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6. Education and training

Last update: 28 November 2023

This chapter deals with youth policy in the field of education and training and provides an overview of the specific context and policy approach in this policy field.

The chapter presents specific programmes and measures that are undertaken by public authorities. It highlights country-specific issues or challenges in this field, such as the language diversity of the young population, the persistent inequalities in formal education, the quality assurance of non-formal education/youth work, early leaving of education and training, and media literacy.

Since 2013, the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth is in charge of both formal education and training (especially secondary education and vocational education and training) and cross-sectorial youth policy, which includes the field of non-formal education/youth work. By this integration of formal and non-formal education on the ministerial level, a stronger link or cooperation between these two fields is being envisaged.