3.4 Career guidance and counselling
Career counselling in FBiH has been carried out by the FBiH Ministry of Education and Science which has developed “Strategic Directions of Career Orientation Development in FBiH 2015 – 2020”
Policies adopted in the previous period in BiH are an important basis and provide a framework for the development of career guidance activities in BiH. The most important policies include:
Policy for the Development of Vocational Education and Training in BiH 2007 – 2013;
Policy Directions of Education Development in BiH with the Implementation Plan 2008 – 2015;
Legislative framework in BiH for the development of career guidance activities consists of the following documents:
Convention on Human Resources Development, International Labour Organization 1975 (No. 142); Bosnia and Herzegovina (ratification: 1993);
Framework Law on Primary and Secondary Education in BiH, adopted in 2003;
Framework Law on Secondary Vocational Education and Training in BiH, adopted in 2008;
Principles and standards in the field of adult education in BiH, adopted in 2014.
Relevant documents prepared in FBiH in the previous period that recognized the need for strategically designed career development are as follows:
Strategy for strengthening the mediation function in public employment services in FBiH (2014);
Operational plan of activities for the implementation of measures and recommendations contained in the Analysis with the situation in the field of secondary education with a proposal for harmonization of education measures with the needs of the economy (2011);
Analysis of the situation on the possibilities of gaining work experience of young people in FBiH with recommendations (2013);
Information for the FBiH Government on "Analysis of enrolment policy in high school education in FBiH from the aspect of labour market needs" (2014);
Strategic directions of higher education development in FBiH 2012–2022.
Vision of career guidance development in FBiH
An efficient system of career guidance has been established in FBiH with quality services that are available to all citizens throughout life for successful management of learning, education, vocational training and development careers, with the aim of achieving higher employment rates and labour productivity of working-age population, economic development and better social inclusion and cohesion.
The mission of career development in FBiH is to improve the activity of career orientation in FBiH through better integration of the education and labour sectors with the involvement of other relevant social partners and system development providing career guidance services that include: raising awareness of the importance of career orientation, information on education and employment opportunities, monitoring the development of the individual and advisory work, assessment of competencies, development of decision-making skills related to learning, education and career and career management for all citizens throughout life.
The general goal of career orientation development in FBiH is to determine guidelines for action on the improvement and development of career guidance activities in an intersectoral and efficient system, and the result of this process should be providing adequate support to each individual to be successful in making decisions concerning career choices and in managing one's own career development.
Specific goals of career guidance development in FBiH:
Raise awareness of relevant stakeholders and the public about the importance of lifelong learning and lifelong career orientation.
Improve the legal and institutional framework for the development and provision of career services orientation.
Improve cross-sectoral cooperation of all those involved in career guidance (ministries of education, pedagogical institutes, ministries of labour, public employment services, schools, employers, NGOs, etc.)
Ensure continued monitoring and provision of counselling services at all levels of education, including adult education, and one of the modalities of the implementation of the above is to establish career development centres at universities and other competent institutions.
Ensure systematically regulated professional development of teachers and experts in the field of career guidance.
Provide monitoring and counselling for vulnerable and at-risk groups.
Develop career guidance services based on information and communication technologies.
Improve the system of monitoring supply and demand in the fields of education and labour market.
Improve active employment policy measures that raise competitiveness at labour market.
The RS Government has not adopted career counselling policy, but it has a career counselling measure included in the Employment Policy 2021-2027 (3.2.3): Improving career guidance and counselling – with the aim to provide long-term unemployed people with access to counselling, information and vocational training services in order to find a job, mainly through information, counselling and training centres.
In addition to the General Development Policy, the BD Government has developed a Draft Employment Strategy 2024-2027 in 2023. The strategic objectives of the Draft Employment Strategy 2024-2027 are:
Strategic Objective 1: Increase employment through workforce activation and promotion of self-employment for groups in disadvantaged positions in the labor market.
Strategic Objective 2: Align supply and demand in the BD labor market through the enhancement of knowledge and skills.
Strategic Objective 3: Implement institutional and legislative reforms in the labor market to facilitate the implementation of labor market programs and services.
The Vision of the BD Employment Strategy 2024-2027: A developed labor market in BD with a high supply of jobs that provide good working conditions and a decent standard of living for all citizens, along with a productive and educated workforce.
The Mission of the BD Employment Strategy 2024-2027: The application of a partnership approach in building and activities of a multisectoral stakeholder network for the development of a dynamic labor market in BD through the enhancement of employment promotion programs, career counseling programs, and capacity building of stakeholders in the labor market.
In addition to government projects and programs, the "Youth Retention Program in BiH - General Mobilization" project was implemented from January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2023. The aim of this project was to strengthen and increase the capacities of youth civil society organizations to participate in reforms for the education and employability of youth in BiH. Through the project, a network of young experts, professionals, and representatives of lawyer chambers for employment and education was established, with the goal of enhancing the capacities and competencies of youth civil society organizations and increasing the lawyer chambers' impact on political development, policies, and strategies in the fields of education and employment. The project improved the legal and political relationship towards youth through collaboration between relevant employment institutions and relevant institutions at all levels of government, and raised awareness of the importance of employment for the loss of young population in BiH. The program was funded by the European Union in BiH and implemented by the NGO "Nešto Više" in collaboration with the PRONI Center for Youth Development.