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Assemblée nationale des jeunes – Luxembourgish youth parliament established by the 2008 Youth Law. It is constituted by delegates from youth organisations and NGOs working on behalf of young people, as well as individual young persons.
attestation de l'engagement – certificate that includes the date and duration of the volunteering commitment, the type of engagement, the tasks performed by the young volunteer, the description of achieved qualifications and a general statement describing the type of training.
baccalauréat international – a general baccalaureate degree recognised as an equivalent qualification to the secondary school diploma.
bénévolat – French term for voluntary activities.
cellule d’orientation – secondary school committee composed of teachers and educational staff carrying out school and vocational guidance at a school according to the reference framework.
classe d’accueil – class for newly arrived 12- to 15-year-old pupils in the Grand Duchy with no knowledge of either German or French; where pupils are taught French intensively and introduced to Luxembourgish.
Cellule d’accueil scolaire pour élèves nouveaux-arrivants (CASNA) – reception unit for newly-arrived pupils from other countries. The unit provides information on the Luxembourgish school system and available support measures. Reception in Luxembourgish, French, German, English, Portuguese, and other languages on request.
certificat de capacité professionnelle – professional degree that allows direct access to professional life, but also offers the opportunity of undertaking further studies (master craftsman training or higher technical studies).
certificat de l’engagement – certification for volunteering. To be considered for this certification, young volunteers under the age of 30 years must have completed either a minimum of 400 hours in a project or a minimum of 3 months in a voluntary service programme; young people who have participated in a training session of at least 150 hours are also eligible.
classe d’insertion pour jeunes adultes – class for newly arrived learners (aged at least 16 years) in the Grand Duchy; students are taught French or German intensively and receive basic training to prepare for technical secondary education or for the job market.
classes mosaïques – classes focusing on pupils with behavioural difficulties and identified as being at high risk of dropping out of education. In these classes, pupils are intensively monitored for a temporary length of time (between 6 to 12 weeks on average) in small groups and within alternative learning environments.
comité interministériel de la jeunesse – (founded in Luxembourg in 2010) – committee dealing with the exchange of information on youth between the ministries in charge of education, work, health, family, housing, sports, gender equality, culture and justice.
commission d’attestation – (introduced by the grand-ducal regulation of 9 January 2009 on Youth) – twelve-member committee in charge of the development, evaluation and recognition of volunteer experience.
Conférence Générale de la Jeunesse du Luxembourg (CGJL) – Youth Council of Luxembourg: umbrella organisation and interest group of young people and youth organisations in Luxembourg. Its main objective is to increase active participation of young people in society.conseil supérieur de la jeunesse – an advisory board on youth issues, either of its own initiative or by request of the government.
congé jeunesse – eave of absence for youth workers. Persons responsible for activities for young people are entitled to a time off from work in order to participate in voluntary activities within the country and abroad, such as internships, study days or seminars, holiday camps or clubs, etc.
conseil supérieur de la jeunesse – advisory board studying youth-related issues, either of its own initiative or by request of the government. The council recommends reforms and innovations that aim at increasing the well-being of young people. It is established at national level and is not part of the Luxembourgish constitutional structure.
contrat d'initiation à l'emploi – specific employment contract for young people under 30 years of age. The Employment Fund reimburses a share of the basic salary compensation to the employer and pays all of the employer's social security costs.
contrat d’appui emploi – specific employment contract for young people under 30 years of age. The CAE enables both qualified and unqualified young people to receive practical and theoretical training if they have been registered with the National Employment Agency for at least 3 months.
diplôme d'aptitude professionnelle – professional degree that gives holders immediate access to professional life.
École nationale pour adultes (ENAD) – (previously called 'École de la deuxième chance') - educational provision addressing specific disadvantaged target groups and providing assistance to young dropouts to help them regain motivation. The scheme offers these learners specific training with a view to (re)integrating them into traditional secondary school education, an apprenticeship or into the job market. This type of education is available to early school leavers aged from 16 to 24 years.
enquête qualitative – an often used non-standardised research method in social research, during which the interviewees are given space to expand on their answers and accounts of their experiences and feelings. Moreover, their answers are not pre-categorised in the interview schedule.
enquête quantitative – research method, standardised or non-standardised, in which the survey participants provide an answer that corresponds to a number; the result can be used for statistical analysis.
formation professionelle initiale – educational scheme aiming to provide general training, both theoretical and practical, with a view to obtaining a vocational qualification that leads to an official certificate.
frontalier – cross-border commuter, a person who works in one country but lives in another and returns there daily, or at least once a week.
Grande Région – 'Greater Region' including the area of Lorraine in France; Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany; the Walloon Region and the French- and German-speaking communities of Belgium; and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Institut de formation de l’Éducation nationale (IFEN) – Training Institute of National Education, in charge of the development of continuing vocational training and promotion of lifelong-learning.
Jugendgarantie – a European programme implemented in Luxembourg in June 2014. The Youth guarantee ensures that all young people up to the age of 25 receive a good quality offer of employment, continued education, apprenticeship or traineeship, within four months of leaving formal education or becoming unemployed.
Jugendpakt – national Youth strategy that guides the political action taken by the government in relation to the Youth sector.
loi – Law. In the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, either the Parliament or the Government may propose a bill. The right of initiative of the government is exercised by the presentation of 'bills of law' whereas the right of initiative of the Chamber of Deputies is exercised by the presentation of 'propositions of law'. Thereafter, these bills or propositions of law are especially subject to the opinion of the Council of State. After receiving notice of the Council of State, the proposition or bill is returned to Parliament. The Parliament has to hold a vote on the complete text of the bill or proposition a second time within three months of the first vote, unless the Parliament and the Council of State both decide to waive the second vote. The law finally adopted by the Parliament only enters into effect after it has been granted royal assent, enacted by the Grand Duke, and published in the 'Mémorial' (the official journal of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg).
Observatoire jeunesse – body in charge of monitoring youth issues with the mission to prepare, coordinate and initiate surveys, recommendations, analysis, studies and reports on the different aspects of the situation of young people in Luxembourg.
organisation de jeunes – association, active in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, whose main objective is the work with young people. It may be a non-profit association or a foundation constituted in accordance with the 1928 law on associations and foundations.
Service de Coordination de la Recherche et de l'Innovation pédagogiques et technologiques (SCRIPT) – the prime mission of the research and educational innovation department is to promote, implement and coordinate initiatives and research aimed at pedagogical and technological innovation throughout the Luxembourgish education system, as well as the development of quality assurance mechanisms in both the area of education and in the field of teaching practice.
Service National de la Jeunesse (SNJ) – National Agency for Youth in Luxembourg, placed under the authority of the ministry of Education, Children and Youth, and contributing to the implementation of Youth policy. The SNJ is a contact point for information, counselling and support for young people and actors in the field of youth work.
Syvicol (Syndicat des Villes et Communes Luxembourgeoises) – Association of Luxembourg Cities and Municipalities is composed of local representatives and promotes the interests of the cities and municipalities. It provides opinions on draft legislation which have an impact on the local level.
validation des acquis de l'expérience (VAE) – accreditation of prior and experiential learning. VAE offers an additional means of access to diplomas by the recognition of knowledge acquired through formal, non-formal and informal learning. VAE is applicable to everyone, regardless of age, level of study or professional status.
volontaire – a person who 'engages of completely free will, without being paid in terms of money, into an action serving another person or the community. Volunteering is a commitment of free will and unpaid, offered by persons acting for the interest of other persons or for the general interest in the framework of a structure going beyond mutual aid in the family or the circle of friends'.
young people – persons no longer attending primary education or special schools and younger than 30 years.