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EACEA National Policies Platform


8. Creativity and Culture

8.3 National strategy on creativity and culture for young people

Last update: 28 November 2023
On this page
  1. Existence of a national strategy
  2. Scope and contents
  3. Responsible authority for the implementation of the strategy
  4. Revisions/updates

Existence of a national strategy

There exists no national strategy on creativity and culture for young people. However, Luxembourg has defined the promotion of the sense of initiative, creativity and spirit of initiative of young people as one objective of youth policy (revised 2016 Youth Law, Art.10).

The development of young people’s creativity and culture is an important objective both within formal and non-formal education. One element of the policy in the field of creativity and culture for young people in formal education is to strengthen the link between school and cultural institutions by promoting the partnership between schools and (regional) cultural actors such as museums, cultural centres, theatres, libraries and artists.

In the field of non-formal education, the promotion of creativity and culture is defined as an important objective of youth work (MENJE & SNJ, 2021). Youth work aims at creating spaces in which young people can share their youth-specific forms of expression, as well as perceive culture as a process of creativity and artistic productivity. It highlights three points: (1) Promotion of the development of an independent youth culture (2) learning as a creative process, (3) experience and learning environment.

The cultural development plan 2018-2028 draws up an inventory and presents a number of observations and aims for the coming years. The document includes 11 fields of action (e.g. governance, cultural citizenship and accessibility, artistic and cultural education) and describes 62 objectives intended to provide a better structure for the cultural scene and prepare it for future challenges. Although the plan addresses the general population, some objectives are designed especially for children and young people. This includes the promotion of cultural and artistic education in schools and in the field of non-formal education, fostering of musical education and strengthening participation and cultural citizenship.

Scope and contents

For information on scope and contents of the different initiatives, see above: Existence of a national strategy.

Responsible authority for the implementation of the strategy

In formal education, the Division for the Coordination of Educational Initiatives and Programmes (Division de la coordination d’initiatives et de programmes pédagogiques) of the Coordination service for educational and technological research and innovation (SCRIPT; Service de Coordination de la Recherche et de l'Innovation pédagogiques et technologiques) promotes and supports cultural projects and initiatives in the field of creativity and culture (see: 2017 law defining the objectives of the SCRIPT).

The National Youth Service, which offers and promotes different socio-cultural activities for young people, is an important institution as well (see: revised 2016 Youth Law). It provides infrastructure and projects in the field of creativity and culture. It is also a funding partner for projects (e.g. On Stéitsch).

The Ministry of Culture is an important funding partner for both cultural institutions and individual artists. It offers different funding schemes for public cultural institutions, cultural projects and individual artists. Young people are an important target group (Ministry of Culture, 2022).


There have been no major revisions or updates.