8.3 National strategy on creativity and culture for young people
Existence of a national strategy
There is no comprehensive strategy in Slovakia in the area of culture and creativity focused on youth.
The area of development of youth culture and creativity is partially covered by several legislative documents:
Strategy of the Development of Culture of the Slovak Republic for 2014-2020 (further Strategy of the Development of Culture). Currently, new Strategy with effect until 2030 is prepared.
Strategy of the Slovak Republic for Youth for the Years 2014 – 2020 (see section 1.4), The new Strategy of the Slovak Republic for Youth 2021-2028 is currently being prepared and will reflect the goals of the EU Youth Strategy for the years 2019-2027 (1.3).
Vision and Strategy of Development of Slovakia up to 2030 (A long-term strategy for sustainable development of Slovak Republic)
Scope and contents
The Strategy of the Development of Culture focuses on 7 strategic areas of concern:
education and training for the formation of cultural needs,
preservation and accessibility of the cultural heritage,
supporting original art works,
financing of culture,
the use of creativity and culture in the economic development of Slovakia,
research in the field of culture,
presentations of the national culture abroad.
For young people, the most relevant area is education and training for the formation of cultural needs:
it maintains the cooperation between cultural institutions and educational institutions in cultural education in accordance with the State Educational Programme.
the priority is to improve the support for Primary Art Schools,
the support for out-of-school activities focused on culture,
the support of a system of interest activities focused on arts and culture.
The aim is to increase the demand for valuable culture by strengthening the cultural needs of children and youth.
Vision and Strategy of Development of Slovakia up to 2030 reflects the need for building the cultural literacy, which corresponds with the competence of the cultural awareness and expression, which is necessary for active citizenshio, cooperation and for respecting one's own cultural identity and other cultures. The potential of the Slovak Republic is represented by a dense network of small cultural institutions, the involvement of individuals and communities and the extraordinary richness and diversity of cultural heritage.
Responsible authority for the implementation of the strategy
The Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic and its organizations and institutions
Authorities of self-governing regions,
Churches and religious communities,
The Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic.
The Strategy of the Development of Culture did not undergo revisions/updates since its first introduction.