8.3 National strategy on creativity and culture for young people
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Existence of a national strategy
Scope and contents
Responsible authority for the implementation of the strategy
Existence of a national strategy
There is no particular national strategy on the creativity and culture for young people.
The National Youth Strategy 2010 – 2020 (Национална стратегия за младежта 2010 – 2020) covers a ten-years’ period and is published on the website of the Ministry of Youth and Sports
Scope and contents
In pursuance of the National Youth Strategy 2010 – 2020 (Национална стратегия за младежта 2010 – 2020), the main tasks of youth policy in the field of culture and creativity are as follows:
- to expand the opportunities for non-formal education of young people through public support and provision of services for broadening the knowledge, experience and skills of young people aimed at their inclusion to the values of civil society, science, culture, arts, healthy lifestyle, safety of road traffic and prevention of antisocial behaviours;
- improvement of opportunities for realisation of social and creative skills of young people, depending on their interests, and encouraging initiative, youth creativity and expression by means of:
§ supporting young debutants in arts and different cultural industries;
§ encouraging the contribution of youth work for the realisation of creative abilities of young people;
§ supporting the development of young Bulgarian authors and their participation in the European and world cultural exchange.
Responsible authority for the implementation of the strategy
The Ministry of Youth and Sports is in charge with the implementation of the National Youth Strategy 2010 – 2020 (Национална стратегия за младежта 2010 – 2020). The implementation of the Strategy is assessed with the annual National Youth Report.
There are no previous strategies for development culture, youth strategies, or any other strategic documents relevant to creativity and culture for young people.