish women with regard to equal rights as promised in Article 14 of the Spanish Constitution. The mission of the Institute is to promote the equality of women and men in all areas of society, by means of well-run programmes, quality services and the cooperation of third parties.

Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE)

The Law assigns the National Statistics Institute, commonly known as INE,  an important role in public statistic activity, expressly placing it in charge of large scale statistical operations (demographic and economic censuses, national accounts, demographic and social statistics, economic and social indicators, coordination and maintenance of company directories Electoral Census training...). Moreover, the law attributes the INE with the following functions: formulation of the National Statistics Plan with the collaboration of Ministerial Departments and the Bank of Spain; the proposal of common regulations on concepts, statistical units, classifications and codes; and relations on statistics with specialised International Institutions and in particular, with the European Union Statistics Office (EUROSTAT). 

Instituto Nacional de las Cualificaciones (INCUAL)

According to the European Commission, the National System for Qualifications and Vocational Education and Training is the technical instrument, endowed with capacity and independence of criteria, which supports the General Council of Vocational training to achieve the objectives of the national system of qualifications and vocational training. It provides reliable and quality information on the field of professional education. It has the responsibility to define, develop and maintain the national catalogue of professional qualifications and the corresponding Modular catalogue of professional training.

Instituto Nacional de Tecnologías Educativas y Fromación del Profesorado (INTEF)

The National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training is the principle manager for introducing new technologies into the field of education. To improve the quality of education and integrate students and professors into the information society, it deals with the incorporation of technologies into the classrooms.

Impuesto Sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas (IRPF)

The Personal Income Tax System is a progressive tax paid by all residents of Spain according to their income.

Jóvenes e Inclusión

Youth and Inclusion is a network of organisations working to improve social inclusion, emancipation and autonomy of young people at risk or social conflict.

Ley Orgánica de Régimen Electoral General (LOREG)

The LOREG is an Organic Law that regulates the National, Local and European elections. It was approved in 1985 and modified in 2011.

Ley Orgánica para la Mejora de la Calidad Educativa (LOMCE)

The LOMCE or Organic Law for the Improvement of the Quality of Education was approved in the year 2013. The main objectives pursued by the reform were to reduce the early dropout rate of education, improve educational outcomes according to international criteria, improving employability, and stimulating the entrepreneurial spirit of the students. The reform was contested and aimed at increasing the autonomy of the centres, the reinforcement of the management capacity of the centres, the external evaluations of end-of-stage, the rationalization of the educational offer and the flexibilization of trajectories.

Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation plans, directs, implements and assesses Spain's foreign policy and development cooperation policy, following the Government's guidelines and applying the principle of unity of external action. Promoting international, economic, cultural, security and scientific relations. It also cooperates in the elaboration and implementation of migratory policies in line with the international treaties of which Spain is a part.

Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional

The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training is responsible for setting out and implementing Government policy on professional training and non-university education. It also promotes cooperation and international relations in the field of education in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital

This ministry is responsible for the proposal and execution of the Government’s policy of economics and reforms for competitiveness improvement, industrial development, telecommunications and information society, develop of Digital Agenda as well as the support to business policies and the rest of responsibilities and power provided by the national legal system.

Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte

The Ministry of Culture and Sports [i1] is responsible for the promotion, protection and dissemination of the Spanish historical heritage, national museums, art, books, reading and literary creation, of cinematographic and audiovisual activities and of state books and libraries. Moreover, It is also responsible for the promotion and dissemination of culture in Spanish, as well as the promotion of cultural cooperation actions and, in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, of international relations in the field of culture. Likewise, the Ministry of Culture and Sports is responsible for the proposal and execution of the Government's policy on sport

Ministerio de Derechos Sociales y Agenda 2030

The Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030 is responsible for proposing and implementing the Government's policy on social rights and social welfare, the family and its diversity, child protection, social cohesion and care for dependent or disabled persons, adolescents and young people, and animal protection.

The Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030 is also responsible for proposing and implementing the Government's policy on promoting, monitoring and cooperating in the implementation of Agenda 2030 and the achievement of the sustainable development goals.

Ministerio de Sanidad

The Ministry of Health is responsible for proposing and executing the Government's policy on health, planning and healthcare, as well as exercising the powers of the General State Administration to ensure citizens' right to health protection.

Ministerio de Consumo

The Ministry of Consumer Affairs is responsible for proposing and implementing the Government's policy on consumer affairs, consumer protection and gambling.

Ministerio de Igualdad

The Ministry's work is structured around three main axes: survival policies, aimed at eradicating all forms of male violence that women suffer because they are women; policies for the redistribution of wealth, time and care, linked to a global transformation of our society in the areas of both employment and co-responsibility; and policies for caring for diversity, which ensure that ethno-racial origin or membership of the LGBT community is not a factor of discrimination.


It is the Spanish equivalent to the NEET, that is, youth up to 25 years of age not in employment, education or training. It is usally used as a derogatory term.

No hate

It is a campaign promoted by the Youth Institute (INJUVE) against internet intolerance in Spain whose aim is to mobilize citizens to debate, to act in defence of human rights and fight against any form of intolerance on the internet.

Observatorio de la Juventud

The Youth Observatory is a technical body of analysis and assessment of the situation of youth in our country and of support for the design of initiatives, youth programmes and policies.

Observatorio de las Ocupaciones del Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal

The Occupation Observatory of the Public State Employment Service, as a technical unit of the Public State Employment Service, analyses the situation and trends in the labour market, groups of interest within the market and their transformations.

Parlamento Joven de Navarra

Youth participation project in which topics of interest to young people are discussed and then sent to the Parliament of Navarre.

