3.7 Cross-border mobility in employment, entrepreneurship and vocational opportunities
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Programmes and schemes for cross-border mobility
Via its Key Action 1, the Erasmus+ programme offers opportunities for cross-border mobility in the field of educational training and youth. Both individuals and organisations can apply for projects. The national agency for the implementation of the Erasmus+ programme in the fields of education and youth (Anefore) is in charge of the programme at national level. In Luxembourg, 50 projects were selected in the Key Action 1 in 2022. 3 projects were selected in relation to vocational education and training programmes of Erasmus +, which corresponds to an allocated budget of 375 324 euros. The number of participants was 84 apprentices and 8 trainers (Anefore, 2022).
With the aim of supporting young people in starting their own professional activity or business in a foreign country, nyuko is Luxembourg’s local contact point for the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme. Young people interested in entrepreneurship can register free of charge on nyuko website.
Legal framework
There is no specific legal framework except for the voluntary services (see: 2.4 Youth volunteering at national level).
General modalities of working contracts and apprenticeships are regulated by the Labour legislation (Code du Travail).
The rights and obligations concerning the entry and stay of young foreigners are defined in the amended law on immigration of 29 August 2008 on the free circulation of persons and immigration and further elaborated in the Grand-Ducal regulation of 5 September 2008.