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6. Education and Training

6.8 Media literacy and safe use of new media

Last update: 25 March 2024
On this page
  1. National strategy
  2. Media literacy and online safety through formal education
  3. Promoting media literacy and online safety through non-formal and informal learning
  4. Raising awareness about the risks posed by new media

National strategy

Official document and timeframe

The National Strategy for the Digital Agenda (2014-2020) developed in line with the Digital Agenda for Europe, aimed to impact public policies and to boost up the investment in information and communication technology in order to generate economic development.

Scope and contents

In education, the investment in information and communication technology supported pupils’ involvement in the learning process and helps them reach their full potential. More than this, the digital competencies became essential to teaching-learning processes and the eLearning methodologies had a great impact on the educational system. The interventions when it comes to the digital agenda in education are mainly designed on 3 lines:

  1. Information and communication technology in school curricula through using OER – Open Educational resources and Web 2.0 as well as e-Portofolia to track students’ results
  2. Information and communication technology in extra-curricula activities – mainly in summer camps, youth exchanges, international study visits.
  3. Continuous learning activities – lifelong learning schemes having information and communication technology integrated.

The action plan included:

  1. Equipping schools with the needed digital infrastructure
  2. Putting in place digital competencies development schemes for pupils and teachers – through training activities
  3. Using OER and Web 2.0 tools in organizing the teaching-learning activities as well as integrating the digital instruments in lifelong learning activities.


Government authority responsible for the implementation

Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalisation and the National Agency for Digitalisation are in charge with implementing the designed actions under the strategy. They are also responsible for the continuation of these actions.

Monitoring/assessment/evaluation of the implementation of the strategy

The main authority responsible for the monitoring process is the National Agency for Digitalisation and the two indicators that are the be followed are:

1.     Having at least 50% of the school units using OER

2.     Integrated e-Learning and Lifelong Learning mechanisms to the educational processes.

Major revisions/updates

No major revisions and updates had been done by December 2020 when the strategy ended. However, its implementation continued after 2020, until 2023 using EU funding for the development of infrastructure for schools.

Media literacy and online safety through formal education

Youngsters’ Safety on Internet has been translated and adapted in Romanian through the Microsoft Partners for Education program, with the support of Save the Children, the Ministry of Education, the General Police Inspectorate and the Focus Center (Romanian Center for Missing and Sexually Exploited Children). It is the first version of an online training service in Romanian. The service contains comics and a guide to using the Internet. The cartoon characters have specific preoccupations about childhood and adolescence. The conflict revolves around real-world actions combined with Internet browsing experiences.  The site addresses both primary and secondary school students, as well as teachers, parents and legal guardians.

Save the Children, having the support of the Ministry of Education, has developed the programme The Internet Hour, the European initiative that promotes the use of the Internet by children and adolescents in a creative, useful and safe way. Within the programme, the first Online Safety Guide in the Romanian School Environment, has been recognized and recommended as an educational resource in the school network in Romania by the Ministry of Education. 

Promoting media literacy and online safety through non-formal and informal learning

The Ministry of Youth and Sports had been one of the main supporters of the Campaign  No Hate Speech  had been promoted in Romania as well both through grass-roots initiatives and also through the national initiative structured within the project the Switch OFF / ONline Speech.

Raising awareness about the risks posed by new media

The campaign No Hate Speech  had been promoted in Romania as well both through grass-roots initiatives and also through the national initiative structured within the project the Switch OFF / ONline Speechproject that was part of this international movement, proposing to raise the level of awareness of the causes and the negative effects that the hate induction gives rise to, but also to reduce its incidence , especially in the online environment. The project has been granted through the EEA Grants – NGO Fund in Romania. Through the project, youth workers had been trained on conflict management.