Plan Cultura 2020

The Culture Plan 2020, developed by the Ministry of Culture and Sports in March 2017, it is the successor to the General Strategic Plan 2012-2015 and is an instrument whose main objective is to make culture a State policy in a period of 3 Years, that is to say, from 2017 to 2020.

Plan de Acción sobre Drogras

The Action Plan on Drugs is an action plan linked to proposals that are promoted in the same direction as the European level. Its goal is the prevention of drug use, and the assistance and social reintegration of addicted people.

Plan de Inlcusión del Alumnado con necesidades educativas especiales

The Inclusion Plan for students with special education needs, from the National Center for Educational Research and Innovation (CNIE) is aimed at improving the educational attention to all students and more specifically to the ones who present special educational needs.

Planes de Juventud

They are Interministerial Plans promoted by the Ministry of Social Rights and 2030 Agenda and approved by the Spanish Government. Its main objectives are to provide an answer to the demands of the youth. They provide the legal and political framework for the youth policies in Spain.

Plan Estatal de vivienda (2018-2021)

The Action Plan on Housing is an aid to young people for house renting or house purchasing. Young people up to 35 years old may be beneficiaries. The amount of this rental aid will be up to 50% of the monthly rent, for rentals between 600 and 900 € / month, for a maximum of 3 years. The aid for the acquisition of housing will be up to €10,800 with the limit of 20% of the purchase price.

Plan Estratégico de convivencia escolar

The strategic plan for school coexistence is aimed at preventing all kinds of harassment and school violence and is articulated in tone to seven fundamental points and includes different lines of action. It also establishes the mechanisms for evaluating the Plan.

Plan Estratégico Nacional de Lucha contra la Radicalización

The Strategic plan for the fight against terrorism in Spain is aimed, according to the Ministry of the Interior, at constituting an effective instrument for early detection and neutralization of outbreaks. It is focused on violent radicalism, acting on those communities, groups or individuals at risk or vulnerability.

Plan Nacional de Acción para la Inclusión Social del Reino de España (PNAIN)

The National Action Plan on Social Inclusion is a triennial plan which established the actions and reforms the Ministry and other relevant actors will take in order to assure social inclusion. According to the Ministry of Social Rights and 2030 Agenda, the last National Action Plan on Social Inclusion (NAPincl 2013-2016) promotes the defence of the Welfare State, ensuring its sustainability and viability through the modernization of the social protection system within the framework of the objectives that the European Union has marked in its strategy Europe 2020 for and sustainable and integrative growth.

Plan Nacional de Implantación de la Garantía Juvenil

The National Plan for the Implementation of the Youth Guarantee establishes actions in respect to professional counselling, work information and guidance in order to find a job. This plan has been funded by the European Union.

Plataforma de Voluntariado de España (PVE)

The Spanish Volunteer Platform, commonly known as PVE, was created in 1986 with the aim of promoting volunteering and gather together the various organizations form the local and regional scope to establish common channels of thought and action. This organization has become the reference of systematization and coordination of voluntary action in Spain.

Portal de Transparencia

The Transparency Portal in accordance with the provisions of Law 19/2013 on Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance, aims to expand and reinforce transparency, regulate and guarantee the right of access to information, and establish the obligations of good governance.

Real Decreto

A Royal Decree is a rule emanating from the Government, on behalf of the King of Spain, and by virtue of the powers prescribed in the Constitution.


A Rector is the highest authority of a University while the Dean is the highest authority of a faculty.

Renta Básica de Emancipación

The Basic Emancipation Income is, according to the Ministry of Development, a set of direct Central Government benefits, aimed at financially supporting payment for the rented accommodation that constitutes your habitual and permanent residence, under the conditions and requirements established by Royal Decree 1472/2007. However, this measure was repealed on 2011.

Revista de Estudios de Juventud

The Youth Studies Journal of the Spanish Youth Institute is a useful publication in order to get to know the issues affecting the youth. This publication has been issued ever since 1979 and deals, as a monographic, with subjects of interest related to life, habits and needs of youth. It is published in paper and ever since no. 57 also in full text digital format, broadcasted through the INJUVE website.

Secretaria de Estado de Servicios Sociales

Within the inistry of Social Rights and 2030 Agenda, is the superior body competent for the “Promotion of social services and support of the cooperation with the non-governmental organisations, support of social volunteering, in the scope of competences constitutionally assigned to the State”.

Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE) 

The Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education, under the Ministry of Universities, acts as the National Agency for the management, dissemination, promotion and impact studies of the new Erasmus + program in the field of education and training (2014-2020) and of the Lifelong Learning Program (PAP) 2007-2013, in addition to other European educational initiatives and programs.

Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal (SEPE)

The National Employment Public Service is an autonomous body affiliated with the inistry of Work and Social Economy, which, together with the public employment services of the Autonomous Regions, forms the National Employment System. It is entrusted with the management, development and monitoring of the programs and measures of the employment policy.

Sistema Nacional de Empleo

The Spanish National Employment System is the ensemble of structures, measures and actions needed to promote and develop employment policy, made out of the SEPE, State Public Employment Service, and the regional public employment services.

Tribunal Constitucional

The Constitutional Court is the Spanish constitutional body that exercises the function of Supreme interpreter of the Constitution, independent in its role, and it is regulated in the "Title IX" of the 1978 Constitution— articles 159 to 165. In addition, it extends its jurisdiction to the entire Spanish territory

Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT)

The General Worker’s Union of Spain is one of the two major trade unions in Spain, founded in 1888. It is aimed at protecting the general interest of workers regardless of their labour situation (employed or unemployed) or the kind of contract they have (permanent or temporary).

Volunteering Statute 

This agreement is considered as the instrument of definition and regulation of relationships between volunteers and the volunteering entity.