10.6 Recognition and validation of skills acquired through youth work
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Existing arrangements
Political recognition of professional youth work has been strengthened over the past decades by the legislation framework and the laws adopted. Non-formal education was strengthened especially by the revised 2016 Youth Law and the 2017 grand-ducal regulation on the introduction of a national framework on non-formal education of children and young people. These legislations introduced a monitoring system for institutions of non-formal education (e.g. local youth centres) and define the objectives of non-formal education.
The formal recognition of non-formal education and learning in youth work is specified in the 2009 grand-ducal regulation on Youth (règlement grand-ducal du 9 janvier 2009 sur la jeunesse).
Recognition is subject to certain requirements (e.g. max. 30 years of age, at least 400 hours of engagement, at least 150 hours of training). According to the regulation, the certificate has to be signed by the Ministry in charge of youth policy. A certification commission, composed of six members of different ministries or administrations advices the minister on matters relating to the recognition of volunteer experience.
Furthermore, the 2010 grand-ducal regulation (règlement grand-ducal du 11 janvier 2010 portant organisation de la validation des acquis de l'expérience pour la délivrance des brevets, diplômes et certificats prévue au chapitre V de la loi du 19 décembre 2008 portant réforme de la formation professionnelle) defines the validation of non-formal and informal learning procedure ('validation des acquis de l'expérience – VAE'). The aim is to give individuals access to training qualifications, certificates, diplomas or credentials without needing to enrol in the courses that instil these skills. The decision on accreditation is taken by a six-member validation committee (composed of two employer representatives, two employee representatives and two school representatives).
Youthpass certificate is recognised and used in Luxembourg. Youthpass is a European recognition instrument for identifying and documenting learning outcomes acquired in projects under the Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps programmes.
There are no further top-level national policies and/or recognition mechanisms for specific skills and competences.